import { InjectionKey, PropType } from 'vue'; import { UseSelected, SelectedItemId } from '../../composables/useSelected'; export declare const TabsSymbol: InjectionKey; export interface UseTabs extends UseSelected { uuid: string; } declare const _default: import("vue").DefineComponent<{ /** * Optionally bind the Tabs state with the parent component. */ modelValue: { type: PropType; default: null; }; /** * The id of the Tab to display by default. This is ignored if `v-model` is used. * * Defaults to the first tab. */ defaultTab: { type: PropType; default: null; }; }, { tabs: UseTabs; }, unknown, {}, {}, { props: { variant: { type: (StringConstructor | ArrayConstructor)[]; default: null; }; bare: { type: BooleanConstructor; default: boolean; }; }; }, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, "update:modelValue"[], "update:modelValue", import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<{ modelValue: SelectedItemId; defaultTab: SelectedItemId; } & {}>, { modelValue: SelectedItemId; defaultTab: SelectedItemId; }>; export default _default;