import { BlockTransactionString } from 'web3-eth' import { Transaction } from 'web3-core'; import { BlocksWalker } from './handlers/BlocksWalker'; import { Web3Client } from '@dequanto/clients/Web3Client'; import { TPlatform } from '@dequanto/models/TPlatform'; import { Web3ClientFactory } from '@dequanto/clients/Web3ClientFactory'; import { TxQueueLoader } from './handlers/TxQueueLoader'; import { BlocksTxIndexer } from './BlocksTxIndexer'; import { $number } from '@dequanto/utils/$number'; export interface IPendingTxIndexerOptions { /** Name of the indexer */ name?: string } export type TPendingTxListener = (client: Web3Client, tx: Transaction) => Promise export class PendingTxIndexer { private client: Web3Client; private walker: BlocksWalker; private listeners: TPendingTxListener[] = []; //private mempool = []; private mempoolHash = Object.create(null); private loader: TxQueueLoader; private blocks: BlocksTxIndexer; private status = { startedAt: null as number, // ~ tx/s txSpeed: 0, txCount: 0, txNulls: 0, // tx not seen in mempool txPrivateCount: 0, } constructor (public platform: TPlatform, public opts?: IPendingTxIndexerOptions) { this.client = Web3ClientFactory.get(platform, { ws: true }); let pool = Web3ClientFactory.get(platform); this.loader = new TxQueueLoader(pool, tx => { this.onMempoolTxLoaded(tx); }); this.blocks = new BlocksTxIndexer(platform, { name:, loadTransactions: false, persistance: false, }); this.blocks.onBlock(async (client, block) => { this.onBlockLoaded(block); }); } public onTransaction (cb: TPendingTxListener): this { this.listeners.push(cb); return this; } public stats () { if (this.status.startedAt == null) { return { active: false } } let seconds = ( - this.status.startedAt) / 1000 | 0; let txSpeed = $number.round(this.status.txCount / seconds, 2); return { active: true, txSpeed: txSpeed, ...this.status, loader: { ...this.loader.stats() }, blocks: { ...this.blocks.stats() }, } } async start () { this.status.startedAt =; this.client.subscribe('pendingTransactions', (error, hash) => { this.status.txCount++; this.mempoolHash[hash] = 1; this.loader.push(hash); }); let blockNumber = await this.client.getBlockNumber(); this.blocks.start(blockNumber); } private onMempoolTxLoaded (tx: Transaction) { if (tx == null) { this.status.txNulls++; return; } for (let i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) { this.listeners[i](this.client, tx); } } private onBlockLoaded (block: BlockTransactionString) { for (let i = 0; i < block.transactions.length; i++) { let hash = block.transactions[i]; if (hash in this.mempoolHash) { delete this.mempoolHash[hash]; continue; } //Not seen in memhash; this.status.txPrivateCount++; this.status.txCount++; this.mempoolHash[hash] = 1; this.loader.push(hash); } } }