import { CucumberExpressionError } from "./Errors"; const ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_NAME_PATTERN = /([[\]()$.|?*+])/; const UNESCAPE_PATTERN = () => /(\\([[$.|?*+\]]))/g; export default class ParameterType { private transformFn: (match: string) => T; public static compare(pt1: ParameterType, pt2: ParameterType) { if (pt1.preferForRegexpMatch && !pt2.preferForRegexpMatch) { return -1; } if (pt2.preferForRegexpMatch && !pt1.preferForRegexpMatch) { return 1; } return; } public static checkParameterTypeName(typeName: string) { const unescapedTypeName = typeName.replace(UNESCAPE_PATTERN(), "$2"); const match = unescapedTypeName.match(ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_NAME_PATTERN); if (match) { throw new CucumberExpressionError( `Illegal character '${ match[1] }' in parameter name {${unescapedTypeName}}` ); } } public regexpStrings: string[]; /** * @param name {String} the name of the type * @param regexps {Array.,RegExp,Array.,String} that matches the type * @param type {Function} the prototype (constructor) of the type. May be null. * @param transform {Function} function transforming string to another type. May be null. * @param useForSnippets {boolean} true if this should be used for snippets. Defaults to true. * @param preferForRegexpMatch {boolean} true if this is a preferential type. Defaults to false. */ constructor( public readonly name: string, regexps: RegExp[] | string[] | RegExp | string, private readonly type: any, transform: (...match: string[]) => T, public readonly useForSnippets: boolean, public readonly preferForRegexpMatch: boolean ) { if (transform === undefined) { transform = s => (s as unknown) as T; } if (useForSnippets === undefined) { this.useForSnippets = true; } if (preferForRegexpMatch === undefined) { this.preferForRegexpMatch = false; } if (name) { ParameterType.checkParameterTypeName(name); } this.regexpStrings = stringArray(regexps); this.transformFn = transform; } public transform(thisObj: any, groupValues: string[]) { const result = this.transformFn.apply(thisObj, groupValues); return result; } } function stringArray(regexps: RegExp[] | string[] | RegExp | string): string[] { const array = Array.isArray(regexps) ? regexps : [regexps]; return RegExp | string) => r instanceof RegExp ? regexpSource(r) : r ); } function regexpSource(regexp: RegExp): string { const flags = regexpFlags(regexp); for (const flag of ["g", "i", "m", "y"]) { if (flags.indexOf(flag) !== -1) { throw new CucumberExpressionError( `ParameterType Regexps can't use flag '${flag}'` ); } } return regexp.source; } // Backport RegExp.flags for Node 4.x // function regexpFlags(regexp: RegExp) { let flags = regexp.flags; if (flags === undefined) { flags = ""; if (regexp.ignoreCase) { flags += "i"; } if ( { flags += "g"; } if (regexp.multiline) { flags += "m"; } } return flags; }