/*! * devextreme-react * Version: 22.2.6 * Build date: Tue Apr 18 2023 * * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2023 Developer Express Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the root of the project for details. * * https://github.com/DevExpress/devextreme-react */ /// import dxRangeSelector, { Properties } from "devextreme/viz/range_selector"; import { Component as BaseComponent, IHtmlOptions } from "./core/component"; import NestedOption from "./core/nested-option"; declare type IRangeSelectorOptions = React.PropsWithChildren void; onValueChange?: (value: any) => void; }>; declare class RangeSelector extends BaseComponent> { get instance(): dxRangeSelector; protected _WidgetClass: typeof dxRangeSelector; protected subscribableOptions: string[]; protected independentEvents: string[]; protected _defaults: { defaultLoadingIndicator: string; defaultValue: string; }; protected _expectedChildren: { background: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; behavior: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; chart: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; export: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; indent: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; loadingIndicator: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; margin: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; scale: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; shutter: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; size: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; sliderHandle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; sliderMarker: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; title: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; value: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IAggregationProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ calculate?: any; enabled?: any; method?: any; }>; declare class Aggregation extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IAggregationIntervalProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }>; declare class AggregationInterval extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IArgumentFormatProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ currency?: any; formatter?: any; parser?: any; precision?: any; type?: any; useCurrencyAccountingStyle?: any; }>; declare class ArgumentFormat extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IBackgroundProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; image?: object | { location?: any; url?: any; }; visible?: any; }>; declare class Background extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { backgroundImage: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; image: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IBackgroundImageProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ location?: any; url?: any; }>; declare class BackgroundImage extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IBehaviorProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ allowSlidersSwap?: any; animationEnabled?: any; callValueChanged?: any; manualRangeSelectionEnabled?: any; moveSelectedRangeByClick?: any; snapToTicks?: any; }>; declare class Behavior extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IBorderProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class Border extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IBreakProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ endValue?: any; startValue?: any; }>; declare class Break extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; } declare type IBreakStyleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; line?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class BreakStyle extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IChartProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ barGroupPadding?: any; barGroupWidth?: any; bottomIndent?: any; commonSeriesSettings?: any; dataPrepareSettings?: object | { checkTypeForAllData?: any; convertToAxisDataType?: any; sortingMethod?: any; }; maxBubbleSize?: any; minBubbleSize?: any; negativesAsZeroes?: any; palette?: any; paletteExtensionMode?: any; series?: any; seriesTemplate?: object | { customizeSeries?: any; nameField?: any; }; topIndent?: any; valueAxis?: object | { inverted?: any; logarithmBase?: any; max?: any; min?: any; type?: any; valueType?: any; }; }>; declare class Chart extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { commonSeriesSettings: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; dataPrepareSettings: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; series: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; seriesTemplate: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; valueAxis: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ICommonSeriesSettingsProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ aggregation?: object | { calculate?: any; enabled?: any; method?: any; }; area?: any; argumentField?: any; axis?: any; bar?: any; barOverlapGroup?: any; barPadding?: any; barWidth?: any; border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; bubble?: any; candlestick?: any; closeValueField?: any; color?: any; cornerRadius?: any; dashStyle?: any; fullstackedarea?: any; fullstackedbar?: any; fullstackedline?: any; fullstackedspline?: any; fullstackedsplinearea?: any; highValueField?: any; hoverMode?: any; hoverStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; dashStyle?: any; hatching?: object | { direction?: any; opacity?: any; step?: any; width?: any; }; width?: any; }; ignoreEmptyPoints?: any; innerColor?: any; label?: object | { alignment?: any; argumentFormat?: any; backgroundColor?: any; border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; connector?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; customizeText?: any; displayFormat?: any; font?: any; format?: any; horizontalOffset?: any; position?: any; rotationAngle?: any; showForZeroValues?: any; verticalOffset?: any; visible?: any; }; line?: any; lowValueField?: any; maxLabelCount?: any; minBarSize?: any; opacity?: any; openValueField?: any; pane?: any; point?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; hoverMode?: any; hoverStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; size?: any; }; image?: object | string | { height?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; url?: object | string | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; width?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; }; selectionMode?: any; selectionStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; size?: any; }; size?: any; symbol?: any; visible?: any; }; rangearea?: any; rangebar?: any; rangeValue1Field?: any; rangeValue2Field?: any; reduction?: object | { color?: any; level?: any; }; scatter?: any; selectionMode?: any; selectionStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; dashStyle?: any; hatching?: object | { direction?: any; opacity?: any; step?: any; width?: any; }; width?: any; }; showInLegend?: any; sizeField?: any; spline?: any; splinearea?: any; stack?: any; stackedarea?: any; stackedbar?: any; stackedline?: any; stackedspline?: any; stackedsplinearea?: any; steparea?: any; stepline?: any; stock?: any; tagField?: any; type?: any; valueErrorBar?: object | { color?: any; displayMode?: any; edgeLength?: any; highValueField?: any; lineWidth?: any; lowValueField?: any; opacity?: any; type?: any; value?: any; }; valueField?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class CommonSeriesSettings extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { aggregation: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; border: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; commonSeriesSettingsHoverStyle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; commonSeriesSettingsLabel: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; commonSeriesSettingsSelectionStyle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; hoverStyle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; label: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; point: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; reduction: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; selectionStyle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; seriesBorder: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; valueErrorBar: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ICommonSeriesSettingsHoverStyleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; dashStyle?: any; hatching?: object | { direction?: any; opacity?: any; step?: any; width?: any; }; width?: any; }>; declare class CommonSeriesSettingsHoverStyle extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { border: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; hatching: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; seriesBorder: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ICommonSeriesSettingsLabelProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ alignment?: any; argumentFormat?: any; backgroundColor?: any; border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; connector?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; customizeText?: any; displayFormat?: any; font?: any; format?: any; horizontalOffset?: any; position?: any; rotationAngle?: any; showForZeroValues?: any; verticalOffset?: any; visible?: any; }>; declare class CommonSeriesSettingsLabel extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { argumentFormat: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; border: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; connector: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; font: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; format: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; seriesBorder: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ICommonSeriesSettingsSelectionStyleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; dashStyle?: any; hatching?: object | { direction?: any; opacity?: any; step?: any; width?: any; }; width?: any; }>; declare class CommonSeriesSettingsSelectionStyle extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { border: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; hatching: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; seriesBorder: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IConnectorProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class Connector extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IDataPrepareSettingsProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ checkTypeForAllData?: any; convertToAxisDataType?: any; sortingMethod?: any; }>; declare class DataPrepareSettings extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IExportProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ backgroundColor?: any; enabled?: any; fileName?: any; formats?: any; margin?: any; printingEnabled?: any; svgToCanvas?: any; }>; declare class Export extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IFontProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; family?: any; opacity?: any; size?: any; weight?: any; }>; declare class Font extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IFormatProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ currency?: any; formatter?: any; parser?: any; precision?: any; type?: any; useCurrencyAccountingStyle?: any; }>; declare class Format extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IHatchingProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ direction?: any; opacity?: any; step?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class Hatching extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IHeightProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }>; declare class Height extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IHoverStyleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; dashStyle?: any; hatching?: object | { direction?: any; opacity?: any; step?: any; width?: any; }; width?: any; size?: any; }>; declare class HoverStyle extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IImageProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ location?: any; url?: any; height?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; width?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; }>; declare class Image extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IIndentProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ left?: any; right?: any; }>; declare class Indent extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ILabelProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ alignment?: any; argumentFormat?: any; backgroundColor?: any; border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; connector?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; customizeText?: any; displayFormat?: any; font?: any; format?: any; horizontalOffset?: any; position?: any; rotationAngle?: any; showForZeroValues?: any; verticalOffset?: any; visible?: any; overlappingBehavior?: any; topIndent?: any; }>; declare class Label extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ILengthProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }>; declare class Length extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ILoadingIndicatorProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ backgroundColor?: any; enabled?: any; font?: any; show?: any; text?: any; defaultShow?: any; onShowChange?: (value: any) => void; }>; declare class LoadingIndicator extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static DefaultsProps: { defaultShow: string; }; static ExpectedChildren: { font: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IMarginProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ bottom?: any; left?: any; right?: any; top?: any; }>; declare class Margin extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IMarkerProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ label?: object | { customizeText?: any; format?: any; }; separatorHeight?: any; textLeftIndent?: any; textTopIndent?: any; topIndent?: any; visible?: any; }>; declare class Marker extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { label: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; markerLabel: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IMarkerLabelProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ customizeText?: any; format?: any; }>; declare class MarkerLabel extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { format: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IMaxRangeProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }>; declare class MaxRange extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IMinorTickProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; opacity?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class MinorTick extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IMinorTickIntervalProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }>; declare class MinorTickInterval extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IMinRangeProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }>; declare class MinRange extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IPointProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; hoverMode?: any; hoverStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; size?: any; }; image?: object | string | { height?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; url?: object | string | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; width?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; }; selectionMode?: any; selectionStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; size?: any; }; size?: any; symbol?: any; visible?: any; }>; declare class Point extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { border: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; hoverStyle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; image: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; pointBorder: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; pointHoverStyle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; pointImage: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; pointSelectionStyle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; selectionStyle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IPointBorderProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class PointBorder extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IPointHoverStyleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; size?: any; }>; declare class PointHoverStyle extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { border: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; pointBorder: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IPointImageProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ height?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; url?: object | string | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; width?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; }>; declare class PointImage extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { height: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; url: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; width: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IPointSelectionStyleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; size?: any; }>; declare class PointSelectionStyle extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { border: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; pointBorder: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IReductionProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; level?: any; }>; declare class Reduction extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IScaleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ aggregateByCategory?: any; aggregationGroupWidth?: any; aggregationInterval?: number | object | string | { days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }; allowDecimals?: any; breaks?: { endValue?: any; startValue?: any; }[]; breakStyle?: object | { color?: any; line?: any; width?: any; }; categories?: any; discreteAxisDivisionMode?: any; endOnTick?: any; endValue?: any; holidays?: any; label?: object | { customizeText?: any; font?: any; format?: any; overlappingBehavior?: any; topIndent?: any; visible?: any; }; linearThreshold?: any; logarithmBase?: any; marker?: object | { label?: object | { customizeText?: any; format?: any; }; separatorHeight?: any; textLeftIndent?: any; textTopIndent?: any; topIndent?: any; visible?: any; }; maxRange?: number | object | string | { days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }; minorTick?: object | { color?: any; opacity?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; minorTickCount?: any; minorTickInterval?: number | object | string | { days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }; minRange?: number | object | string | { days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }; placeholderHeight?: any; showCustomBoundaryTicks?: any; singleWorkdays?: any; startValue?: any; tick?: object | { color?: any; opacity?: any; width?: any; }; tickInterval?: number | object | string | { days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }; type?: any; valueType?: any; workdaysOnly?: any; workWeek?: any; }>; declare class Scale extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { aggregationInterval: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; break: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; breakStyle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; label: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; marker: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; maxRange: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; minorTick: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; minorTickInterval: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; minRange: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; scaleLabel: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; tick: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; tickInterval: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IScaleLabelProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ customizeText?: any; font?: any; format?: any; overlappingBehavior?: any; topIndent?: any; visible?: any; }>; declare class ScaleLabel extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { font: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; format: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ISelectionStyleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; size?: any; dashStyle?: any; hatching?: object | { direction?: any; opacity?: any; step?: any; width?: any; }; width?: any; }>; declare class SelectionStyle extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ISeriesProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ aggregation?: object | { calculate?: any; enabled?: any; method?: any; }; argumentField?: any; axis?: any; barOverlapGroup?: any; barPadding?: any; barWidth?: any; border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; closeValueField?: any; color?: any; cornerRadius?: any; dashStyle?: any; highValueField?: any; hoverMode?: any; hoverStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; dashStyle?: any; hatching?: object | { direction?: any; opacity?: any; step?: any; width?: any; }; width?: any; }; ignoreEmptyPoints?: any; innerColor?: any; label?: object | { alignment?: any; argumentFormat?: any; backgroundColor?: any; border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; connector?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; customizeText?: any; displayFormat?: any; font?: any; format?: any; horizontalOffset?: any; position?: any; rotationAngle?: any; showForZeroValues?: any; verticalOffset?: any; visible?: any; }; lowValueField?: any; maxLabelCount?: any; minBarSize?: any; name?: any; opacity?: any; openValueField?: any; pane?: any; point?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; hoverMode?: any; hoverStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; size?: any; }; image?: object | string | { height?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; url?: object | string | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; width?: number | object | { rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }; }; selectionMode?: any; selectionStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; size?: any; }; size?: any; symbol?: any; visible?: any; }; rangeValue1Field?: any; rangeValue2Field?: any; reduction?: object | { color?: any; level?: any; }; selectionMode?: any; selectionStyle?: object | { border?: object | { color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }; color?: any; dashStyle?: any; hatching?: object | { direction?: any; opacity?: any; step?: any; width?: any; }; width?: any; }; showInLegend?: any; sizeField?: any; stack?: any; tag?: any; tagField?: any; type?: any; valueErrorBar?: object | { color?: any; displayMode?: any; edgeLength?: any; highValueField?: any; lineWidth?: any; lowValueField?: any; opacity?: any; type?: any; value?: any; }; valueField?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class Series extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; } declare type ISeriesBorderProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; dashStyle?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class SeriesBorder extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ISeriesTemplateProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ customizeSeries?: any; nameField?: any; }>; declare class SeriesTemplate extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IShutterProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; opacity?: any; }>; declare class Shutter extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ISizeProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ height?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class Size extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ISliderHandleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; opacity?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class SliderHandle extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ISliderMarkerProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; customizeText?: any; font?: any; format?: any; invalidRangeColor?: any; paddingLeftRight?: any; paddingTopBottom?: any; placeholderHeight?: any; visible?: any; }>; declare class SliderMarker extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { font: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; format: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ISubtitleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ font?: any; offset?: any; text?: any; textOverflow?: any; wordWrap?: any; }>; declare class Subtitle extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { font: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ITickProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; opacity?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class Tick extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ITickIntervalProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }>; declare class TickInterval extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ITitleProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ font?: any; horizontalAlignment?: any; margin?: number | object | { bottom?: any; left?: any; right?: any; top?: any; }; placeholderSize?: any; subtitle?: object | string | { font?: any; offset?: any; text?: any; textOverflow?: any; wordWrap?: any; }; text?: any; textOverflow?: any; verticalAlignment?: any; wordWrap?: any; }>; declare class Title extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { font: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; margin: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; subtitle: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IUrlProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }>; declare class Url extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IValueProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ endValue?: any; length?: number | object | string | { days?: any; hours?: any; milliseconds?: any; minutes?: any; months?: any; quarters?: any; seconds?: any; weeks?: any; years?: any; }; startValue?: any; defaultEndValue?: any; onEndValueChange?: (value: any) => void; defaultStartValue?: any; onStartValueChange?: (value: any) => void; }>; declare class Value extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static DefaultsProps: { defaultEndValue: string; defaultStartValue: string; }; static ExpectedChildren: { length: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IValueAxisProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ inverted?: any; logarithmBase?: any; max?: any; min?: any; type?: any; valueType?: any; }>; declare class ValueAxis extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IValueErrorBarProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ color?: any; displayMode?: any; edgeLength?: any; highValueField?: any; lineWidth?: any; lowValueField?: any; opacity?: any; type?: any; value?: any; }>; declare class ValueErrorBar extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IWidthProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ rangeMaxPoint?: any; rangeMinPoint?: any; }>; declare class Width extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } export default RangeSelector; export { RangeSelector, IRangeSelectorOptions, Aggregation, IAggregationProps, AggregationInterval, IAggregationIntervalProps, ArgumentFormat, IArgumentFormatProps, Background, IBackgroundProps, BackgroundImage, IBackgroundImageProps, Behavior, IBehaviorProps, Border, IBorderProps, Break, IBreakProps, BreakStyle, IBreakStyleProps, Chart, IChartProps, CommonSeriesSettings, ICommonSeriesSettingsProps, CommonSeriesSettingsHoverStyle, ICommonSeriesSettingsHoverStyleProps, CommonSeriesSettingsLabel, ICommonSeriesSettingsLabelProps, CommonSeriesSettingsSelectionStyle, ICommonSeriesSettingsSelectionStyleProps, Connector, IConnectorProps, DataPrepareSettings, IDataPrepareSettingsProps, Export, IExportProps, Font, IFontProps, Format, IFormatProps, Hatching, IHatchingProps, Height, IHeightProps, HoverStyle, IHoverStyleProps, Image, IImageProps, Indent, IIndentProps, Label, ILabelProps, Length, ILengthProps, LoadingIndicator, ILoadingIndicatorProps, Margin, IMarginProps, Marker, IMarkerProps, MarkerLabel, IMarkerLabelProps, MaxRange, IMaxRangeProps, MinorTick, IMinorTickProps, MinorTickInterval, IMinorTickIntervalProps, MinRange, IMinRangeProps, Point, IPointProps, PointBorder, IPointBorderProps, PointHoverStyle, IPointHoverStyleProps, PointImage, IPointImageProps, PointSelectionStyle, IPointSelectionStyleProps, Reduction, IReductionProps, Scale, IScaleProps, ScaleLabel, IScaleLabelProps, SelectionStyle, ISelectionStyleProps, Series, ISeriesProps, SeriesBorder, ISeriesBorderProps, SeriesTemplate, ISeriesTemplateProps, Shutter, IShutterProps, Size, ISizeProps, SliderHandle, ISliderHandleProps, SliderMarker, ISliderMarkerProps, Subtitle, ISubtitleProps, Tick, ITickProps, TickInterval, ITickIntervalProps, Title, ITitleProps, Url, IUrlProps, Value, IValueProps, ValueAxis, IValueAxisProps, ValueErrorBar, IValueErrorBarProps, Width, IWidthProps };