[0.28.1] * Update changelog (omitted from 0.28.0 release). [0.28.0] * Update spec to 0.28. * Align punctuation regex with spec (#121). Previously some ASCII punctuation characters were not being counted, so `^_test_` came out without emphasis, for example. * Simplified a logical test, making it closer to the wording of the spec. * Don't parse reference def if last `]` is escaped (#468). E.g. [\ ] [\]: test * Dingus Makefile: remove ref to obsolete html.js. * Removed obsolete lib/xml.js (replaced by lib/render/xml.js). * Allow tabs before and after ATX closing header (Erik Edrosa). * Change precedence of Strong/Emph when both nestings possible. This accommodates the spec change to rule 14. Note that commonmark.js was not previously in conformity with rule 14 for things like `***hi****`. * Calculate "mulitple of 3" for delim runs based on original number of delims, not the number remaining after some have been used. * Make esc() method abstract and overridable (muji). * README: update documentation for overriding softbreak and esc (#118). * Remove old XMLRenderer implementation (muji). * package.json: use shorter form for repository. * Don't export version in lib/index.js. Instead, users can get version from package.json: `require('commonmark/package.json').version`. * Removed remnants of old html renderer (#113). Now we use lib/renderer/html.js. * Hand-rolled parser for link destinations. This allows nested parens, as now required by the spec. * Fix regression test example (Colin O'Dell). * dingus: Fixed iframe on load. [0.27.0] * Update spec to 0.27. * Use correct name in DOCTYPE declaration for XML output. It should be document, not CommonMark. * Fix Node type names in README (Jan Marthedal Rasmussen). * Allow shortcut link before a `(`. See jgm/CommonMark#427. * Added all characters in Pc, Pd, Pe, Pf, Pi, Po, Ps to rePunctuation (#108, problem not recognizing East Asian punctuation). * Allow tab after setext header line (#109). * Recognize h2..h6 as block tags (see jgm/CommonMark#430). * Enforce spec's distinction between Unicode whitespace and regular whitespace (Timothy Gu, see jgm/CommonMark#343). Per ECMA-262 6th Edition ("ECMAScript 2015") ยง21.2.2.12 [CharacterClassEscape], the JavaScript `\s` escape character matches the characters specified by "Unicode whitespace," but not "whitespace." Rename the existing regular expression variable to `UnicodeWhitespace`, and create and use a new regular expression variable that only matches the limited set of "whitespace" characters. * Removed unused definition. * Update README.md on overriding softbreak and escaping in renderer (#118). [0.26.0] * Implemented spec changes to lists: - Don't allow ordered lists to interrupt a paragraph unless they start with 1. - Remove two-blanks-break-out-of-lists feature. - Blank list item can't interrupt paragraph. * Fixed minor regex bug with raw HTML blocks (#98). This would affect things like: [SPACE][SPACE] x which, with the change, gets parsed as a raw HTML block, instead of a single paragraph with inline HTML, a line break, and 'x'. The new behavior conforms to the spec. See #7 in 4.6. Added regression. * Remove unnecessary check (Nik Ryby). It looks like `columns` is always true in this block, so there's no need to check it during the assignment to `count`. * Simplify and optimize brackets processing (links/images) (Robin Stocker). Together, these changes make the "nested brackets 10000 deep" pathological case go from 400 ms to 20 ms. * Changes in emph/strong emph parsing to match changes in spec. This implements the rule that we can't have emphasis matches when (a) one of the delimiters can open AND can close, and (b) the sum of the lengths of the delimiter runs containing open and close delimiters is a multiple of 3. * Fix not existing property usage (Maksim Dzikun). * Fixed tabs in ATX headers and thematic breaks. * Remove unused write-only variable (Maksim Dzikun). [0.25.1] * Ensure that `advanceNextNonspace` resets `partiallyConsumedTab`. This fixes a regression in which the first character after a tab would sometimes be dropped. * Added regression tests. * XML renderer: escape attribute values (muji). * Fix dingus vulnerability (muji). Use an iframe and innerHTML to prevent `