/// import * as parse5 from 'parse5'; import { ASTNode as Node } from 'parse5'; export { ASTNode as Node } from 'parse5'; /** * @returns `true` iff [element] has the attribute [name], `false` otherwise. */ export declare function hasAttribute(element: Node, name: string): boolean; export declare function hasSpaceSeparatedAttrValue(name: string, value: string): Predicate; /** * @returns The string value of attribute `name`, or `null`. */ export declare function getAttribute(element: Node, name: string): string | null; export declare function setAttribute(element: Node, name: string, value: string): void; export declare function removeAttribute(element: Node, name: string): void; /** * Normalize the text inside an element * * Equivalent to `element.normalize()` in the browser * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/normalize */ export declare function normalize(node: Node): void; /** * Return the text value of a node or element * * Equivalent to `node.textContent` in the browser */ export declare function getTextContent(node: Node): string; /** * Set the text value of a node or element * * Equivalent to `node.textContent = value` in the browser */ export declare function setTextContent(node: Node, value: string): void; export declare type Predicate = (node: Node) => boolean; export declare function isDocument(node: Node): boolean; export declare function isDocumentFragment(node: Node): boolean; export declare function isElement(node: Node): boolean; export declare function isTextNode(node: Node): boolean; export declare function isCommentNode(node: Node): node is parse5.CommentNode; /** * Applies `mapfn` to `node` and the tree below `node`, returning a flattened * list of results. */ export declare function treeMap(node: Node, mapfn: (node: Node) => U[]): U[]; /** * Walk the tree down from `node`, applying the `predicate` function. * Return the first node that matches the given predicate. * * @returns `null` if no node matches, parse5 node object if a node matches. */ export declare function nodeWalk(node: Node, predicate: Predicate): Node | null; /** * Walk the tree down from `node`, applying the `predicate` function. * All nodes matching the predicate function from `node` to leaves will be * returned. */ export declare function nodeWalkAll(node: Node, predicate: Predicate, matches?: Node[]): Node[]; /** * Equivalent to `nodeWalk`, but only returns nodes that are either * ancestors or earlier cousins/siblings in the document. * * Nodes are searched in reverse document order, starting from the sibling * prior to `node`. */ export declare function nodeWalkPrior(node: Node, predicate: Predicate): Node | undefined; /** * Walk the tree up from the parent of `node`, to its grandparent and so on to * the root of the tree. Return the first ancestor that matches the given * predicate. */ export declare function nodeWalkAncestors(node: Node, predicate: Predicate): Node | undefined; /** * Equivalent to `nodeWalkAll`, but only returns nodes that are either * ancestors or earlier cousins/siblings in the document. * * Nodes are returned in reverse document order, starting from `node`. */ export declare function nodeWalkAllPrior(node: Node, predicate: Predicate, matches?: Node[]): Node[]; /** * Equivalent to `nodeWalk`, but only matches elements */ export declare function query(node: Node, predicate: Predicate): Node | null; /** * Equivalent to `nodeWalkAll`, but only matches elements */ export declare function queryAll(node: Node, predicate: Predicate, matches?: Node[]): Node[]; export declare function cloneNode(node: Node): Node; export declare function replace(oldNode: Node, newNode: Node): void; export declare function remove(node: Node): void; export declare function insertBefore(parent: Node, oldNode: Node, newNode: Node): void; export declare function append(parent: Node, newNode: Node): void; export declare function parse(text: string, options?: parse5.ParserOptions): parse5.ASTNode; export declare function parseFragment(text: string): parse5.ASTNode; export declare function serialize(ast: Node): string; export declare const predicates: { hasClass: (name: string) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; hasAttr: (attr: string) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; hasAttrValue: (attr: string, value: string) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; hasMatchingTagName: (regex: RegExp) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; hasSpaceSeparatedAttrValue: (name: string, value: string) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; hasTagName: (name: string) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; hasTextValue: (value: string) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; AND: (...predicates: ((node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean)[]) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; OR: (...predicates: ((node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean)[]) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; NOT: (predicateFn: (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; parentMatches: (predicateFn: (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean) => (node: parse5.ASTNode) => boolean; }; export declare const constructors: { text: (value: string) => parse5.ASTNode; comment: (comment: string) => parse5.CommentNode; element: (tagName: string, namespace?: string | undefined) => parse5.ASTNode; fragment: () => { nodeName: string; childNodes: never[]; parentNode: null; quirksMode: boolean; }; };