/// /// declare module 'rollup-plugin-babel' { import {TransformOptions} from 'babel-core'; import {Plugin} from 'rollup'; namespace babel { interface Options extends TransformOptions { /** * A boolean value indicating whether to bundle in the Babel helpers. */ externalHelpers?: boolean; /** * A minimatch pattern, or an array of minimatch patterns, * relative to `process.cwd()`. (Default: undefined) */ include?: string | string[]; /** * A minimatch pattern, or an array of minimatch patterns, * relative to `process.cwd()`. (Default: undefined) */ exclude?: string | string[]; /** * An array which gives explicit control over which babelHelper functions * are allowed in the bundle. (by default, every helper is allowed) */ externalHelpersWhitelist?: string[]; } } function babel(options?: babel.Options): Plugin; export = babel; }