import * as configcatcommon from "configcat-common"; import { FlagOverrides, IAutoPollOptions, IConfigCatClient, IConfigCatLogger, ILazyLoadingOptions, IManualPollOptions, LogLevel, PollingMode } from "configcat-common"; /** * Returns an instance of ConfigCatClient for the specified SDK Key. * @remarks This method returns a single, shared instance per each distinct SDK Key. * That is, a new client object is created only when there is none available for the specified SDK Key. * Otherwise, the already created instance is returned (in which case the 'pollingMode', 'options' and 'configCatKernel' arguments are ignored). * So, please keep in mind that when you make multiple calls to this method using the same SDK Key, you may end up with multiple references to the same client object. * @param sdkKey SDK Key to access configuration * @param pollingMode The polling mode to use * @param options Options for the specified polling mode */ export declare function getClient(sdkKey: string, pollingMode?: TMode, options?: OptionsForPollingMode): IConfigCatClient; /** * Disposes all existing ConfigCatClient instances. */ export declare function disposeAllClients(): void; /** * Create an instance of ConfigCatClient and setup Auto polling with default options. * @param {string} sdkkey - SDK Key to access your configuration. * @param options - Options for Auto polling * @deprecated This function is obsolete and will be removed from the public API in a future major version. To obtain a ConfigCatClient instance with auto polling for a specific SDK Key, please use the 'getClient(sdkKey, PollingMode.AutoPoll, options, ...)' format. */ export declare function createClient(sdkkey: string, options?: IJSAutoPollOptions): IConfigCatClient; /** * Create an instance of ConfigCatClient and setup Auto polling. * @param {string} sdkkey - SDK Key to access your configuration. * @param options - Options for Auto polling * @deprecated This function is obsolete and will be removed from the public API in a future major version. To obtain a ConfigCatClient instance with auto polling for a specific SDK Key, please use the 'getClient(sdkKey, PollingMode.AutoPoll, options, ...)' format. */ export declare function createClientWithAutoPoll(sdkKey: string, options?: IJSAutoPollOptions): IConfigCatClient; /** * Create an instance of ConfigCatClient and setup Manual polling. * @param {string} sdkKey - SDK Key to access your configuration. * @param options - Options for Manual polling * @deprecated This function is obsolete and will be removed from the public API in a future major version. To obtain a ConfigCatClient instance with manual polling for a specific SDK Key, please use the 'getClient(sdkKey, PollingMode.ManualPoll, options, ...)' format. */ export declare function createClientWithManualPoll(sdkKey: string, options?: IJSManualPollOptions): IConfigCatClient; /** * Create an instance of ConfigCatClient and setup Lazy loading. * @param {string} sdkKey - SDK Key to access your configuration. * @param options - Options for Lazy loading * @deprecated This function is obsolete and will be removed from the public API in a future major version. To obtain a ConfigCatClient instance with lazy loading for a specific SDK Key, please use the 'getClient(sdkKey, PollingMode.LazyLoad, options, ...)' format. */ export declare function createClientWithLazyLoad(sdkKey: string, options?: IJSLazyLoadingOptions): IConfigCatClient; export declare function createConsoleLogger(logLevel: LogLevel): IConfigCatLogger; export declare function createFlagOverridesFromMap(map: { [name: string]: any; }, behaviour: number): FlagOverrides; export interface IJSAutoPollOptions extends IAutoPollOptions { } export interface IJSLazyLoadingOptions extends ILazyLoadingOptions { } export interface IJSManualPollOptions extends IManualPollOptions { } export type OptionsForPollingMode = TMode extends PollingMode.AutoPoll ? IJSAutoPollOptions : TMode extends PollingMode.ManualPoll ? IJSManualPollOptions : TMode extends PollingMode.LazyLoad ? IJSLazyLoadingOptions : TMode extends undefined ? IJSAutoPollOptions : never; export { PollingMode } from "configcat-common"; export type { IOptions } from "configcat-common"; export type { IAutoPollOptions, IManualPollOptions, ILazyLoadingOptions } from "configcat-common"; export { DataGovernance } from "configcat-common"; export type { IConfigCatLogger } from "configcat-common"; export { LogLevel } from "configcat-common"; export type { ICache } from "configcat-common"; export { ProjectConfig, RolloutRule, RolloutPercentageItem, Setting } from "configcat-common"; export type { IConfigCatClient } from "configcat-common"; export { SettingKeyValue } from "configcat-common"; export type { IEvaluationDetails, SettingTypeOf, SettingValue, VariationIdTypeOf, VariationIdValue } from "configcat-common"; export { User } from "configcat-common"; export type { IOverrideDataSource } from "configcat-common"; export { FlagOverrides, MapOverrideDataSource, OverrideBehaviour } from "configcat-common"; export { RefreshResult } from "configcat-common"; export type { IProvidesHooks, HookEvents } from "configcat-common"; export default function (sdkKey: string, options?: IJSAutoPollOptions): configcatcommon.IConfigCatClient; //#