import template from 'mustache'; import username from 'username'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import uuid from 'uuid'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import os from 'os'; import { flatten, omit, merge } from 'lodash'; import { spawnSync } from 'child_process'; import { PackageManager } from './package-manager'; import { getVersion, sortKeys } from './utils'; import { Dictionary, Options } from './types'; type TemplateFolderName = 'javascript' | 'typescript'; interface GeneratorOptions extends Options { projectName: string; projectPath: string; } const TYPESCRIPT_FOLDER = 'typescript'; const JAVASCRIPT_FOLDER = 'javascript'; const WINDOWS_FOLDER = 'windows'; const COMMON_FOLDER = 'common'; const IOS_FOLDER = 'ios'; const TEMP_PACKAGE_JSON = '_package.json'; const NPM_INSTALL = 'npm i'; const NPM_RUN = 'npm run'; const YARN = 'yarn'; const TEMPLATE_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'template'); const COMMON_TEMPLATE_PATH = path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, COMMON_FOLDER); const WINDOWS_TEMPLATE_PATH = path.join(COMMON_TEMPLATE_PATH, WINDOWS_FOLDER); const WINDOWS_TEMPORARY_KEY_PATH = path.join( WINDOWS_TEMPLATE_PATH, 'ProjectName', 'ProjectName_TemporaryKey.pfx', ); const JEST_TEMPLATE_PATH = path.join(COMMON_TEMPLATE_PATH, 'jest'); const { chdir } = process; export class Generator { private templateFolderName: TemplateFolderName; private packageJson: Dictionary = {}; private runCommand: string; private options: GeneratorOptions; private params: Dictionary = {}; public constructor(options: GeneratorOptions) { const { projectName, javascript, yarn } = options; this.params = { ProjectName: projectName, displayName: projectName, projectname: projectName.toLowerCase(), }; this.templateFolderName = javascript ? JAVASCRIPT_FOLDER : TYPESCRIPT_FOLDER; this.runCommand = yarn ? YARN : NPM_RUN; this.options = options; } public run(): void { const { projectPath, skipInstall } = this.options; console.log( chalk.white.bold('Setting up new ReactXP app in %s'), projectPath, ); if (!fs.existsSync(projectPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(projectPath); } this.setPackageJson(); this.generatePackageJson(); if (!skipInstall) { this.installDependencies(); } this.generateApp(); this.generateWindowsApp(); this.printInstructions(); } private generateApp(): void { const { skipJest, javascript } = this.options; const templatePaths = [ COMMON_TEMPLATE_PATH, path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, this.templateFolderName), ]; const excludePaths = [WINDOWS_TEMPLATE_PATH, TEMP_PACKAGE_JSON]; if (skipJest) { excludePaths.push(JEST_TEMPLATE_PATH); excludePaths.push(`App.spec.${javascript ? 'js' : 'tsx'}`); } const pathParams = { ...this.params, '_metro.config.js': 'metro.config.js', '_babel.config.js': 'babel.config.js', _eslintrc: '.eslintrc', _gitignore: '.gitignore', '_tsconfig.json': 'tsconfig.json', '_tslint.json': 'tslint.json', '': '', }; const contnetParams = { ...this.params, runCommand: this.runCommand, version: getVersion(), skipJest, }; templatePaths.forEach(srcPath => this.walk(srcPath, excludePaths).forEach(absolutePath => this.copy( absolutePath, this.buildDestPath(absolutePath, srcPath, pathParams), contnetParams, ), ), ); } private generateWindowsApp(): void { const currentUser = username.sync(); const certificateThumbprint = this.buildSelfSignedCertificate(currentUser); const contnetParams = { ...this.params, ...(certificateThumbprint && { certificateThumbprint }), currentUser, packageGuid: uuid.v4(), projectGuid: uuid.v4(), }; const pathParams = { ...this.params, _gitignore: '.gitignore' }; const excludePaths = certificateThumbprint ? [WINDOWS_TEMPORARY_KEY_PATH] : []; this.walk(WINDOWS_TEMPLATE_PATH, excludePaths).forEach(absolutePath => this.copy( absolutePath, this.buildDestPath(absolutePath, COMMON_TEMPLATE_PATH, pathParams), contnetParams, ), ); } private buildSelfSignedCertificate(currentUser: string | undefined): string { const { projectPath, projectName } = this.options; if (os.platform() !== 'win32') { return ''; } console.log( '%s %s','[windows]'), chalk.white.bold('Generating self-signed certificate...'), ); const certificateDestPath = path.join( projectPath, WINDOWS_FOLDER, projectName, ); const certificateFileDestPath = path.join(certificateDestPath, projectName); const certificateArgs = [ [ '$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -KeyUsage DigitalSignature -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -Subject', `"CN=${currentUser}" -TextExtension @("{text}", "{text}Subject Type:End Entity")`, `-CertStoreLocation "Cert:\\CurrentUser\\My"`, ].join(' '), '$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String password -Force -AsPlainText', `New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -ItemType directory -Path ${certificateDestPath}`, [ `Export-PfxCertificate -Cert "cert:\\CurrentUser\\My\\$($cert.Thumbprint)"`, `-FilePath ${certificateFileDestPath}_TemporaryKey.pfx -Password $pwd`, ].join(' '), '$cert.Thumbprint', ].join(';'); if (!fs.existsSync(certificateDestPath)) { fs.mkdirpSync(certificateDestPath); } const { status, stdout } = spawnSync('powershell', [ '-command', certificateArgs, ]); if (status === 0) { console.log( '%s %s','[windows]'),'Self-signed certificate generated successfully.'), ); const output = stdout .toString() .trim() .split('\n'); return output[output.length - 1]; } console.log( '%s %s','[windows]'),'Failed to generate Self-signed certificate.'), ); console.log( '%s %s','[windows]'), chalk.yellow.bold( 'Using Default Certificate. Use Visual Studio to renew it.', ), ); return ''; } private generatePackageJson(): void { const { projectPath, projectName, skipInstall } = this.options; const packageJson = JSON.stringify( { name: projectName.toLowerCase(), ...omit( this.packageJson, skipInstall ? [] : ['devDependencies', 'dependencies'], ), }, null, 2, ); fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(projectPath, 'package.json'), packageJson); } private printInstructions(): void { const { projectName, projectPath, skipInstall, yarn } = this.options; const xcodeProjectPath = `${path.resolve( projectPath, IOS_FOLDER, projectName, )}.xcodeproj`; const windowsProjectPath = `${path.resolve( projectPath, WINDOWS_FOLDER, projectName, )}.sln`; console.log('%s was successfully created. \n'), projectName, ); if (skipInstall) { console.log('To install dependencies:')); console.log(' cd %s', projectPath); console.log(chalk.white.bold(' %s \n'), yarn ? YARN : NPM_INSTALL); } console.log(chalk.yellow.bold('To run your app on Web:')); console.log(' cd %s', projectPath); console.log(chalk.white.bold(' %s start:web \n'), this.runCommand); console.log( chalk.yellow.bold('To build Web production version of your app:'), ); console.log(' cd %s', projectPath); console.log(chalk.white.bold(' %s build:web \n'), this.runCommand); console.log(chalk.cyan.bold('To run your app on iOS:')); console.log(' cd %s', projectPath); console.log(chalk.white.bold(' %s start:ios'), this.runCommand); console.log(' - or -'); console.log( ' open %s project in Xcode', path.relative(projectPath, xcodeProjectPath), ); console.log(' press the Run button \n'); console.log('To run your app on Android:')); console.log(' cd %s', projectPath); console.log( ' Have an Android emulator running (quickest way to get started), or a device connected.', ); console.log(chalk.white.bold(' %s start:android'), this.runCommand); console.log(' - or -'); console.log(chalk.white.bold(' open android/ project in Android Studio')); console.log(' press the Run button \n'); console.log('To run your app on Windows:')); console.log(' cd %s', projectPath); console.log(chalk.white.bold(' %s start:windows'), this.runCommand); console.log(' - or -'); console.log( chalk.white.bold(' open %s project in Visual Studio'), windowsProjectPath, ); console.log(' press the Run button \n'); } private installDependencies(): void { const { devDependencies, dependencies } = this.packageJson; const { projectPath, yarn } = this.options; const packageManager = new PackageManager(yarn); chdir(projectPath); packageManager.install(devDependencies, 'dev dependencies', true); packageManager.install(dependencies, 'dependencies'); } private setPackageJson(): void { const packageJson = merge( this.buildPackageJson(COMMON_FOLDER), this.buildPackageJson(this.templateFolderName), ); this.packageJson = { ...packageJson, devDependencies: sortKeys(packageJson.devDependencies), dependencies: sortKeys(packageJson.dependencies), }; } private buildPackageJson(srcFolder: string): Dictionary { const { skipJest, yarn } = this.options; const content = fs.readFileSync( path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, srcFolder, TEMP_PACKAGE_JSON), { encoding: 'utf8' }, ); const params = { paramsPrefix: yarn ? ' ' : ' -- ', runCommand: this.runCommand, skipJest, }; return JSON.parse(template.render(content, params, {}, ['<%', '%>'])); } private buildDestPath( absolutePath: string, relativeTo: string, params: Dictionary, ): string { let destPath = path.resolve( this.options.projectPath, path.relative(relativeTo, absolutePath), ); Object.keys(params).forEach( regexp => (destPath = destPath.replace( new RegExp(`\\b${regexp}`, 'g'), params[regexp], )), ); return destPath; } private copy(srcPath: string, destPath: string, params: Dictionary): void { if (fs.lstatSync(srcPath).isDirectory()) { if (!fs.existsSync(destPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(destPath); } return; } else { if (this.isBinary(srcPath)) { fs.copyFileSync(srcPath, destPath); } else { const permissions = fs.statSync(srcPath).mode; const content = template.render( fs.readFileSync(srcPath, 'utf8'), params, [], ['<%', '%>'], ); fs.writeFileSync(destPath, content, { encoding: 'utf8', mode: permissions, }); } } } private isBinary(srcPath: string): boolean { return ( ['.png', '.jpg', '.jar', '.ico', '.pfx', '.keystore'].indexOf( path.extname(srcPath), ) >= 0 ); } private walk(srcPath: string, excludePaths: string[] = []): string[] { const isExcluded = (file: string) => excludePaths.some(p => file.indexOf(p) >= 0); if (!fs.lstatSync(srcPath).isDirectory()) { return isExcluded(srcPath) ? [] : [srcPath]; } return [ srcPath, ...flatten( fs .readdirSync(srcPath) .map(child => this.walk(path.join(srcPath, child))), ), ].filter(absolutePath => !isExcluded(absolutePath)); } }