Checklist to release a new build to NPM: * Clone the repository if needed * Checkout develop branch and make sure develop branch is up-to-date with remote * If git flow is not initialized yet, Run: git flow init * Create a new release branch, Run: git flow release start * Delete all existing npm dependencies, Run: rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json * Install dependencies again, Run: npm install * Update package version with new release version in package.json * Update LICENSE file if needed * Update file if needed * Now, create a release-ready build, Run: npm run build * Test the dist/* files if needed * Now commit all the changes with this message: "Make a build and bump version" * Then finish the release, Run: git flow release finish [-s] and enter release notes * Push all changes and tags to remote, Run: git push origin master && git push origin develop && git push origin --tags * Edit the title of the released tag in Github * When everything is fine, it's ready to release * Checkout master branch * Now if everything is fine, release it to npm, Run: npm publish