language: objective-c env: global: - secure: "gve1nkeKkwFEG1VAT3i+JwYyAdF0gKXwKx0uxbkBTsmm2M+0MDusohQdFLoEIkSIFktXBIDefoa7iGpLKRfG2VsZLpwJgnvnD0HqbnuR+k+W+bu7BHt4CAaR6GTllsDCjyq9zNyhUThzSnf2WNIpOEF5kHspZlbGfawURuUJH/U=" - secure: "jqVpmWxxBVXu2X8+XJMpKH0cooc2EKz9xKL2znBfYdNafJORSXcFAVbjCX5mZmVDcgIMwDtm2+gIG4P73hzJ2e3S+y2Z9ROJGyXHa3AxUTvXHQsxqzH8coHHqB8vTvfr0t2O5aKfpvpICpSea39r0hzNoMv6Ie5SwBdqj1YY9K0=" matrix: - NODE_VERSION="v6" - NODE_VERSION="v5" - NODE_VERSION="v4" - NODE_VERSION="v0.12" - NODE_VERSION="v0.10" - NODE_VERSION="iojs-v3" - NODE_VERSION="iojs-v2" - NODE_VERSION="iojs-v1" before_install: - echo $TRAVIS_OS_NAME # commit # ------------------------ # The commit message is used to determine the whether to manually # invoke a binary publish - COMMIT_MESSAGE=$(git show -s --format=%B $TRAVIS_COMMIT | tr -d '\n') # node # ------------------------ - export PATH=./node_modules/.bin/:$PATH - rm -rf ~/.nvm && git clone --depth 1 ~/.nvm - source ~/.nvm/ - nvm install $NODE_VERSION - nvm use $NODE_VERSION - npm install -g npm@latest - node --version - npm --version - nvm --version # publish dependencies # ------------------------ - npm install node-gyp -g - npm install aws-sdk install: # in the first instance we build from source to create the initial binary # which can then be used to create a package - npm install --build-from-source - npm test before_script: # Detemine if a publish is required. # # a) we are building a tag # b) we put [publish binary] in the commit message - PUBLISH_BINARY=false - if [[ $TRAVIS_BRANCH == `git describe --tags --always HEAD` ]]; then PUBLISH_BINARY=true; fi; # a - if test "${COMMIT_MESSAGE#*'[publish binary]'}" != "$COMMIT_MESSAGE"; then PUBLISH_BINARY=true; fi; # b # package & publish # ------------------------ - if [[ $PUBLISH_BINARY == true ]]; then node-pre-gyp package publish; fi; # clean-up # ------------------------ - node-pre-gyp clean - node-gyp clean script: # validate # ------------------------ # Post publishing a release verify that installing will pull down latest # binary from remote host - INSTALL_RESULT=0 - if [[ $PUBLISH_BINARY == true ]]; then INSTALL_RESULT=$(npm install --fallback-to-build=false > /dev/null)$? || true; fi; - node-pre-gyp clean # failure? # ------------------------ # if install returned non zero (errored) then we first unpublish and then # call false so travis will bail at this line. - if [[ $INSTALL_RESULT != 0 ]]; then node-pre-gyp unpublish; fi; - if [[ $INSTALL_RESULT != 0 ]]; then echo "returned $INSTALL_RESULT";false; fi; after_success: # display all published binaries - node-pre-gyp info