0.5.6 2014-10-11 16:46:56 -0400 Updated version number 2014-10-11 16:16:46 -0400 Corrected typo in doc 2014-10-11 16:14:34 -0400 Updated documentation 0.5.5 2014-10-07 22:48:05 -0400 Updated version information 2014-10-07 22:43:30 -0400 Modified some tests 2014-10-07 22:28:47 -0400 corrected the version 2014-10-07 22:27:28 -0400 added support for mixed attributes for text only nodes 2014-09-30 08:31:34 -0400 Added an installation section to the documentation 0.5.4 2014-09-06 15:39:50 -0400 Updated documentation and version number 2014-09-06 14:36:20 -0400 Array name declaration and CDATA support 0.5.3 2014-09-03 00:34:32 -0400 updated documentation 2014-09-03 00:32:21 -0400 Updated documentation 2014-09-03 00:22:58 -0400 added array.xml 0.5.2 2014-09-03 00:19:22 -0400 Corrected array creation problems 2014-08-31 23:37:15 -0400 Added unit tests 0.5.1 2014-08-31 02:18:26 -0400 Updated version to 0.5.1 0.5.0 2014-08-31 02:16:02 -0400 added package.json 2014-08-31 01:52:17 -0400 Corrected typos 2014-08-31 01:50:46 -0400 Corrected typos 2014-08-31 01:47:13 -0400 Added main code 2014-08-31 01:26:14 -0400 enhanced documentation 2014-08-31 01:21:45 -0400 typos 2014-08-31 01:20:58 -0400 Some more typos corrected. 2014-08-31 01:16:06 -0400 Corrected some other typos 2014-08-31 01:13:32 -0400 Corrected some doc typos 2014-08-31 01:11:50 -0400 Documentation finished 2014-08-31 01:00:54 -0400 Documentation nearly done 2014-08-31 00:32:36 -0400 documentation... 2014-08-30 14:23:28 -0400 Doc... 2014-08-30 14:21:59 -0400 Documentation progressing... 2014-08-30 14:20:39 -0400 Adding documentation 2014-08-30 14:10:34 -0400 Improving README.md 2014-08-30 13:51:27 -0400 Changed the README.md file for include Node 2014-08-30 13:06:51 -0400 git ignore setup to node 2014-08-30 12:49:03 -0400 Initial commit