//For Angular App# //Components#$ codegenie ng c admin/navbar,sidebar,dashboard,area,order,category,product#It will create all those components into admin directory and will register them in app.module.ts // Layouts# $ codegenie ng l admin,client,public#It will create all those layouts into layout directory and will register them in app.module.ts // Services#$ codegenie ng s user,area,product,category,order#It will create all those services into service directory and will register them in app.module.ts // Routes#$ codegenie ng r admin,client,public#It will create all those routes into routes directory and will register them in app.module.ts //For Electron App#$ codegenie el b app_name author_name email#To generate electron app boilerplate //For Javascript#$ codegenie js new app_name author_name email#To generate javascript app boilerplate