import di from 'a-di'; import { ChainAccount, SafeAccount, TAccount } from "@dequanto/models/TAccount"; import { Web3Client } from '@dequanto/clients/Web3Client'; import { IToken } from '@dequanto/models/IToken'; import { TAddress } from '@dequanto/models/TAddress'; import { TxDataBuilder } from '@dequanto/txs/TxDataBuilder'; import { ITxWriterOptions, TxWriter } from '@dequanto/txs/TxWriter'; import { $bigint } from '@dequanto/utils/$bigint'; import { $is } from '@dequanto/utils/$is'; import { TokensService } from './TokensService'; import { TransactionReceipt } from 'web3-core'; import { $address } from '@dequanto/utils/$address'; import { ITxConfig } from '@dequanto/txs/ITxConfig'; import { $promise } from '@dequanto/utils/$promise'; import { LoggerService } from '@dequanto/loggers/LoggerService'; import { $logger } from '@dequanto/utils/$logger'; import { $account } from '@dequanto/utils/$account'; export class TokenTransferService { private gasPriorityFee?: number private builderConfig: ITxConfig private writerConfig: ITxWriterOptions private tokenService = di.resolve(TokensService, this.client.platform) constructor (public client: Web3Client, private logger = di.resolve(LoggerService)) { } $config (builderConfig: ITxConfig): this { this.builderConfig = builderConfig; return this; } $configWriter (writerConfig: ITxWriterOptions): this { this.writerConfig = writerConfig; return this; } async getBalance(address: TAddress, token: string | IToken): Promise { token = await this.getToken(token); let isNative = this.tokenService.isNative(token.address); if (isNative) { return this.client.getBalance(address); } let erc20 = await TokensService.erc20(token, this.client.platform); let balance = await erc20.balanceOf(address); return balance; } async getReceived(receipt: TransactionReceipt): Promise { let receiver = receipt.from; let ANYTOKEN = 'USDC'; let erc20 = await TokensService.erc20(ANYTOKEN, this.client.platform); let transfers = erc20.extractLogsTransfer(receipt) let transfer = transfers.find(x => $address.eq(, receiver)); return transfer?.params.value ?? 0n; } /** Returns NULL for transaction, if no balance to transfer */ async transferAll (from: ChainAccount, to: TAddress, token: string | IToken) : Promise { token = await this.getToken(token); let isNative = this.tokenService.isNative(token.address); if (isNative) { return this.transferNativeAll(from, to); } return this.transferErc20All(from, to, token); } async transferAllWithRemainder (from: ChainAccount, to: TAddress, token: string | IToken, remainder: number | bigint) : Promise { token = await this.getToken(token); let isNative = this.tokenService.isNative(token.address); if (isNative) { return this.transferNativeAll(from, to, { remainder }); } return this.transferErc20All(from, to, token, { remainder }); } async transfer (from: TAccount, to: TAddress, token: string | IToken, amount: number | bigint) : Promise { token = await this.getToken(token); amount = this.getAmount(amount, token); let isNative = this.tokenService.isNative(token.address); if (isNative) { return this.transferNative(from, to, amount); } return this.transferErc20(from, to, token, amount); } async getToken (token: string | IToken): Promise { if (typeof token === 'string') { token = await this.tokenService.getKnownToken(token); } $is.notNull(token, 'Token is undefined to transfer'); return token; } isNativeToken (token: string | IToken): boolean { return this.tokenService.isNative(typeof token === 'string' ? token : token.address); } private async transferNativeAll (from: ChainAccount, to: TAddress, opts?: { remainder: number | bigint }): Promise { let buildTxRetries = 1; const buildTx = async () => { let GAS = 21000; let GAS_RATIO = 1.05; let [ balance, gasPrice] = await Promise.all([ this.client.getBalance(from.address), this.client.getGasPrice() ]); if (opts?.remainder != null) { let remainder = this.getAmount(opts.remainder, 18); balance -= remainder; } let $gasPrice = $bigint.multWithFloat(gasPrice.price, GAS_RATIO); $logger.log(`GasPrice ${ $bigint.toGweiFromWei($gasPrice) }gwei`); let gasConsumed = BigInt(GAS) * $gasPrice; let transferValue = balance - gasConsumed; if (transferValue <= 0) { if (--buildTxRetries > -1) { $logger.log(`No balance to transfer. Retry in 5s`); await $promise.wait(5000); return buildTx(); } // No balance to transfer $logger.log(`No balance to transfer in ${from.address}. ${ opts?.remainder ? ("Remainder: " + opts?.remainder) : ""}`); return null; } let txBuilder = new TxDataBuilder(this.client, from, { to: to, value: $bigint.toHex(transferValue) }); = $bigint.toHex($gasPrice); // = $bigint.toHex($gasPrice - 20n**9n); // = $bigint.toHex(20n**9n); = GAS; = 1; txBuilder.setConfig(this.builderConfig); await Promise.all([ txBuilder.setNonce({ overriding: true }), ]); $logger.log(`TransferNative ALL. Balance ${balance}; GasConsumed ${gasConsumed}; TransferValue ${transferValue}; Nonce: ${}`); return txBuilder; } let txBuilder = await buildTx(); return TxWriter.write(this.client, txBuilder, from, { ...(this.writerConfig ?? {}), retries: 3, async onErrorRebuild (tx, error, errCount) { // In case we got `balance` value, but that one was outdated, then all our calculations where wrong. // Retry the calculation and transfer once again. if (/insufficient funds/.test(error.message)) { const ms = 6000 * errCount; $logger.log(`TokenTransfer Failed: insufficient funds. Waiting ${ms}ms to retry`); await $promise.wait(ms); return buildTx(); } return null; } }); } private async transferNative (from: TAccount, to: TAddress, amount: bigint): Promise { let sender = $account.getSender(from); let txBuilder = new TxDataBuilder(this.client, sender, { to: to, value: $bigint.toHex(amount) }); if (sender.address) { await Promise.all([ txBuilder.setGas({ priceRatio: this.gasPriorityFee, gasEstimation: true, gasLimitRatio: 1, }), txBuilder.setNonce(), ]); } txBuilder.setConfig(this.builderConfig); return TxWriter.write(this.client, txBuilder, from, this.writerConfig); } private async transferErc20All (from: ChainAccount, to: TAddress, token: IToken, opts?: { remainder?: number | bigint, retryCount?: number }): Promise { let erc20 = await TokensService.erc20(token, this.client.platform); let balance = await erc20.balanceOf(from.address); if (opts?.remainder != null) { let remainder = this.getAmount(opts.remainder, 18); balance -= remainder; } if (balance <= 0n) { if (opts?.retryCount == null || opts?.retryCount !== 0) { // re-read this.logger.warn(`TransferErc20All has no balance to transfer: ${token.address}. Balance re-fetch scheduled.`); await $promise.wait(4000); return this.transferErc20All(from, to, token, { ...(opts ?? {}), retryCount: 0 }); } if (this.builderConfig.gasFunding == null) { return null; } } return erc20 .$config(this.builderConfig, this.writerConfig) .transfer(from, to, balance); } private async transferErc20 (from: TAccount, to: TAddress, token: IToken, amount: bigint): Promise { let erc20 = await TokensService.erc20(token, this.client.platform); return erc20 .$config(this.builderConfig, this.writerConfig) .transfer(from, to, amount); } private getAmount (amount: number | bigint, token: IToken): bigint private getAmount (amount: number | bigint, decimals: number): bigint private getAmount (amount: number | bigint, mix: number | IToken): bigint { if (typeof amount === 'number') { amount = $bigint.toWei(amount, typeof mix === 'number' ? mix : mix.decimals); } return amount; } }