import * as Errors from '@oclif/errors'; import { ActionBase } from './action/base'; import { config, Config } from './config'; import { ExitError } from './exit'; import { IPromptOptions } from './prompt'; import * as Table from './styled/table'; export declare const ux: { config: Config; warn: typeof Errors.warn; error: typeof Errors.error; exit: typeof Errors.exit; readonly prompt: typeof import("./prompt").prompt; /** * "press anykey to continue" */ readonly anykey: typeof import("./prompt").anykey; readonly confirm: typeof import("./prompt").confirm; readonly action: ActionBase; styledObject(obj: any, keys?: string[] | undefined): void; readonly styledHeader: typeof import("./styled/header").default; readonly styledJSON: typeof import("./styled/json").default; readonly table: typeof Table.default; readonly tree: typeof import("./styled/tree").default; readonly open: typeof import("./open").default; readonly wait: (ms?: number) => Promise<{}>; done(): Promise; trace(format: string, ...args: string[]): void; debug(format: string, ...args: string[]): void; info(format: string, ...args: string[]): void; log(format?: string | undefined, ...args: string[]): void; url(text: string, uri: string, params?: {}): void; annotation(text: string, annotation: string): void; flush(): Promise; }; export default ux; export declare const cli: { config: Config; warn: typeof Errors.warn; error: typeof Errors.error; exit: typeof Errors.exit; readonly prompt: typeof import("./prompt").prompt; /** * "press anykey to continue" */ readonly anykey: typeof import("./prompt").anykey; readonly confirm: typeof import("./prompt").confirm; readonly action: ActionBase; styledObject(obj: any, keys?: string[] | undefined): void; readonly styledHeader: typeof import("./styled/header").default; readonly styledJSON: typeof import("./styled/json").default; readonly table: typeof Table.default; readonly tree: typeof import("./styled/tree").default; readonly open: typeof import("./open").default; readonly wait: (ms?: number) => Promise<{}>; done(): Promise; trace(format: string, ...args: string[]): void; debug(format: string, ...args: string[]): void; info(format: string, ...args: string[]): void; log(format?: string | undefined, ...args: string[]): void; url(text: string, uri: string, params?: {}): void; annotation(text: string, annotation: string): void; flush(): Promise; }; export { config, ActionBase, Config, ExitError, IPromptOptions, Table, };