/*! * devextreme-react * Version: 22.2.6 * Build date: Tue Apr 18 2023 * * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2023 Developer Express Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the root of the project for details. * * https://github.com/DevExpress/devextreme-react */ /// import dxAutocomplete, { Properties } from "devextreme/ui/autocomplete"; import { Component as BaseComponent, IHtmlOptions } from "./core/component"; import NestedOption from "./core/nested-option"; declare type IAutocompleteOptions = React.PropsWithChildren React.ReactNode; dropDownButtonComponent?: React.ComponentType; dropDownButtonKeyFn?: (data: any) => string; groupRender?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; groupComponent?: React.ComponentType; groupKeyFn?: (data: any) => string; itemRender?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; itemComponent?: React.ComponentType; itemKeyFn?: (data: any) => string; defaultOpened?: any; defaultValue?: any; onOpenedChange?: (value: any) => void; onValueChange?: (value: any) => void; }>; declare class Autocomplete extends BaseComponent> { get instance(): dxAutocomplete; protected _WidgetClass: typeof dxAutocomplete; protected subscribableOptions: string[]; protected independentEvents: string[]; protected _defaults: { defaultOpened: string; defaultValue: string; }; protected _expectedChildren: { button: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; dropDownOptions: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; item: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; protected _templateProps: { tmplOption: string; render: string; component: string; keyFn: string; }[]; } declare type IAnimationProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ hide?: any; show?: any; }>; declare class Animation extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { hide: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; show: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IAtProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ x?: any; y?: any; }>; declare class At extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IBoundaryOffsetProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ x?: any; y?: any; }>; declare class BoundaryOffset extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IButtonProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ location?: any; name?: any; options?: any; }>; declare class Button extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; static ExpectedChildren: { options: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type ICollisionProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ x?: any; y?: any; }>; declare class Collision extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IDropDownOptionsProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ accessKey?: any; activeStateEnabled?: any; animation?: object | { hide?: any; show?: any; }; bindingOptions?: any; closeOnOutsideClick?: any; container?: any; contentTemplate?: any; copyRootClassesToWrapper?: any; deferRendering?: any; disabled?: any; dragAndResizeArea?: any; dragEnabled?: any; dragOutsideBoundary?: any; elementAttr?: any; focusStateEnabled?: any; fullScreen?: any; height?: any; hideOnOutsideClick?: any; hideOnParentScroll?: any; hint?: any; hoverStateEnabled?: any; maxHeight?: any; maxWidth?: any; minHeight?: any; minWidth?: any; onContentReady?: any; onDisposing?: any; onFocusIn?: any; onFocusOut?: any; onHidden?: any; onHiding?: any; onInitialized?: any; onOptionChanged?: any; onResize?: any; onResizeEnd?: any; onResizeStart?: any; onShowing?: any; onShown?: any; onTitleRendered?: any; position?: any; resizeEnabled?: any; restorePosition?: any; rtlEnabled?: any; shading?: any; shadingColor?: any; showCloseButton?: any; showTitle?: any; tabIndex?: any; title?: any; titleTemplate?: any; toolbarItems?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; wrapperAttr?: any; defaultHeight?: any; onHeightChange?: (value: any) => void; defaultPosition?: any; onPositionChange?: (value: any) => void; defaultVisible?: any; onVisibleChange?: (value: any) => void; defaultWidth?: any; onWidthChange?: (value: any) => void; contentRender?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; contentComponent?: React.ComponentType; contentKeyFn?: (data: any) => string; titleRender?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; titleComponent?: React.ComponentType; titleKeyFn?: (data: any) => string; }>; declare class DropDownOptions extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static DefaultsProps: { defaultHeight: string; defaultPosition: string; defaultVisible: string; defaultWidth: string; }; static ExpectedChildren: { animation: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; position: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; toolbarItem: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; static TemplateProps: { tmplOption: string; render: string; component: string; keyFn: string; }[]; } declare type IFromProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ left?: any; opacity?: any; position?: any; scale?: any; top?: any; }>; declare class From extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { position: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IHideProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ complete?: any; delay?: any; direction?: any; duration?: any; easing?: any; from?: any; staggerDelay?: any; start?: any; to?: any; type?: any; }>; declare class Hide extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static ExpectedChildren: { from: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; to: { optionName: string; isCollectionItem: boolean; }; }; } declare type IItemProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ disabled?: any; html?: any; template?: any; text?: any; visible?: any; render?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; component?: React.ComponentType; keyFn?: (data: any) => string; }>; declare class Item extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; static TemplateProps: { tmplOption: string; render: string; component: string; keyFn: string; }[]; } declare type IMyProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ x?: any; y?: any; }>; declare class My extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IOffsetProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ x?: any; y?: any; }>; declare class Offset extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IOptionsProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ accessKey?: any; activeStateEnabled?: any; bindingOptions?: any; disabled?: any; elementAttr?: any; focusStateEnabled?: any; height?: any; hint?: any; hoverStateEnabled?: any; icon?: any; onClick?: any; onContentReady?: any; onDisposing?: any; onFocusIn?: any; onFocusOut?: any; onInitialized?: any; onOptionChanged?: any; rtlEnabled?: any; stylingMode?: any; tabIndex?: any; template?: any; text?: any; type?: any; useSubmitBehavior?: any; validationGroup?: any; visible?: any; width?: any; render?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; component?: React.ComponentType; keyFn?: (data: any) => string; }>; declare class Options extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static TemplateProps: { tmplOption: string; render: string; component: string; keyFn: string; }[]; } declare type IPositionProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ at?: object | string | { x?: any; y?: any; }; boundary?: any; boundaryOffset?: object | string | { x?: any; y?: any; }; collision?: object | string | { x?: any; y?: any; }; my?: object | string | { x?: any; y?: any; }; of?: any; offset?: object | string | { x?: any; y?: any; }; }>; declare class Position extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IShowProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ complete?: any; delay?: any; direction?: any; duration?: any; easing?: any; from?: any; staggerDelay?: any; start?: any; to?: any; type?: any; }>; declare class Show extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IToProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ left?: any; opacity?: any; position?: any; scale?: any; top?: any; }>; declare class To extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; } declare type IToolbarItemProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{ cssClass?: any; disabled?: any; html?: any; locateInMenu?: any; location?: any; menuItemTemplate?: any; options?: any; showText?: any; template?: any; text?: any; toolbar?: any; visible?: any; widget?: any; menuItemRender?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; menuItemComponent?: React.ComponentType; menuItemKeyFn?: (data: any) => string; render?: (...params: any) => React.ReactNode; component?: React.ComponentType; keyFn?: (data: any) => string; }>; declare class ToolbarItem extends NestedOption { static OptionName: string; static IsCollectionItem: boolean; static TemplateProps: { tmplOption: string; render: string; component: string; keyFn: string; }[]; } export default Autocomplete; export { Autocomplete, IAutocompleteOptions, Animation, IAnimationProps, At, IAtProps, BoundaryOffset, IBoundaryOffsetProps, Button, IButtonProps, Collision, ICollisionProps, DropDownOptions, IDropDownOptionsProps, From, IFromProps, Hide, IHideProps, Item, IItemProps, My, IMyProps, Offset, IOffsetProps, Options, IOptionsProps, Position, IPositionProps, Show, IShowProps, To, IToProps, ToolbarItem, IToolbarItemProps };