import * as postcss from './postcss'; import Node from './node'; export default class Comment extends Node implements postcss.Comment { /** * Returns a string representing the node's type. Possible values are * root, atrule, rule, decl or comment. */ type: string; /** * The comment's text. */ text: string; /** * Represents a comment between declarations or statements (rule and at-rules). * Comments inside selectors, at-rule parameters, or declaration values will * be stored in the Node#raws properties. */ constructor(defaults?: postcss.CommentNewProps); /** * @param overrides New properties to override in the clone. * @returns A clone of this node. The node and its (cloned) children will * have a clean parent and code style properties. */ clone(overrides?: Object): any; toJSON(): postcss.JsonComment; left: string; right: string; }