import * as React from 'react'; export interface RadioGroupProps { /** * If true, interaction with the component is disabled */ disabled?: boolean; /** * If true, selects the first option by default upon loading of the list of options */ firstDefault?: boolean; /** * Set to true to make the list of options appear on the same line */ inline?: boolean; /** * Specifies the text to use as the label */ label?: React.ReactNode; /** * Property name of the items in the options list from which the option label to be displayed will be taken. * Defaults to "label" */ labelKey?: string; /** * Specifies the name of the component. It is used to distinguish elements when * a single form change handler is used */ name: string; /** * Callback fired when component value changes. Accepts a function with two parameters, * namely field and value */ onChange?: (...args: any[])=>any; /** * Array of objects to be used as options. By default, uses the properties "label" and "value" for the labels and * values of each of the options respectively. */ options: any[]; /** * If set to true, only the value property of the selected option is passed as value parameter in the * onChange handler. Otherwise, the option object itself is passed. */ simpleValue?: boolean; /** * Specifies the currently selected option */ value?: any; /** * Property name of the items in the options list from which the value of the option will be taken. * Defaults to "value" */ valueKey?: string; } export default class RadioGroup extends React.Component { render(): JSX.Element; }