/*! * devextreme-react * Version: 22.2.6 * Build date: Tue Apr 18 2023 * * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2023 Developer Express Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the root of the project for details. * * https://github.com/DevExpress/devextreme-react */ /// import dxDiagram, { Properties } from "devextreme/ui/diagram"; import { Component as BaseComponent, IHtmlOptions } from "./core/component"; import NestedOption from "./core/nested-option"; declare type IDiagramOptions = React.PropsWithChildren React.ReactNode; customShapeComponent?: React.ComponentType; customShapeKeyFn?: (data: any) => string; customShapeToolboxRender?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; customShapeToolboxComponent?: React.ComponentType; customShapeToolboxKeyFn?: (data: any) => string; defaultGridSize?: any; defaultPageSize?: any; defaultZoomLevel?: any; onGridSizeChange?: (value: any) => void; onPageSizeChange?: (value: any) => void; onZoomLevelChange?: (value: any) => void; }>; declare class Diagram extends BaseComponent> { get instance(): dxDiagram; protected _WidgetClass: typeof dxDiagram; protected subscribableOptions: string[]; protected independentEvents: string[]; protected _defaults: { defaultGridSize: string; defaultPageSize: string; defaultZoomLevel: string; }; protected _expectedChildren: { contextMenu: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; contextToolbox: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; customShape: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; defaultItemProperties: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; edges: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; editing: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; export: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; gridSize: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; historyToolbar: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; mainToolbar: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; nodes: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; pageSize: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; propertiesPanel: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; toolbox: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; viewToolbar: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; zoomLevel: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; protected _templateProps: { tmplOption: string; render: string; component: string; keyFn: string; }[]; } declare type IAutoLayoutProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ orientation?: any; type?: any; }>; declare class AutoLayout extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ICommandProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ icon?: any; items?: any; location?: any; name?: any; text?: any; }>; declare class Command extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; } declare type ICommandItemProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ icon?: any; items?: any; location?: any; name?: any; text?: any; }>; declare class CommandItem extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; } declare type IConnectionPointProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ x?: any; y?: any; }>; declare class ConnectionPoint extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; } declare type IContextMenuProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ commands?: any; enabled?: any; }>; declare class ContextMenu extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { command: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IContextToolboxProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ category?: any; displayMode?: any; enabled?: any; shapeIconsPerRow?: any; shapes?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class ContextToolbox extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type ICustomShapeProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ allowEditImage?: any; allowEditText?: any; allowResize?: any; backgroundImageHeight?: any; backgroundImageLeft?: any; backgroundImageToolboxUrl?: any; backgroundImageTop?: any; backgroundImageUrl?: any; backgroundImageWidth?: any; baseType?: any; category?: any; connectionPoints?: { x?: any; y?: any; }[]; defaultHeight?: any; defaultImageUrl?: any; defaultText?: any; defaultWidth?: any; imageHeight?: any; imageLeft?: any; imageTop?: any; imageWidth?: any; keepRatioOnAutoSize?: any; maxHeight?: any; maxWidth?: any; minHeight?: any; minWidth?: any; template?: any; templateHeight?: any; templateLeft?: any; templateTop?: any; templateWidth?: any; textHeight?: any; textLeft?: any; textTop?: any; textWidth?: any; title?: any; toolboxTemplate?: any; toolboxWidthToHeightRatio?: any; type?: any; render?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; component?: React.ComponentType; keyFn?: (data: any) => string; toolboxRender?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; toolboxComponent?: React.ComponentType; toolboxKeyFn?: (data: any) => string; }>; declare class CustomShape extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; static ExpectedChildren: { connectionPoint: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; static TemplateProps: { tmplOption: string; render: string; component: string; keyFn: string; }[]; } declare type IDefaultItemPropertiesProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ connectorLineEnd?: any; connectorLineStart?: any; connectorLineType?: any; shapeMaxHeight?: any; shapeMaxWidth?: any; shapeMinHeight?: any; shapeMinWidth?: any; style?: any; textStyle?: any; }>; declare class DefaultItemProperties extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IEdgesProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ customDataExpr?: any; dataSource?: any; fromExpr?: any; fromLineEndExpr?: any; fromPointIndexExpr?: any; keyExpr?: any; lineTypeExpr?: any; lockedExpr?: any; pointsExpr?: any; styleExpr?: any; textExpr?: any; textStyleExpr?: any; toExpr?: any; toLineEndExpr?: any; toPointIndexExpr?: any; zIndexExpr?: any; }>; declare class Edges extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IEditingProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ allowAddShape?: any; allowChangeConnection?: any; allowChangeConnectorPoints?: any; allowChangeConnectorText?: any; allowChangeShapeText?: any; allowDeleteConnector?: any; allowDeleteShape?: any; allowMoveShape?: any; allowResizeShape?: any; }>; declare class Editing extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IExportProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ fileName?: any; }>; declare class Export extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IGridSizeProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ items?: any; value?: any; defaultValue?: any; onValueChange?: (value: any) => void; }>; declare class GridSize extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static DefaultsProps: { defaultValue: string; }; } declare type IGroupProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ commands?: any; title?: any; category?: any; displayMode?: any; expanded?: any; shapes?: any; }>; declare class Group extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; } declare type IHistoryToolbarProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ commands?: any; visible?: any; }>; declare class HistoryToolbar extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { command: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IItemProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ icon?: any; items?: any; location?: any; name?: any; text?: any; height?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class Item extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; } declare type IMainToolbarProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ commands?: any; visible?: any; }>; declare class MainToolbar extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { command: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type INodesProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ autoLayout?: object | string | { orientation?: any; type?: any; }; autoSizeEnabled?: any; containerChildrenExpr?: any; containerKeyExpr?: any; customDataExpr?: any; dataSource?: any; heightExpr?: any; imageUrlExpr?: any; itemsExpr?: any; keyExpr?: any; leftExpr?: any; lockedExpr?: any; parentKeyExpr?: any; styleExpr?: any; textExpr?: any; textStyleExpr?: any; topExpr?: any; typeExpr?: any; widthExpr?: any; zIndexExpr?: any; }>; declare class Nodes extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { autoLayout: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IPageSizeProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ height?: any; items?: { height?: any; text?: any; width?: any; }[]; width?: any; defaultHeight?: any; onHeightChange?: (value: any) => void; defaultWidth?: any; onWidthChange?: (value: any) => void; }>; declare class PageSize extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static DefaultsProps: { defaultHeight: string; defaultWidth: string; }; static ExpectedChildren: { item: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; pageSizeItem: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IPageSizeItemProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ height?: any; text?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class PageSizeItem extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; } declare type IPropertiesPanelProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ tabs?: { commands?: any; groups?: { commands?: any; title?: any; }[]; title?: any; }[]; visibility?: any; }>; declare class PropertiesPanel extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { tab: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ITabProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ commands?: any; groups?: { commands?: any; title?: any; }[]; title?: any; }>; declare class Tab extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; static ExpectedChildren: { command: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; group: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; tabGroup: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ITabGroupProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ commands?: any; title?: any; }>; declare class TabGroup extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; static ExpectedChildren: { command: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IToolboxProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ groups?: { category?: any; displayMode?: any; expanded?: any; shapes?: any; title?: any; }[]; shapeIconsPerRow?: any; showSearch?: any; visibility?: any; width?: any; }>; declare class Toolbox extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { group: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; toolboxGroup: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IToolboxGroupProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ category?: any; displayMode?: any; expanded?: any; shapes?: any; title?: any; }>; declare class ToolboxGroup extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; } declare type IViewToolbarProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ commands?: any; visible?: any; }>; declare class ViewToolbar extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { command: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IZoomLevelProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ items?: any; value?: any; defaultValue?: any; onValueChange?: (value: any) => void; }>; declare class ZoomLevel extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static DefaultsProps: { defaultValue: string; }; } export default Diagram; export { Diagram, IDiagramOptions, AutoLayout, IAutoLayoutProps, Command, ICommandProps, CommandItem, ICommandItemProps, ConnectionPoint, IConnectionPointProps, ContextMenu, IContextMenuProps, ContextToolbox, IContextToolboxProps, CustomShape, ICustomShapeProps, DefaultItemProperties, IDefaultItemPropertiesProps, Edges, IEdgesProps, Editing, IEditingProps, Export, IExportProps, GridSize, IGridSizeProps, Group, IGroupProps, HistoryToolbar, IHistoryToolbarProps, Item, IItemProps, MainToolbar, IMainToolbarProps, Nodes, INodesProps, PageSize, IPageSizeProps, PageSizeItem, IPageSizeItemProps, PropertiesPanel, IPropertiesPanelProps, Tab, ITabProps, TabGroup, ITabGroupProps, Toolbox, IToolboxProps, ToolboxGroup, IToolboxGroupProps, ViewToolbar, IViewToolbarProps, ZoomLevel, IZoomLevelProps };