import { P as Point, E as Element, A as ArcOptions, D as DatasetController, C as Chart$3, a as AnyObject, b as PointElement$1, c as Config, d as Chart$4, e as ChartEvent$2, f as ChartArea, n as noop, S as Scale, T as TimeUnit, g as DateAdapter$1 } from './chunks/helpers.core.js'; export { av as ActiveDataPoint, aw as ActiveElement, a$ as Align, m as Animation, cj as AnimationEvent, aY as AnimationOptions, aU as AnimationSpec, o as Animations, aV as AnimationsSpec, ci as Animator, b4 as ArcBorderRadius, b5 as ArcHoverOptions, A as ArcOptions, B as BarController, a7 as BarControllerChartOptions, a6 as BarControllerDatasetOptions, v as BarElement, bh as BarHoverOptions, bf as BarOptions, be as BarProps, x as BasePlatform, y as BasicPlatform, bJ as BorderOptions, bg as BorderRadius, h as BubbleController, a8 as BubbleControllerDatasetOptions, a9 as BubbleDataPoint, b_ as CartesianParsedData, bP as CartesianScaleOptions, bW as CartesianScaleTypeRegistry, bM as CartesianTickOptions, N as CategoryScale, bQ as CategoryScaleOptions, d as Chart, f as ChartArea, aQ as ChartComponent, aJ as ChartComponentLike, ce as ChartConfiguration, cf as ChartConfigurationCustomTypesPerDataset, cc as ChartData, cd as ChartDataCustomTypesPerDataset, ca as ChartDataset, cb as ChartDatasetCustomTypesPerDataset, c8 as ChartDatasetProperties, c9 as ChartDatasetPropertiesCustomTypesPerDataset, e as ChartEvent, ax as ChartItem, au as ChartMeta, c5 as ChartOptions, c0 as ChartType, b$ as ChartTypeRegistry, ck as Color, b1 as CommonElementOptions, b2 as CommonHoverOptions, bo as ComplexFillTarget, a5 as ControllerDatasetOptions, aT as CoreChartOptions, aS as CoreInteractionOptions, aM as CoreScaleOptions, c3 as DatasetChartOptions, p as DatasetController, aA as DatasetControllerChartComponent, g as DateAdapter, F as Decimation, bk as DecimationAlgorithm, bl as DecimationOptions, c6 as DefaultDataPoint, aB as Defaults, z as DomPlatform, ag as DoughnutAnimationOptions, i as DoughnutController, ah as DoughnutControllerChartOptions, af as DoughnutControllerDatasetOptions, ai as DoughnutDataPoint, aj as DoughnutMetaExtensions, cg as EasingFunction, E as Element, bj as ElementChartOptions, bi as ElementOptionsByType, bD as ExtendedPlugin, bn as FillTarget, G as Filler, bp as FillerControllerDatasetOptions, bm as FillerOptions, aZ as FontSpec, bK as GridLineOptions, I as Interaction, aR as InteractionAxis, aE as InteractionItem, aH as InteractionMode, aF as InteractionModeFunction, aG as InteractionModeMap, aD as InteractionOptions, cl as LayoutItem, cm as LayoutPosition, H as Legend, br as LegendElement, bq as LegendItem, bs as LegendOptions, L as LineController, ab as LineControllerChartOptions, aa as LineControllerDatasetOptions, w as LineElement, b8 as LineHoverOptions, b7 as LineOptions, b6 as LineProps, O as LinearScale, bR as LinearScaleOptions, Q as LogarithmicScale, bS as LogarithmicScaleOptions, aC as Overrides, c7 as ParsedDataType, a4 as ParsingOptions, am as PieAnimationOptions, j as PieController, al as PieControllerChartOptions, ak as PieControllerDatasetOptions, an as PieDataPoint, ao as PieMetaExtensions, aI as Plugin, bI as PluginChartOptions, bH as PluginOptionsByType, P as Point, b as PointElement, bb as PointHoverOptions, ba as PointOptions, bd as PointPrefixedHoverOptions, bc as PointPrefixedOptions, ch as PointProps, b9 as PointStyle, aq as PolarAreaAnimationOptions, k as PolarAreaController, ar as PolarAreaControllerChartOptions, ap as PolarAreaControllerDatasetOptions, R as RadarController, at as RadarControllerChartOptions, as as RadarControllerDatasetOptions, U as RadialLinearScale, bV as RadialLinearScaleOptions, bX as RadialScaleTypeRegistry, bU as RadialTickOptions, aK as Registry, q as Scale, c4 as ScaleChartOptions, c2 as ScaleOptions, c1 as ScaleOptionsByType, bZ as ScaleType, bY as ScaleTypeRegistry, l as ScatterController, ae as ScatterControllerChartOptions, ac as ScatterControllerDatasetOptions, ad as ScatterDataPoint, $ as Scriptable, a2 as ScriptableAndArray, a3 as ScriptableAndArrayOptions, a1 as ScriptableAndScriptableOptions, bN as ScriptableCartesianScaleContext, bO as ScriptableChartContext, Y as ScriptableContext, Z as ScriptableLineSegmentContext, a0 as ScriptableOptions, aN as ScriptableScaleContext, aO as ScriptableScalePointLabelContext, bE as ScriptableTooltipContext, b3 as Segment, J as SubTitle, a_ as TextAlign, aL as Tick, bL as TickOptions, r as Ticks, V as TimeScale, bT as TimeScaleOptions, W as TimeSeriesScale, T as TimeUnit, K as Title, bt as TitleOptions, M as Tooltip, bC as TooltipCallbacks, bG as TooltipItem, bw as TooltipLabelStyle, bx as TooltipModel, bF as TooltipOptions, by as TooltipPosition, bB as TooltipPositioner, bz as TooltipPositionerFunction, bA as TooltipPositionerMap, bu as TooltipXAlignment, bv as TooltipYAlignment, aW as TransitionSpec, aX as TransitionsSpec, aP as TypedRegistry, az as UpdateMode, ay as UpdateModeEnum, b0 as VisualElement, _ as _adapters, s as defaults, t as layouts, X as registerables, u as registry } from './chunks/helpers.core.js'; interface ArcProps extends Point { startAngle: number; endAngle: number; innerRadius: number; outerRadius: number; circumference: number; } declare class ArcElement extends Element { static id: string; static defaults: { borderAlign: string; borderColor: string; borderJoinStyle: any; borderRadius: number; borderWidth: number; offset: number; spacing: number; angle: any; circular: boolean; }; static defaultRoutes: { backgroundColor: string; }; circumference: number; endAngle: number; fullCircles: number; innerRadius: number; outerRadius: number; pixelMargin: number; startAngle: number; constructor(cfg: any); inRange(chartX: number, chartY: number, useFinalPosition: boolean): boolean; getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition: boolean): { x: number; y: number; }; tooltipPosition(useFinalPosition: boolean): { x: number; y: number; }; draw(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void; } declare class BarController extends DatasetController { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static overrides: any; /** * Overriding primitive data parsing since we support mixed primitive/array * data for float bars * @protected */ protected parsePrimitiveData(meta: any, data: any, start: any, count: any): any[]; /** * Overriding array data parsing since we support mixed primitive/array * data for float bars * @protected */ protected parseArrayData(meta: any, data: any, start: any, count: any): any[]; /** * Overriding object data parsing since we support mixed primitive/array * value-scale data for float bars * @protected */ protected parseObjectData(meta: any, data: any, start: any, count: any): any[]; update(mode: any): void; /** * Returns the stacks based on groups and bar visibility. * @param {number} [last] - The dataset index * @param {number} [dataIndex] - The data index of the ruler * @returns {string[]} The list of stack IDs * @private */ private _getStacks; /** * Returns the effective number of stacks based on groups and bar visibility. * @private */ private _getStackCount; /** * Returns the stack index for the given dataset based on groups and bar visibility. * @param {number} [datasetIndex] - The dataset index * @param {string} [name] - The stack name to find * @param {number} [dataIndex] * @returns {number} The stack index * @private */ private _getStackIndex; /** * @private */ private _getRuler; /** * Note: pixel values are not clamped to the scale area. * @private */ private _calculateBarValuePixels; /** * @private */ private _calculateBarIndexPixels; } declare class BubbleController extends DatasetController { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static overrides: any; /** * Parse array of primitive values * @protected */ protected parsePrimitiveData(meta: any, data: any, start: any, count: any): any; /** * Parse array of arrays * @protected */ protected parseArrayData(meta: any, data: any, start: any, count: any): any; /** * Parse array of objects * @protected */ protected parseObjectData(meta: any, data: any, start: any, count: any): any; /** * @protected */ protected getMaxOverflow(): number; /** * @protected */ protected getLabelAndValue(index: any): { label: any; value: string; }; update(mode: any): void; } declare class DoughnutController extends DatasetController { static id: string; static descriptors: { _scriptable: (name: any) => boolean; _indexable: (name: any) => boolean; }; /** * @type {any} */ static overrides: any; constructor(chart: any, datasetIndex: any); innerRadius: number; outerRadius: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; /** * Override data parsing, since we are not using scales */ parse(start: any, count: any): void; /** * @private */ private _getRotation; /** * @private */ private _getCircumference; /** * Get the maximal rotation & circumference extents * across all visible datasets. */ _getRotationExtents(): { rotation: number; circumference: number; }; /** * @private */ private _circumference; calculateTotal(): number; calculateCircumference(value: any): number; getLabelAndValue(index: any): { label: any; value: string; }; getMaxBorderWidth(arcs: any): number; getMaxOffset(arcs: any): number; /** * Get radius length offset of the dataset in relation to the visible datasets weights. This allows determining the inner and outer radius correctly * @private */ private _getRingWeightOffset; /** * @private */ private _getRingWeight; /** * Returns the sum of all visible data set weights. * @private */ private _getVisibleDatasetWeightTotal; } declare class LineController extends DatasetController { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static overrides: any; update(mode: any): void; /** * @protected */ protected getMaxOverflow(): any; } declare class PolarAreaController extends DatasetController { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static overrides: any; constructor(chart: any, datasetIndex: any); innerRadius: number; outerRadius: number; getLabelAndValue(index: any): { label: any; value: string; }; parseObjectData(meta: any, data: any, start: any, count: any): any[]; update(mode: any): void; /** * @protected */ protected getMinMax(): { min: number; max: number; }; /** * @private */ private _updateRadius; countVisibleElements(): number; /** * @private */ private _computeAngle; } declare class PieController extends DoughnutController { } declare class RadarController extends DatasetController { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static overrides: any; /** * @protected */ protected getLabelAndValue(index: any): { label: any; value: string; }; parseObjectData(meta: any, data: any, start: any, count: any): any[]; update(mode: any): void; } declare class ScatterController extends DatasetController { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static overrides: any; /** * @protected */ protected getLabelAndValue(index: any): { label: any; value: string; }; update(mode: any): void; /** * @protected */ protected getMaxOverflow(): any; } type controllers_BarController = BarController; declare const controllers_BarController: typeof BarController; type controllers_BubbleController = BubbleController; declare const controllers_BubbleController: typeof BubbleController; type controllers_DoughnutController = DoughnutController; declare const controllers_DoughnutController: typeof DoughnutController; type controllers_LineController = LineController; declare const controllers_LineController: typeof LineController; type controllers_PolarAreaController = PolarAreaController; declare const controllers_PolarAreaController: typeof PolarAreaController; type controllers_PieController = PieController; declare const controllers_PieController: typeof PieController; type controllers_RadarController = RadarController; declare const controllers_RadarController: typeof RadarController; type controllers_ScatterController = ScatterController; declare const controllers_ScatterController: typeof ScatterController; declare namespace controllers { export { controllers_BarController as BarController, controllers_BubbleController as BubbleController, controllers_DoughnutController as DoughnutController, controllers_LineController as LineController, controllers_PolarAreaController as PolarAreaController, controllers_PieController as PieController, controllers_RadarController as RadarController, controllers_ScatterController as ScatterController, }; } declare class Animation$1 { constructor(cfg: any, target: any, prop: any, to: any); _active: boolean; _fn: any; _easing: any; _start: number; _duration: number; _total: number; _loop: boolean; _target: any; _prop: any; _from: unknown; _to: any; _promises: any[]; active(): boolean; update(cfg: any, to: any, date: any): void; cancel(): void; tick(date: any): void; wait(): Promise; _notify(resolved: any): void; } declare class Animations { constructor(chart: any, config: any); _chart: any; _properties: Map; configure(config: any): void; /** * Utility to handle animation of `options`. * @private */ private _animateOptions; /** * @private */ private _createAnimations; /** * Update `target` properties to new values, using configured animations * @param {object} target - object to update * @param {object} values - new target properties * @returns {boolean|undefined} - `true` if animations were started **/ update(target: object, values: object): boolean | undefined; } /** * @typedef { import("./core.animation").default } Animation * @typedef { import("./core.controller").default } Chart */ /** * Please use the module's default export which provides a singleton instance * Note: class is export for typedoc */ declare class Animator { _request: any; _charts: Map; _running: boolean; _lastDate: number; /** * @private */ private _notify; /** * @private */ private _refresh; /** * @private */ private _update; /** * @private */ private _getAnims; /** * @param {Chart} chart * @param {string} event - event name * @param {Function} cb - callback */ listen(chart: Chart$2, event: string, cb: Function): void; /** * Add animations * @param {Chart} chart * @param {Animation[]} items - animations */ add(chart: Chart$2, items: Animation[]): void; /** * Counts number of active animations for the chart * @param {Chart} chart */ has(chart: Chart$2): boolean; /** * Start animating (all charts) * @param {Chart} chart */ start(chart: Chart$2): void; running(chart: any): boolean; /** * Stop all animations for the chart * @param {Chart} chart */ stop(chart: Chart$2): void; /** * Remove chart from Animator * @param {Chart} chart */ remove(chart: Chart$2): boolean; } declare const _default$7: Animator; type Animation = Animation$1; type Chart$2 = Chart$3; type Segment = { start: number; end: number; loop: boolean; style?: any; }; declare class LineElement extends Element { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static defaults: any; static descriptors: { _scriptable: boolean; _indexable: (name: any) => boolean; }; constructor(cfg: any); animated: boolean; options: any; _chart: any; _loop: any; _fullLoop: any; _path: any; _points: any; _segments: Segment[]; _decimated: boolean; _pointsUpdated: boolean; _datasetIndex: any; updateControlPoints(chartArea: any, indexAxis: any): void; set points(arg: any); get points(): any; get segments(): Segment[]; /** * First non-skipped point on this line * @returns {PointElement|undefined} */ first(): PointElement | undefined; /** * Last non-skipped point on this line * @returns {PointElement|undefined} */ last(): PointElement | undefined; /** * Interpolate a point in this line at the same value on `property` as * the reference `point` provided * @param {PointElement} point - the reference point * @param {string} property - the property to match on * @returns {PointElement|undefined} */ interpolate(point: PointElement, property: string): PointElement | undefined; /** * Append a segment of this line to current path. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx * @param {object} segment * @param {number} segment.start - start index of the segment, referring the points array * @param {number} segment.end - end index of the segment, referring the points array * @param {boolean} segment.loop - indicates that the segment is a loop * @param {object} params * @param {boolean} params.move - move to starting point (vs line to it) * @param {boolean} params.reverse - path the segment from end to start * @param {number} params.start - limit segment to points starting from `start` index * @param {number} params.end - limit segment to points ending at `start` + `count` index * @returns {undefined|boolean} - true if the segment is a full loop (path should be closed) */ pathSegment(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, segment: { start: number; end: number; loop: boolean; }, params: { move: boolean; reverse: boolean; start: number; end: number; }): undefined | boolean; /** * Append all segments of this line to current path. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D|Path2D} ctx * @param {number} [start] * @param {number} [count] * @returns {undefined|boolean} - true if line is a full loop (path should be closed) */ path(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D | Path2D, start?: number, count?: number): undefined | boolean; /** * Draw * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx * @param {object} chartArea * @param {number} [start] * @param {number} [count] */ draw(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, chartArea: object, start?: number, count?: number): void; } type PointElement = PointElement$1; declare class BarElement extends Element { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static defaults: any; constructor(cfg: any); options: any; horizontal: any; base: any; width: any; height: any; inflateAmount: any; draw(ctx: any): void; inRange(mouseX: any, mouseY: any, useFinalPosition: any): boolean; inXRange(mouseX: any, useFinalPosition: any): boolean; inYRange(mouseY: any, useFinalPosition: any): boolean; getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition: any): { x: number; y: number; }; getRange(axis: any): number; } type elements_ArcElement = ArcElement; declare const elements_ArcElement: typeof ArcElement; type elements_LineElement = LineElement; declare const elements_LineElement: typeof LineElement; type elements_BarElement = BarElement; declare const elements_BarElement: typeof BarElement; declare namespace elements { export { elements_ArcElement as ArcElement, elements_LineElement as LineElement, PointElement$1 as PointElement, elements_BarElement as BarElement, }; } /** * @typedef { import("../core/core.controller").default } Chart */ /** * Abstract class that allows abstracting platform dependencies away from the chart. */ declare class BasePlatform { /** * Called at chart construction time, returns a context2d instance implementing * the [W3C Canvas 2D Context API standard]{@link}. * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas - The canvas from which to acquire context (platform specific) * @param {number} [aspectRatio] - The chart options */ acquireContext(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, aspectRatio?: number): void; /** * Called at chart destruction time, releases any resources associated to the context * previously returned by the acquireContext() method. * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context - The context2d instance * @returns {boolean} true if the method succeeded, else false */ releaseContext(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): boolean; /** * Registers the specified listener on the given chart. * @param {Chart} chart - Chart from which to listen for event * @param {string} type - The ({@link ChartEvent}) type to listen for * @param {function} listener - Receives a notification (an object that implements * the {@link ChartEvent} interface) when an event of the specified type occurs. */ addEventListener(chart: Chart$1, type: string, listener: Function): void; /** * Removes the specified listener previously registered with addEventListener. * @param {Chart} chart - Chart from which to remove the listener * @param {string} type - The ({@link ChartEvent}) type to remove * @param {function} listener - The listener function to remove from the event target. */ removeEventListener(chart: Chart$1, type: string, listener: Function): void; /** * @returns {number} the current devicePixelRatio of the device this platform is connected to. */ getDevicePixelRatio(): number; /** * Returns the maximum size in pixels of given canvas element. * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} element * @param {number} [width] - content width of parent element * @param {number} [height] - content height of parent element * @param {number} [aspectRatio] - aspect ratio to maintain */ getMaximumSize(element: HTMLCanvasElement, width?: number, height?: number, aspectRatio?: number): { width: number; height: number; }; /** * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @returns {boolean} true if the canvas is attached to the platform, false if not. */ isAttached(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): boolean; /** * Updates config with platform specific requirements * @param {import("../core/core.config").default} config */ updateConfig(config: Config): void; } type Chart$1 = Chart$3; /** * Platform class for charts without access to the DOM or to many element properties * This platform is used by default for any chart passed an OffscreenCanvas. * @extends BasePlatform */ declare class BasicPlatform extends BasePlatform { acquireContext(item: any): any; updateConfig(config: any): void; } /** * Platform class for charts that can access the DOM and global window/document properties * @extends BasePlatform */ declare class DomPlatform extends BasePlatform { /** * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @param {number} [aspectRatio] * @return {CanvasRenderingContext2D|null} */ acquireContext(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, aspectRatio?: number): CanvasRenderingContext2D | null; /** * @param {Chart} chart * @param {string} type */ removeEventListener(chart: Chart, type: string): void; } type Chart = Chart$3; declare function _detectPlatform(canvas: any): typeof BasicPlatform | typeof DomPlatform; interface ColorsPluginOptions { enabled?: boolean; } declare const _default$6: { id: string; defaults: { enabled: boolean; }; beforeLayout(chart: Chart$4, _args: any, options: ColorsPluginOptions): void; }; declare namespace _default$5 { const id: string; namespace defaults { const algorithm: string; const enabled: boolean; } function beforeElementsUpdate(chart: any, args: any, options: any): void; function destroy(chart: any): void; function destroy(chart: any): void; } declare namespace _default$4 { const id: string; function afterDatasetsUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; function afterDatasetsUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; function beforeDraw(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; function beforeDraw(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; function beforeDatasetsDraw(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; function beforeDatasetsDraw(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; function beforeDatasetDraw(chart: any, args: any, options: any): void; function beforeDatasetDraw(chart: any, args: any, options: any): void; namespace defaults { const propagate: boolean; const drawTime: string; } } declare class Legend extends Element { /** * @param {{ ctx: any; options: any; chart: any; }} config */ constructor(config: { ctx: any; options: any; chart: any; }); _added: boolean; legendHitBoxes: any[]; /** * @private */ private _hoveredItem; doughnutMode: boolean; chart: any; options: any; ctx: any; legendItems: any; columnSizes: any[]; lineWidths: number[]; maxHeight: any; maxWidth: any; top: any; bottom: any; left: any; right: any; height: any; width: any; _margins: any; position: any; weight: any; fullSize: any; update(maxWidth: any, maxHeight: any, margins: any): void; setDimensions(): void; buildLabels(): void; fit(): void; /** * @private */ private _fitRows; _fitCols(titleHeight: any, labelFont: any, boxWidth: any, _itemHeight: any): any; adjustHitBoxes(): void; isHorizontal(): boolean; draw(): void; /** * @private */ private _draw; /** * @protected */ protected drawTitle(): void; /** * @private */ private _computeTitleHeight; /** * @private */ private _getLegendItemAt; /** * Handle an event * @param {ChartEvent} e - The event to handle */ handleEvent(e: ChartEvent$1): void; } declare namespace _default$3 { export const id: string; export { Legend as _element }; export function start(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function start(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function stop(chart: any): void; export function stop(chart: any): void; export function beforeUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function beforeUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function afterUpdate(chart: any): void; export function afterUpdate(chart: any): void; export function afterEvent(chart: any, args: any): void; export function afterEvent(chart: any, args: any): void; export namespace defaults { const display: boolean; const position: string; const align: string; const fullSize: boolean; const reverse: boolean; const weight: number; function onClick(e: any, legendItem: any, legend: any): void; function onClick(e: any, legendItem: any, legend: any): void; const onHover: any; const onLeave: any; namespace labels { function color(ctx: any): any; const boxWidth: number; const padding: number; function generateLabels(chart: any): any; function generateLabels(chart: any): any; } namespace title { export function color_1(ctx: any): any; export { color_1 as color }; const display_1: boolean; export { display_1 as display }; const position_1: string; export { position_1 as position }; export const text: string; } } export namespace descriptors { export function _scriptable(name: any): boolean; export namespace labels_1 { export function _scriptable_1(name: any): boolean; export { _scriptable_1 as _scriptable }; } export { labels_1 as labels }; } } type ChartEvent$1 = ChartEvent$2; declare namespace _default$2 { const id: string; function start(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; function start(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; function stop(chart: any): void; function stop(chart: any): void; function beforeUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; function beforeUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; namespace defaults { export const align: string; export const display: boolean; export namespace font { const weight: string; } export const fullSize: boolean; export const padding: number; export const position: string; export const text: string; const weight_1: number; export { weight_1 as weight }; } namespace defaultRoutes { const color: string; } namespace descriptors { const _scriptable: boolean; const _indexable: boolean; } } declare class Title extends Element { /** * @param {{ ctx: any; options: any; chart: any; }} config */ constructor(config: { ctx: any; options: any; chart: any; }); chart: any; options: any; ctx: any; _padding: ChartArea; top: number; bottom: any; left: number; right: any; width: any; height: any; position: any; weight: any; fullSize: any; update(maxWidth: any, maxHeight: any): void; isHorizontal(): boolean; _drawArgs(offset: any): { titleX: any; titleY: any; maxWidth: number; rotation: number; }; draw(): void; } declare namespace _default$1 { export const id: string; export { Title as _element }; export function start(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function start(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function stop(chart: any): void; export function stop(chart: any): void; export function beforeUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function beforeUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export namespace defaults { export const align: string; export const display: boolean; export namespace font { const weight: string; } export const fullSize: boolean; export const padding: number; export const position: string; export const text: string; const weight_1: number; export { weight_1 as weight }; } export namespace defaultRoutes { const color: string; } export namespace descriptors { const _scriptable: boolean; const _indexable: boolean; } } declare class Tooltip extends Element { /** * @namespace Chart.Tooltip.positioners */ static positioners: { /** * Average mode places the tooltip at the average position of the elements shown */ average(items: any): false | { x: number; y: number; }; /** * Gets the tooltip position nearest of the item nearest to the event position */ nearest(items: any, eventPosition: any): false | { x: any; y: any; }; }; constructor(config: any); opacity: number; _active: any[]; _eventPosition: any; _size: { width: number; height: number; }; _cachedAnimations: Readonly; _tooltipItems: any[]; $animations: any; $context: any; chart: any; options: any; dataPoints: { chart: Chart$3; label: any; parsed: any; raw: any; formattedValue: any; dataset: any; dataIndex: number; datasetIndex: number; element: Element; }[]; title: any; beforeBody: any; body: any[]; afterBody: any; footer: any; xAlign: any; yAlign: any; x: any; y: any; height: number; width: number; caretX: any; caretY: any; labelColors: any[]; labelPointStyles: any[]; labelTextColors: any[]; initialize(options: any): void; /** * @private */ private _resolveAnimations; /** * @protected */ protected getContext(): any; getTitle(context: any, options: any): any; getBeforeBody(tooltipItems: any, options: any): any; getBody(tooltipItems: any, options: any): any[]; getAfterBody(tooltipItems: any, options: any): any; getFooter(tooltipItems: any, options: any): any; /** * @private */ private _createItems; update(changed: any, replay: any): void; drawCaret(tooltipPoint: any, ctx: any, size: any, options: any): void; getCaretPosition(tooltipPoint: any, size: any, options: any): { x1: any; x2: any; x3: any; y1: any; y2: any; y3: any; }; drawTitle(pt: any, ctx: any, options: any): void; /** * @private */ private _drawColorBox; drawBody(pt: any, ctx: any, options: any): void; drawFooter(pt: any, ctx: any, options: any): void; drawBackground(pt: any, ctx: any, tooltipSize: any, options: any): void; /** * Update x/y animation targets when _active elements are animating too * @private */ private _updateAnimationTarget; /** * Determine if the tooltip will draw anything * @returns {boolean} True if the tooltip will render */ _willRender(): boolean; draw(ctx: any): void; /** * Get active elements in the tooltip * @returns {Array} Array of elements that are active in the tooltip */ getActiveElements(): any[]; /** * Set active elements in the tooltip * @param {array} activeElements Array of active datasetIndex/index pairs. * @param {object} eventPosition Synthetic event position used in positioning */ setActiveElements(activeElements: any[], eventPosition: object): void; _ignoreReplayEvents: boolean; /** * Handle an event * @param {ChartEvent} e - The event to handle * @param {boolean} [replay] - This is a replayed event (from update) * @param {boolean} [inChartArea] - The event is inside chartArea * @returns {boolean} true if the tooltip changed */ handleEvent(e: ChartEvent, replay?: boolean, inChartArea?: boolean): boolean; /** * Helper for determining the active elements for event * @param {ChartEvent} e - The event to handle * @param {InteractionItem[]} lastActive - Previously active elements * @param {boolean} [replay] - This is a replayed event (from update) * @param {boolean} [inChartArea] - The event is inside chartArea * @returns {InteractionItem[]} - Active elements * @private */ private _getActiveElements; /** * Determine if the active elements + event combination changes the * tooltip position * @param {array} active - Active elements * @param {ChartEvent} e - Event that triggered the position change * @returns {boolean} True if the position has changed */ _positionChanged(active: any[], e: ChartEvent): boolean; } declare namespace _default { export const id: string; export { Tooltip as _element }; export { positioners }; export function afterInit(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function afterInit(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function beforeUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function beforeUpdate(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function reset(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function reset(chart: any, _args: any, options: any): void; export function afterDraw(chart: any): void; export function afterDraw(chart: any): void; export function afterEvent(chart: any, args: any): void; export function afterEvent(chart: any, args: any): void; export namespace defaults { export const enabled: boolean; export const external: any; export const position: string; export const backgroundColor: string; export const titleColor: string; export namespace titleFont { const weight: string; } export const titleSpacing: number; export const titleMarginBottom: number; export const titleAlign: string; export const bodyColor: string; export const bodySpacing: number; export const bodyFont: {}; export const bodyAlign: string; export const footerColor: string; export const footerSpacing: number; export const footerMarginTop: number; export namespace footerFont { const weight_1: string; export { weight_1 as weight }; } export const footerAlign: string; export const padding: number; export const caretPadding: number; export const caretSize: number; export const cornerRadius: number; export function boxHeight(ctx: any, opts: any): any; export function boxWidth(ctx: any, opts: any): any; export const multiKeyBackground: string; export const displayColors: boolean; export const boxPadding: number; export const borderColor: string; export const borderWidth: number; export namespace animation { const duration: number; const easing: string; } export namespace animations { namespace numbers { const type: string; const properties: string[]; } namespace opacity { const easing_1: string; export { easing_1 as easing }; const duration_1: number; export { duration_1 as duration }; } } export { defaultCallbacks as callbacks }; } export namespace defaultRoutes { const bodyFont_1: string; export { bodyFont_1 as bodyFont }; const footerFont_1: string; export { footerFont_1 as footerFont }; const titleFont_1: string; export { titleFont_1 as titleFont }; } export namespace descriptors { export function _scriptable(name: any): boolean; export const _indexable: boolean; export namespace callbacks { const _scriptable_1: boolean; export { _scriptable_1 as _scriptable }; const _indexable_1: boolean; export { _indexable_1 as _indexable }; } export namespace animation_1 { const _fallback: boolean; } export { animation_1 as animation }; export namespace animations_1 { const _fallback_1: string; export { _fallback_1 as _fallback }; } export { animations_1 as animations }; } export const additionalOptionScopes: string[]; } type ChartEvent = ChartEvent$2; declare namespace positioners { /** * Average mode places the tooltip at the average position of the elements shown */ function average(items: any): false | { x: number; y: number; }; /** * Average mode places the tooltip at the average position of the elements shown */ function average(items: any): false | { x: number; y: number; }; /** * Gets the tooltip position nearest of the item nearest to the event position */ function nearest(items: any, eventPosition: any): false | { x: any; y: any; }; /** * Gets the tooltip position nearest of the item nearest to the event position */ function nearest(items: any, eventPosition: any): false | { x: any; y: any; }; } declare namespace defaultCallbacks { export { noop as beforeTitle }; export function title(tooltipItems: any): any; export function title(tooltipItems: any): any; export { noop as afterTitle }; export { noop as beforeBody }; export { noop as beforeLabel }; export function label(tooltipItem: any): any; export function label(tooltipItem: any): any; export function labelColor(tooltipItem: any): { borderColor: any; backgroundColor: any; borderWidth: any; borderDash: any; borderDashOffset: any; borderRadius: number; }; export function labelColor(tooltipItem: any): { borderColor: any; backgroundColor: any; borderWidth: any; borderDash: any; borderDashOffset: any; borderRadius: number; }; export function labelTextColor(): any; export function labelTextColor(): any; export function labelPointStyle(tooltipItem: any): { pointStyle: any; rotation: any; }; export function labelPointStyle(tooltipItem: any): { pointStyle: any; rotation: any; }; export { noop as afterLabel }; export { noop as afterBody }; export { noop as beforeFooter }; export { noop as footer }; export { noop as afterFooter }; } declare namespace plugins { export { _default$6 as Colors, _default$5 as Decimation, _default$4 as Filler, _default$3 as Legend, _default$2 as SubTitle, _default$1 as Title, _default as Tooltip, }; } declare class CategoryScale extends Scale { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static defaults: any; /** @type {number} */ _startValue: number; _valueRange: number; _addedLabels: any[]; init(scaleOptions: any): void; parse(raw: any, index: any): number; buildTicks(): { value: any; }[]; getLabelForValue(value: any): any; getPixelForValue(value: any): number; getPixelForTick(index: any): number; getValueForPixel(pixel: any): number; } declare class LinearScaleBase extends Scale { /** @type {number} */ start: number; /** @type {number} */ end: number; /** @type {number} */ _startValue: number; /** @type {number} */ _endValue: number; _valueRange: number; parse(raw: any, index: any): number; handleTickRangeOptions(): void; getTickLimit(): number; /** * @protected */ protected computeTickLimit(): number; getLabelForValue(value: any): string; } declare class LinearScale extends LinearScaleBase { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static defaults: any; getPixelForValue(value: any): number; getValueForPixel(pixel: any): number; } declare class LogarithmicScale extends Scale { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static defaults: any; /** @type {number} */ start: number; /** @type {number} */ end: number; /** @type {number} */ _startValue: number; _valueRange: number; parse(raw: any, index: any): number; _zero: boolean; handleTickRangeOptions(): void; /** * @param {number} value * @return {string} */ getLabelForValue(value: number): string; getPixelForValue(value: any): number; getValueForPixel(pixel: any): number; } declare class RadialLinearScale extends LinearScaleBase { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static defaults: any; static defaultRoutes: { 'angleLines.color': string; 'pointLabels.color': string; 'ticks.color': string; }; static descriptors: { angleLines: { _fallback: string; }; }; /** @type {number} */ xCenter: number; /** @type {number} */ yCenter: number; /** @type {number} */ drawingArea: number; /** @type {string[]} */ _pointLabels: string[]; _pointLabelItems: any[]; _padding: ChartArea; generateTickLabels(ticks: any): void; setCenterPoint(leftMovement: any, rightMovement: any, topMovement: any, bottomMovement: any): void; getIndexAngle(index: any): number; getDistanceFromCenterForValue(value: any): number; getValueForDistanceFromCenter(distance: any): any; getPointLabelContext(index: any): any; getPointPosition(index: any, distanceFromCenter: any, additionalAngle?: number): { x: number; y: number; angle: number; }; getPointPositionForValue(index: any, value: any): { x: number; y: number; angle: number; }; getBasePosition(index: any): { x: number; y: number; angle: number; }; getPointLabelPosition(index: any): { left: any; top: any; right: any; bottom: any; }; /** * @protected */ protected drawGrid(): void; /** * @protected */ protected drawLabels(): void; } declare class TimeScale extends Scale { static id: string; /** * @type {any} */ static defaults: any; /** * @param {object} props */ constructor(props: object); /** @type {{data: number[], labels: number[], all: number[]}} */ _cache: { data: number[]; labels: number[]; all: number[]; }; /** @type {Unit} */ _unit: Unit; /** @type {Unit=} */ _majorUnit: Unit | undefined; _offsets: {}; _normalized: boolean; _parseOpts: { parser: any; round: any; isoWeekday: any; }; init(scaleOpts: any, opts?: {}): void; _adapter: DateAdapter; /** * @param {*} raw * @param {number?} [index] * @return {number} */ parse(raw: any, index?: number | null): number; /** * @private */ private _getLabelBounds; /** * Returns the start and end offsets from edges in the form of {start, end} * where each value is a relative width to the scale and ranges between 0 and 1. * They add extra margins on the both sides by scaling down the original scale. * Offsets are added when the `offset` option is true. * @param {number[]} timestamps * @protected */ protected initOffsets(timestamps?: number[]): void; /** * Generates a maximum of `capacity` timestamps between min and max, rounded to the * `minor` unit using the given scale time `options`. * Important: this method can return ticks outside the min and max range, it's the * responsibility of the calling code to clamp values if needed. * @private */ private _generate; /** * @param {number} value * @return {string} */ getLabelForValue(value: number): string; /** * Function to format an individual tick mark * @param {number} time * @param {number} index * @param {object[]} ticks * @param {string|undefined} [format] * @return {string} * @private */ private _tickFormatFunction; /** * @param {object[]} ticks */ generateTickLabels(ticks: object[]): void; /** * @param {number} value - Milliseconds since epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC) * @return {number} */ getDecimalForValue(value: number): number; /** * @param {number} value - Milliseconds since epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC) * @return {number} */ getPixelForValue(value: number): number; /** * @param {number} pixel * @return {number} */ getValueForPixel(pixel: number): number; /** * @param {string} label * @return {{w:number, h:number}} * @private */ private _getLabelSize; /** * @param {number} exampleTime * @return {number} * @private */ private _getLabelCapacity; /** * @protected */ protected getDataTimestamps(): any; /** * @protected */ protected getLabelTimestamps(): number[]; /** * @param {number[]} values * @protected */ protected normalize(values: number[]): number[]; } type Unit = TimeUnit; type DateAdapter = DateAdapter$1; declare class TimeSeriesScale extends TimeScale { /** @type {object[]} */ _table: object[]; /** @type {number} */ _minPos: number; /** @type {number} */ _tableRange: number; /** * @protected */ protected initOffsets(): void; /** * Returns an array of {time, pos} objects used to interpolate a specific `time` or position * (`pos`) on the scale, by searching entries before and after the requested value. `pos` is * a decimal between 0 and 1: 0 being the start of the scale (left or top) and 1 the other * extremity (left + width or top + height). Note that it would be more optimized to directly * store pre-computed pixels, but the scale dimensions are not guaranteed at the time we need * to create the lookup table. The table ALWAYS contains at least two items: min and max. * @param {number[]} timestamps * @return {object[]} * @protected */ protected buildLookupTable(timestamps: number[]): object[]; /** * Returns all timestamps * @return {number[]} * @private */ private _getTimestampsForTable; } type scales_CategoryScale = CategoryScale; declare const scales_CategoryScale: typeof CategoryScale; type scales_LinearScale = LinearScale; declare const scales_LinearScale: typeof LinearScale; type scales_LogarithmicScale = LogarithmicScale; declare const scales_LogarithmicScale: typeof LogarithmicScale; type scales_RadialLinearScale = RadialLinearScale; declare const scales_RadialLinearScale: typeof RadialLinearScale; type scales_TimeScale = TimeScale; declare const scales_TimeScale: typeof TimeScale; type scales_TimeSeriesScale = TimeSeriesScale; declare const scales_TimeSeriesScale: typeof TimeSeriesScale; declare namespace scales { export { scales_CategoryScale as CategoryScale, scales_LinearScale as LinearScale, scales_LogarithmicScale as LogarithmicScale, scales_RadialLinearScale as RadialLinearScale, scales_TimeScale as TimeScale, scales_TimeSeriesScale as TimeSeriesScale, }; } export { ArcElement, ArcProps, _default$6 as Colors, _detectPlatform, _default$7 as animator, controllers, elements, plugins, scales };