# This is the lint file for .scss files. It uses https://github.com/causes/scss-lint # to search through .scss files and point out errors. # You can view these errors in your editor. # # Here's a link to all the default configurations # https://github.com/causes/scss-lint/blob/master/config/default.yml # # This config is a slightly modified version of # https://github.com/primer/primer/blob/master/scss/.scss-lint.yml scss_files: 'docs/css/**/*.scss' exclude: ['docs/css/styles.scss', 'docs/css/base/**', 'docs/css/vendor/**'] linters: BangFormat: enabled: true space_before_bang: true space_after_bang: false BorderZero: enabled: true convention: zero # or `none` ColorKeyword: enabled: true ColorVariable: enabled: false Comment: enabled: false DebugStatement: enabled: true DeclarationOrder: enabled: true DuplicateProperty: enabled: true ElsePlacement: enabled: true style: same_line # or 'new_line' EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: enabled: false ignore_single_line_blocks: true EmptyRule: enabled: false FinalNewline: enabled: true present: true HexLength: enabled: true style: short # or 'long' HexNotation: enabled: true style: lowercase # or 'uppercase' HexValidation: enabled: true IdSelector: enabled: true ImportantRule: enabled: true ImportPath: enabled: true leading_underscore: false filename_extension: false Indentation: enabled: true allow_non_nested_indentation: false character: space # or 'tab' width: 2 LeadingZero: enabled: true style: exclude_zero MergeableSelector: enabled: true force_nesting: true NameFormat: enabled: false convention: hyphenated_lowercase # or 'BEM', or a regex pattern NestingDepth: enabled: false max_depth: 3 PlaceholderInExtend: enabled: false PropertySortOrder: enabled: true ignore_unspecified: true severity: warning order: - position - top - right - bottom - left - z-index - display - float - width - min-width - max-width - height - min-height - max-height - box-sizing - padding - padding-top - padding-bottom - padding-left - padding-right - margin - margin-top - margin-bottom - margin-left - margin-right - overflow - overflow-x - overflow-y - clip - clear - font - font-family - font-size - font-style - font-weight - font-variant - font-size-adjust - font-stretch - font-effect - font-emphasize - font-emphasize-position - font-emphasize-style - font-smooth - hyphens - line-height - color - text-align - text-align-last - text-emphasis - text-emphasis-color - text-emphasis-style - text-emphasis-position - text-decoration - text-indent - text-justify - text-outline - text-overflow - text-overflow-ellipsis - text-overflow-mode - text-shadow - text-transform - text-wrap - letter-spacing - word-break - word-spacing - word-wrap - tab-size - white-space - vertical-align - list-style - list-style-position - list-style-type - list-style-image - pointer-events - fill - fill-opacity - stroke - stroke-opacity - stroke-width - shape-rendering - cursor - visibility - zoom - flex-direction - flex-order - flex-pack - flex-align - table-layout - empty-cells - caption-side - border-spacing - border-collapse - content - quotes - counter-reset - counter-increment - resize - user-select - nav-index - nav-up - nav-right - nav-down - nav-left - background - background-color - background-image - filter - background-repeat - background-attachment - background-position - background-position-x - background-position-y - background-clip - background-origin - background-size - border - border-color - border-style - border-width - border-top - border-top-color - border-top-style - border-top-width - border-right - border-right-color - border-right-style - border-right-width - border-bottom - border-bottom-color - border-bottom-style - border-bottom-width - border-left - border-left-color - border-left-style - border-left-width - border-radius - border-top-left-radius - border-top-right-radius - border-bottom-right-radius - border-bottom-left-radius - border-image - border-image-source - border-image-slice - border-image-width - border-image-outset - border-image-repeat - outline - outline-width - outline-style - outline-color - outline-offset - box-shadow - opacity - transition - transition-delay - transition-timing-function - transition-duration - transition-property - transform - transform-origin - animation - animation-name - animation-duration - animation-fill-mode - animation-play-state - animation-timing-function - animation-delay - animation-iteration-count - animation-direction PropertySpelling: enabled: true extra_properties: [] QualifyingElement: enabled: true allow_element_with_attribute: false allow_element_with_class: false allow_element_with_id: false SelectorDepth: enabled: true max_depth: 4 SelectorFormat: enabled: false convention: hyphenated_lowercase # or 'BEM', or 'hyphenated_BEM', or 'snake_case', or 'camel_case', or a regex pattern Shorthand: enabled: true SingleLinePerProperty: enabled: true allow_single_line_rule_sets: true SingleLinePerSelector: enabled: true SpaceAfterComma: enabled: true SpaceAfterPropertyColon: enabled: true style: one_space # or 'no_space', or 'at_least_one_space', or 'aligned' SpaceAfterPropertyName: enabled: true SpaceBeforeBrace: enabled: true style: space # or 'new_line' allow_single_line_padding: true SpaceBetweenParens: enabled: true spaces: 0 StringQuotes: enabled: true style: double_quotes TrailingSemicolon: enabled: true TrailingZero: enabled: false UnnecessaryMantissa: enabled: true UnnecessaryParentReference: enabled: true UrlFormat: enabled: true UrlQuotes: enabled: true VariableForProperty: enabled: false properties: [] VendorPrefix: enabled: true identifier_list: base additional_identifiers: [] excluded_identifiers: [] ZeroUnit: enabled: true