/// import type { RecurseDefaults } from 'cypress-recurse' export interface CompareSnapshotOptions { /** * The name of the snapshots that will be generated */ name: string /** * A number between 0 and 1 that represents the allowed percentage of pixels that can be different between the two snapshots * @default 0 */ testThreshold?: number /** * @see {@link RecurseDefaults} * @default {limit:1} */ retryOptions?: Partial /** * If set to true, will use the given name as it is without transforming it to [spec_file_name]-[name] * @default false */ exactName?: boolean /** * options object to change the default behavior of cy.screenshot() * @default undefined */ cypressScreenshotOptions?: Partial< Cypress.ScreenshotOptions & Cypress.Loggable & Cypress.Timeoutable > }