import { GitJSONDSL, GitDSL } from "../dsl/GitDSL"; import { BitBucketCloudPRDSL, BitBucketCloudJSONDSL, BitBucketCloudDSL } from "../dsl/BitBucketCloudDSL"; import { BitBucketCloudAPI } from "./bitbucket_cloud/BitBucketCloudAPI"; import { Platform, Comment } from "./platform"; export declare class BitBucketCloud implements Platform { readonly api: BitBucketCloudAPI; private readonly d; name: string; constructor(api: BitBucketCloudAPI); /** * Get the Code Review description metadata * * @returns {Promise} JSON representation */ getReviewInfo: () => Promise; /** * Get the Code Review diff representation * * @returns {Promise} the git DSL */ getPlatformGitRepresentation: () => Promise; /** * Returns the `bitbucket_cloud` object on the Danger DSL * * @returns {Promise} JSON response of the DSL */ getPlatformReviewDSLRepresentation: () => Promise; supportsCommenting(): boolean; supportsInlineComments(): boolean; /** * Returns the response for the new comment * * @param {string} comment you want to post * @returns {Promise} JSON response of new comment */ createComment: (comment: string) => Promise; /** * Deletes the main Danger comment, used when you have * fixed all your failures. * * @returns {Promise} did it work? */ deleteMainComment: (dangerID: string) => Promise; /** * Either updates an existing comment, or makes a new one * * @param {string} dangerID the UUID for the run * @param {string} newComment string value of comment * @returns {Promise} the URL for the comment */ updateOrCreateComment(dangerID: string, newComment: string): Promise; getInlineComments: (dangerID: string) => Promise; createInlineComment: (git: GitDSL, comment: string, path: string, line: number) => Promise; updateInlineComment: (comment: string, commentId: string) => Promise; deleteInlineComment: (commentId: string) => Promise; updateStatus: (passed: boolean | "pending", message: string, url?: string | undefined, dangerID?: string | undefined, ciCommitHash?: string | undefined) => Promise; getFileContents: (filePath: string, repoSlug?: string | undefined, ref?: string | undefined) => Promise; } export declare const bitbucketCloudJSONToBitBucketCloudDSL: (bitbucket: BitBucketCloudJSONDSL, api: BitBucketCloudAPI) => BitBucketCloudDSL;