import assert from "assert"; import RegularExpression from "../src/RegularExpression"; import ParameterTypeRegistry from "../src/ParameterTypeRegistry"; describe("RegularExpression", () => { it("documents match arguments", () => { const parameterRegistry = new ParameterTypeRegistry(); /// [capture-match-arguments] const expr = /I have (\d+) cukes? in my (\w+) now/; const expression = new RegularExpression(expr, parameterRegistry); const args = expression.match("I have 7 cukes in my belly now"); assert.strictEqual(7, args[0].getValue(null)); assert.strictEqual("belly", args[1].getValue(null)); /// [capture-match-arguments] }); it("does no transform by default", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match(/(\d\d)/, "22")[0], "22"); }); it("does not transform anonymous", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match(/(.*)/, "22")[0], "22"); }); it("transforms negative int", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match(/(-?\d+)/, "-22")[0], -22); }); it("transforms positive int", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match(/(\d+)/, "22")[0], 22); }); it("transforms float without integer part", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match(/(-?\d*\.?\d+)/, ".22")[0], 0.22); }); it("transforms float with sign", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match(/(-?\d*\.?\d+)/, "-1.22")[0], -1.22); }); it("returns null when there is no match", () => { assert.strictEqual(match(/hello/, "world"), null); }); it("matches nested capture group without match", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match(/^a user( named "([^"]*)")?$/, "a user"), [ null ]); }); it("matches nested capture group with match", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match(/^a user( named "([^"]*)")?$/, 'a user named "Charlie"'), ["Charlie"] ); }); it("matches capture group nested in optional one", () => { const regexp = /^a (pre-commercial transaction |pre buyer fee model )?purchase(?: for \$(\d+))?$/; assert.deepStrictEqual(match(regexp, "a purchase"), [null, null]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match(regexp, "a purchase for $33"), [null, 33]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match(regexp, "a pre buyer fee model purchase"), [ "pre buyer fee model ", null ]); }); it("ignores non capturing groups", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match( /(\S+) ?(can|cannot)? (?:delete|cancel) the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) (attachment|slide) ?(?:upload)?/, "I can cancel the 1st slide upload" ), ["I", "can", 1, "slide"] ); }); it("works with escaped parenthesis", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match(/Across the line\(s\)/, "Across the line(s)"), [] ); }); it("exposes regexp and source", () => { const regexp = /I have (\d+) cukes? in my (.+) now/; const expression = new RegularExpression( regexp, new ParameterTypeRegistry() ); assert.deepStrictEqual(expression.regexp, regexp); assert.deepStrictEqual(expression.source, regexp.source); }); it("does not take consider parenthesis in character class as group", function() { const expression = new RegularExpression( /^drawings: ([A-Z_, ()]+)$/, new ParameterTypeRegistry() ); const args = expression.match("drawings: ONE, TWO(ABC)"); assert.strictEqual(args[0].getValue(this), "ONE, TWO(ABC)"); }); }); const match = (regexp: RegExp, text: string) => { const parameterRegistry = new ParameterTypeRegistry(); const regularExpression = new RegularExpression(regexp, parameterRegistry); const args = regularExpression.match(text); if (!args) { return null; } return => arg.getValue(null)); };