import { GitCommit } from "./Commit"; import { Octokit as GitHub } from "@octokit/rest"; export interface GitHubJSONDSL { /** The issue metadata for a code review session */ issue: GitHubIssue; /** The PR metadata for a code review session */ pr: GitHubPRDSL; /** The PR metadata specifically formatted for using with the GitHub API client */ thisPR: GitHubAPIPR; /** The github commit metadata for a code review session */ commits: GitHubCommit[]; /** The reviews left on this pull request */ reviews: GitHubReview[]; /** The people/teams requested to review this PR */ requested_reviewers: GitHubReviewers; } /** The GitHub metadata for your PR */ export interface GitHubDSL extends GitHubJSONDSL { /** * An authenticated API so you can extend danger's behavior by using the [GitHub v3 API]( * * A set up instance of the "github" npm module. You can get the full [API here]( */ api: GitHub; /** A scope for useful functions related to GitHub */ utils: GitHubUtilsDSL; /** * Sets a markdown summary which shows on the overview page for the * results of all steps in your CI job. * * See: */ setSummaryMarkdown: (markdown: string) => void; } /** Useful functions for GitHub related work */ export interface GitHubUtilsDSL { /** * Creates HTML for a sentence of clickable links for an array of paths. * This uses the source of the PR as the target, not the destination repo. * You can manually set the target repo and branch however, to make it work how you want. * * @param {string} paths A list of strings representing file paths * @param {string} useBasename Show either the file name, or the full path - defaults to just file name e.g. true. * @param {string} repoSlug An optional override for the repo slug, ex: "orta/ORStackView" * @param {string} branch An optional override for the branch, ex: "v3" * @returns {string} A HTML string of 's built as a sentence. */ fileLinks(paths: string[], useBasename?: boolean, repoSlug?: string, branch?: string): string; /** * Downloads a file's contents via the GitHub API. You'll want to use * this instead of `fs.readFile` when aiming to support working with Peril. * * @param {string} path The path fo the file that exists * @param {string} repoSlug An optional reference to the repo's slug: e.g. danger/danger-js * @param {string} ref An optional reference to a branch/sha */ fileContents(path: string, repoSlug?: string, ref?: string): Promise; /** * An API for creating, updating and closing an issue. Basically * this is really useful for reporting back via a separate * issue that you may want to keep up to date at all times. * * @param {string} id The unique ID for the message to create, close * @param {string} content the content of the message * @param {any} config settings for the issue * @returns {string} A HTML string of 's built as a sentence. */ createUpdatedIssueWithID: (id: string, content: string, config: { title: string; open: boolean; owner: string; repo: string; }) => Promise; /** * An API for creating, or setting a label to an issue. Usable from Peril * by adding an additional param for settings about a repo. * * @param {obj} labelConfig The config for the label * @param {obj | undefined} Optional: the config for the issue * @returns {Promise} No return value. */ createOrAddLabel: (labelConfig: { name: string; color: string; description: string; }, repoConfig?: { owner: string; repo: string; id: number; }) => Promise; createOrUpdatePR: (config: { /** PR title */ title: string; /** PR body */ body: string; /** The danger in danger/danger-js - defaults to the PR base name if undefined */ owner?: string; /** The danger-js in danger/danger-js - defaults to the PR base repo if undefined */ repo?: string; /** A message for the commit */ commitMessage: string; /** The name of the branch on the repo */ newBranchName: string; /** Base branch for the new branch e.g. what should Danger create the new branch from */ baseBranch: string; }, fileMap: any) => Promise; } /** * This is `danger.github.issue` It refers to the issue that makes up the Pull Request. * GitHub treats all pull requests as a special type of issue. This DSL contains only parts of the issue that are * not found in the PR DSL, however it does contain the full JSON structure. * * A GitHub Issue */ export interface GitHubIssue { /** * The labels associated with this issue */ labels: GitHubIssueLabel[]; } export interface GitHubIssueLabel { /** The identifying number of this label */ id: number; /** The URL that links to this label */ url: string; /** The name of the label */ name: string; /** The color associated with this label */ color: string; } export interface GitHubIssueComment { /** * UUID for the comment */ id: string; /** * The User who made the comment */ user: GitHubUser; /** * Textual representation of comment */ body: string; } /** * An exact copy of the PR's reference JSON. This interface has type'd the majority * of it for tooling's sake, but any extra metadata which GitHub send will still be * inside the JS object. */ export interface GitHubPRDSL { /** * The UUID for the PR */ number: number; /** * The state for the PR */ state: "closed" | "open" | "locked" | "merged"; /** * Has the PR been locked to contributors only? */ locked: boolean; /** * The title of the PR */ title: string; /** * The markdown body message of the PR */ body: string; /** * ISO6801 Date string for when PR was created */ created_at: string; /** * ISO6801 Date string for when PR was updated */ updated_at: string; /** * optional ISO6801 Date string for when PR was closed */ closed_at: string | null; /** * Optional ISO6801 Date string for when PR was merged. * Danger probably shouldn't be running in this state. */ merged_at: string | null; /** * Merge reference for the _other_ repo. */ head: GitHubMergeRef; /** * Merge reference for _this_ repo. */ base: GitHubMergeRef; /** * The User who submitted the PR */ user: GitHubUser; /** * The User who is assigned the PR */ assignee: GitHubUser; /** * The Users who are assigned to the PR */ assignees: GitHubUser[]; /** * Is in draft state? */ draft: boolean; /** * Has the PR been merged yet? */ merged: boolean; /** * The number of comments on the PR */ comments: number; /** * The number of review-specific comments on the PR */ review_comments: number; /** * The number of commits in the PR */ commits: number; /** * The number of additional lines in the PR */ additions: number; /** * The number of deleted lines in the PR */ deletions: number; /** * The number of changed files in the PR */ changed_files: number; /** * The link back to this PR as user-facing */ html_url: string; /** How does the PR author relate to this repo/org? */ author_association: "COLLABORATOR" | "CONTRIBUTOR" | "FIRST_TIMER" | "FIRST_TIME_CONTRIBUTOR" | "MEMBER" | "NONE" | "OWNER"; } /** A GitHub specific implementation of a git commit, it has GitHub user names instead of an email. */ export interface GitHubCommit { /** The raw commit metadata */ commit: GitCommit; /** The SHA for the commit */ sha: string; /** the url for the commit on GitHub */ url: string; /** The GitHub user who wrote the code */ author: GitHubUser; /** The GitHub user who shipped the code */ committer: GitHubUser; /** An array of parent commit shas */ parents: any[]; } /** * A GitHub user account. */ export interface GitHubUser { /** * Generic UUID */ id: number; /** * The handle for the user/org */ login: string; /** * Whether the user is an org, or a user */ type: "User" | "Organization" | "Bot"; /** * The url for a users's image */ avatar_url: string; /** * The href for a users's page */ href: string; } /** * A GitHub Repo */ export interface GitHubRepo { /** * Generic UUID */ id: number; /** * The name of the repo, e.g. "Danger-JS" */ name: string; /** * The full name of the owner + repo, e.g. "Danger/Danger-JS" */ full_name: string; /** * The owner of the repo */ owner: GitHubUser; /** * Is the repo publicly accessible? */ private: boolean; /** * The textual description of the repo */ description: string; /** * Is the repo a fork? */ fork: boolean; /** * Is someone assigned to this PR? */ assignee: GitHubUser; /** * Are there people assigned to this PR? */ assignees: GitHubUser[]; /** * The root web URL for the repo, e.g. */ html_url: string; } export interface GitHubMergeRef { /** * The human display name for the merge reference, e.g. "artsy:master" */ label: string; /** * The reference point for the merge, e.g. "master" */ ref: string; /** * The reference point for the merge, e.g. "704dc55988c6996f69b6873c2424be7d1de67bbe" */ sha: string; /** * The user that owns the merge reference e.g. "artsy" */ user: GitHubUser; /** * The repo from whch the reference comes from */ repo: GitHubRepo; } /** * GitHubReview * While a review is pending, it will only have a user. Once a review is complete, the rest of * the review attributes will be present * @export * @interface GitHubReview */ export interface GitHubReview { /** * The user requested to review, or the user who has completed the review */ user: GitHubUser; /** * If there is a review, this provides the ID for it */ id?: number; /** * If there is a review, the body of the review */ body?: string; /** * If there is a review, the commit ID this review was made on */ commit_id?: string; /** * The state of the review * APPROVED, REQUEST_CHANGES, COMMENT or PENDING */ state?: "APPROVED" | "REQUEST_CHANGES" | "COMMENT" | "PENDING"; } /** Provides the current PR in an easily used way for params in `github.api` calls */ export interface GitHubAPIPR { /** The repo owner */ owner: string; /** The repo name */ repo: string; /** * The PR number * @deprecated use `pull_number` instead */ number: number; /** The PR number */ pull_number: number; } export interface GitHubReviewers { /** Users that have been requested */ users: GitHubUser[]; /** Teams that have been requested */ teams: any[]; }