import * as React from 'react'; export interface TextAreaProps { /** * Set to true to disable the TextArea */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Bind the error message' object in this prop that will be executed when the validation failed */ errors?: any; /** * This prop shows the maximum length available in the TextArea */ showCounter?: boolean; /** * Specifies a Bootstrap 3 grid class */ gridClass?: string; /** * Specifies the text to use as the label of the TextArea */ label?: React.ReactNode; /** * This prop is used to set the maximum length of the TextArea */ maxLength?: number; /** * Specifies the name of the component */ name: string; /** * Callback fired when component value changes. This accepts a function with two parameters, namely field and value */ onChange?: (...args: any[])=>any; /** * Serves as a hint that describes the expected value of a TextArea */ placeholder?: string; /** * Set to true to keep a user from changing the value until some other conditions have been met */ readOnly?: boolean; /** * This prop specifies the initial value of a particular TextArea */ value?: string; } export default class TextArea extends React.Component { render(): JSX.Element; }