import { Color } from '@kurkle/color'; import { P as Point$1, f as ChartArea, e as ChartEvent, C as Chart, au as ChartMeta, b as PointElement, cn as TRBL, co as TRBLCorners, aZ as FontSpec, b9 as PointStyle, ck as Color$1, cp as RoundedRect } from './chunks/helpers.core.js'; export { cg as EasingFunction, cE as MergeOptions, cL as _capitalize, cI as _deprecated, cB as _elementsEqual, cP as _isClickEvent, cD as _merger, cH as _mergerIf, cJ as _splitKey, cz as callback, cC as clone, cM as defined, cA as each, cv as finiteOrDefault, ct as isArray, cq as isFinite, cN as isFunction, cs as isNullOrUndef, cu as isObject, cF as merge, cG as mergeIf, n as noop, cK as resolveObjectKey, cO as setsEqual, cy as toDimension, cx as toPercentage, cr as uid, cw as valueOrDefault } from './chunks/helpers.core.js'; declare function isPatternOrGradient(value: unknown): value is CanvasPattern | CanvasGradient; declare function color(value: CanvasGradient): CanvasGradient; declare function color(value: CanvasPattern): CanvasPattern; declare function color(value: string | { r: number; g: number; b: number; a: number; } | [number, number, number] | [number, number, number, number]): Color; declare function getHoverColor(value: CanvasGradient): CanvasGradient; declare function getHoverColor(value: CanvasPattern): CanvasPattern; declare function getHoverColor(value: string): string; /** * Note: typedefs are auto-exported, so use a made-up `canvas` namespace where * necessary to avoid duplicates with `export * from './helpers`; see * */ type Point = Point$1; /** * Binary search * @param table - the table search. must be sorted! * @param value - value to find * @param cmp * @private */ declare function _lookup(table: number[], value: number, cmp?: (value: number) => boolean): { lo: number; hi: number; }; declare function _lookup(table: T[], value: number, cmp: (value: number) => boolean): { lo: number; hi: number; }; /** * Binary search * @param table - the table search. must be sorted! * @param key - property name for the value in each entry * @param value - value to find * @param last - lookup last index * @private */ declare const _lookupByKey: (table: Record[], key: string, value: number, last?: boolean) => { lo: number; hi: number; }; /** * Reverse binary search * @param table - the table search. must be sorted! * @param key - property name for the value in each entry * @param value - value to find * @private */ declare const _rlookupByKey: (table: Record[], key: string, value: number) => { lo: number; hi: number; }; /** * Return subset of `values` between `min` and `max` inclusive. * Values are assumed to be in sorted order. * @param values - sorted array of values * @param min - min value * @param max - max value */ declare function _filterBetween(values: number[], min: number, max: number): number[]; interface ArrayListener { _onDataPush?(...item: T[]): void; _onDataPop?(): void; _onDataShift?(): void; _onDataSplice?(index: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: T[]): void; _onDataUnshift?(...item: T[]): void; } /** * Hooks the array methods that add or remove values ('push', pop', 'shift', 'splice', * 'unshift') and notify the listener AFTER the array has been altered. Listeners are * called on the '_onData*' callbacks (e.g. _onDataPush, etc.) with same arguments. */ declare function listenArrayEvents(array: T[], listener: ArrayListener): void; /** * Removes the given array event listener and cleanup extra attached properties (such as * the _chartjs stub and overridden methods) if array doesn't have any more listeners. */ declare function unlistenArrayEvents(array: T[], listener: ArrayListener): void; /** * @param items */ declare function _arrayUnique(items: T[]): T[]; interface SplinePoint { x: number; y: number; skip?: boolean; cp1x?: number; cp1y?: number; cp2x?: number; cp2y?: number; } declare function splineCurve(firstPoint: SplinePoint, middlePoint: SplinePoint, afterPoint: SplinePoint, t: number): { previous: SplinePoint; next: SplinePoint; }; /** * This function calculates Bézier control points in a similar way than |splineCurve|, * but preserves monotonicity of the provided data and ensures no local extremums are added * between the dataset discrete points due to the interpolation. * See : */ declare function splineCurveMonotone(points: SplinePoint[], indexAxis?: 'x' | 'y'): void; /** * @private */ declare function _updateBezierControlPoints(points: SplinePoint[], options: any, area: ChartArea, loop: boolean, indexAxis: 'x' | 'y'): void; /** * Note: typedefs are auto-exported, so use a made-up `dom` namespace where * necessary to avoid duplicates with `export * from './helpers`; see * * @typedef { import("../core/core.controller").default } dom.Chart * @typedef { import('../../types').ChartEvent } ChartEvent */ /** * @private */ declare function _isDomSupported(): boolean; /** * @private */ declare function _getParentNode(domNode: HTMLCanvasElement): HTMLCanvasElement; declare function getStyle(el: HTMLElement, property: string): string; /** * Gets an event's x, y coordinates, relative to the chart area * @param event * @param chart * @returns x and y coordinates of the event */ declare function getRelativePosition(event: Event | ChartEvent | TouchEvent | MouseEvent, chart: Chart): { x: number; y: number; }; declare function getMaximumSize(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, bbWidth?: number, bbHeight?: number, aspectRatio?: number): { width: number; height: number; }; /** * @param chart * @param forceRatio * @param forceStyle * @returns True if the canvas context size or transformation has changed. */ declare function retinaScale(chart: Chart, forceRatio: number, forceStyle?: boolean): boolean | void; /** * Detects support for options object argument in addEventListener. * * @private */ declare const supportsEventListenerOptions: boolean; /** * The "used" size is the final value of a dimension property after all calculations have * been performed. This method uses the computed style of `element` but returns undefined * if the computed style is not expressed in pixels. That can happen in some cases where * `element` has a size relative to its parent and this last one is not yet displayed, * for example because of `display: none` on a parent node. * @see * @returns Size in pixels or undefined if unknown. */ declare function readUsedSize(element: HTMLElement, property: 'width' | 'height'): number | undefined; declare function fontString(pixelSize: number, fontStyle: string, fontFamily: string): string; /** * Request animation polyfill */ declare const requestAnimFrame: (((callback: FrameRequestCallback) => number) & typeof requestAnimationFrame) | ((callback: any) => any); /** * Throttles calling `fn` once per animation frame * Latest arguments are used on the actual call */ declare function throttled>(fn: (...args: TArgs) => void, thisArg: any): (...args: TArgs) => void; /** * Debounces calling `fn` for `delay` ms */ declare function debounce>(fn: (...args: TArgs) => void, delay: number): (...args: TArgs) => number; /** * Converts 'start' to 'left', 'end' to 'right' and others to 'center' * @private */ declare const _toLeftRightCenter: (align: 'start' | 'end' | 'center') => "center" | "right" | "left"; /** * Returns `start`, `end` or `(start + end) / 2` depending on `align`. Defaults to `center` * @private */ declare const _alignStartEnd: (align: 'start' | 'end' | 'center', start: number, end: number) => number; /** * Returns `left`, `right` or `(left + right) / 2` depending on `align`. Defaults to `left` * @private */ declare const _textX: (align: 'left' | 'right' | 'center', left: number, right: number, rtl: boolean) => number; /** * Return start and count of visible points. * @private */ declare function _getStartAndCountOfVisiblePoints(meta: ChartMeta<'line' | 'scatter'>, points: PointElement[], animationsDisabled: boolean): { start: number; count: number; }; /** * Checks if the scale ranges have changed. * @param {object} meta - dataset meta. * @returns {boolean} * @private */ declare function _scaleRangesChanged(meta: any): boolean; /** * @private */ declare function _pointInLine(p1: Point$1, p2: Point$1, t: number, mode?: any): { x: number; y: number; }; /** * @private */ declare function _steppedInterpolation(p1: Point$1, p2: Point$1, t: number, mode: 'middle' | 'after' | unknown): { x: number; y: number; }; /** * @private */ declare function _bezierInterpolation(p1: SplinePoint, p2: SplinePoint, t: number, mode?: any): { x: number; y: number; }; declare function formatNumber(num: number, locale: string, options?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions): string; /** * @alias Chart.helpers.options * @namespace */ /** * Converts the given line height `value` in pixels for a specific font `size`. * @param value - The lineHeight to parse (eg. 1.6, '14px', '75%', '1.6em'). * @param size - The font size (in pixels) used to resolve relative `value`. * @returns The effective line height in pixels (size * 1.2 if value is invalid). * @see * @since 2.7.0 */ declare function toLineHeight(value: number | string, size: number): number; /** * @param value * @param props */ declare function _readValueToProps(value: number | Record, props: K[]): Record; declare function _readValueToProps(value: number | Record, props: Record): Record; /** * Converts the given value into a TRBL object. * @param value - If a number, set the value to all TRBL component, * else, if an object, use defined properties and sets undefined ones to 0. * x / y are shorthands for same value for left/right and top/bottom. * @returns The padding values (top, right, bottom, left) * @since 3.0.0 */ declare function toTRBL(value: number | TRBL | Point): Record<"top" | "right" | "bottom" | "left", number>; /** * Converts the given value into a TRBL corners object (similar with css border-radius). * @param value - If a number, set the value to all TRBL corner components, * else, if an object, use defined properties and sets undefined ones to 0. * @returns The TRBL corner values (topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight) * @since 3.0.0 */ declare function toTRBLCorners(value: number | TRBLCorners): Record<"topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottomLeft" | "bottomRight", number>; /** * Converts the given value into a padding object with pre-computed width/height. * @param value - If a number, set the value to all TRBL component, * else, if an object, use defined properties and sets undefined ones to 0. * x / y are shorthands for same value for left/right and top/bottom. * @returns The padding values (top, right, bottom, left, width, height) * @since 2.7.0 */ declare function toPadding(value?: number | TRBL): ChartArea; interface CanvasFontSpec extends FontSpec { string: string; } /** * Parses font options and returns the font object. * @param options - A object that contains font options to be parsed. * @param fallback - A object that contains fallback font options. * @return The font object. * @private */ declare function toFont(options: Partial, fallback?: Partial): { family: string; lineHeight: number; size: number; style: "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | "initial" | "inherit"; weight: string; string: string; }; /** * Evaluates the given `inputs` sequentially and returns the first defined value. * @param inputs - An array of values, falling back to the last value. * @param context - If defined and the current value is a function, the value * is called with `context` as first argument and the result becomes the new input. * @param index - If defined and the current value is an array, the value * at `index` become the new input. * @param info - object to return information about resolution in * @param info.cacheable - Will be set to `false` if option is not cacheable. * @since 2.7.0 */ declare function resolve(inputs: Array, context?: object, index?: number, info?: { cacheable: boolean; }): unknown; /** * @param minmax * @param grace * @param beginAtZero * @private */ declare function _addGrace(minmax: { min: number; max: number; }, grace: number | string, beginAtZero: boolean): { min: number; max: number; }; /** * Create a context inheriting parentContext * @param parentContext * @param context * @returns */ declare function createContext

(parentContext: P, context: T): P extends null ? T : P & T; /** * @alias Chart.helpers.math * @namespace */ declare const PI: number; declare const TAU: number; declare const PITAU: number; declare const INFINITY: number; declare const RAD_PER_DEG: number; declare const HALF_PI: number; declare const QUARTER_PI: number; declare const TWO_THIRDS_PI: number; declare const log10: (x: number) => number; declare const sign: (x: number) => number; declare function almostEquals(x: number, y: number, epsilon: number): boolean; /** * Implementation of the nice number algorithm used in determining where axis labels will go */ declare function niceNum(range: number): number; /** * Returns an array of factors sorted from 1 to sqrt(value) * @private */ declare function _factorize(value: number): number[]; declare function isNumber(n: unknown): n is number; declare function almostWhole(x: number, epsilon: number): boolean; /** * @private */ declare function _setMinAndMaxByKey(array: Record[], target: { min: number; max: number; }, property: string): void; declare function toRadians(degrees: number): number; declare function toDegrees(radians: number): number; /** * Returns the number of decimal places * i.e. the number of digits after the decimal point, of the value of this Number. * @param x - A number. * @returns The number of decimal places. * @private */ declare function _decimalPlaces(x: number): number; declare function getAngleFromPoint(centrePoint: Point$1, anglePoint: Point$1): { angle: number; distance: number; }; declare function distanceBetweenPoints(pt1: Point$1, pt2: Point$1): number; /** * Shortest distance between angles, in either direction. * @private */ declare function _angleDiff(a: number, b: number): number; /** * Normalize angle to be between 0 and 2*PI * @private */ declare function _normalizeAngle(a: number): number; /** * @private */ declare function _angleBetween(angle: number, start: number, end: number, sameAngleIsFullCircle?: boolean): boolean; /** * Limit `value` between `min` and `max` * @param value * @param min * @param max * @private */ declare function _limitValue(value: number, min: number, max: number): number; /** * @param {number} value * @private */ declare function _int16Range(value: number): number; /** * @param value * @param start * @param end * @param [epsilon] * @private */ declare function _isBetween(value: number, start: number, end: number, epsilon?: number): boolean; interface RTLAdapter { x(x: number): number; setWidth(w: number): void; textAlign(align: 'center' | 'left' | 'right'): 'center' | 'left' | 'right'; xPlus(x: number, value: number): number; leftForLtr(x: number, itemWidth: number): number; } declare function getRtlAdapter(rtl: boolean, rectX: number, width: number): RTLAdapter; declare function overrideTextDirection(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, direction: 'ltr' | 'rtl'): void; declare function restoreTextDirection(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, original?: [string, string]): void; declare function clearCanvas(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, ctx?: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void; declare function clipArea(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, area: ChartArea): void; declare function unclipArea(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void; interface DrawPointOptions { pointStyle: PointStyle; rotation?: number; radius: number; borderWidth: number; } declare function drawPoint(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, options: DrawPointOptions, x: number, y: number): void; declare function drawPointLegend(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, options: DrawPointOptions, x: number, y: number, w: number): void; /** * Converts the given font object into a CSS font string. * @param font a font object * @return The CSS font string. See */ declare function toFontString(font: { size: number; family: string; style?: string; weight?: string }): string | null; interface RenderTextOpts { /** * The fill color of the text. If unset, the existing * fillStyle property of the canvas is unchanged. */ color?: Color$1; /** * The width of the strikethrough / underline * @default 2 */ decorationWidth?: number; /** * The max width of the text in pixels */ maxWidth?: number; /** * A rotation to be applied to the canvas * This is applied after the translation is applied */ rotation?: number; /** * Apply a strikethrough effect to the text */ strikethrough?: boolean; /** * The color of the text stroke. If unset, the existing * strokeStyle property of the context is unchanged */ strokeColor?: Color$1; /** * The text stroke width. If unset, the existing * lineWidth property of the context is unchanged */ strokeWidth?: number; /** * The text alignment to use. If unset, the existing * textAlign property of the context is unchanged */ textAlign: CanvasTextAlign; /** * The text baseline to use. If unset, the existing * textBaseline property of the context is unchanged */ textBaseline: CanvasTextBaseline; /** * If specified, a translation to apply to the context */ translation?: [number, number]; /** * Underline the text */ underline?: boolean; } declare function renderText( ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, text: string | string[], x: number, y: number, font: CanvasFontSpec, opts?: RenderTextOpts ): void; declare function addRoundedRectPath(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, rect: RoundedRect): void; export { ArrayListener, CanvasFontSpec, DrawPointOptions, HALF_PI, INFINITY, PI, PITAU, QUARTER_PI, RAD_PER_DEG, RTLAdapter, RenderTextOpts, SplinePoint, TAU, TWO_THIRDS_PI, _addGrace, _alignStartEnd, _angleBetween, _angleDiff, _arrayUnique, _bezierInterpolation, _decimalPlaces, _factorize, _filterBetween, _getParentNode, _getStartAndCountOfVisiblePoints, _int16Range, _isBetween, _isDomSupported, _limitValue, _lookup, _lookupByKey, _normalizeAngle, _pointInLine, _readValueToProps, _rlookupByKey, _scaleRangesChanged, _setMinAndMaxByKey, _steppedInterpolation, _textX, _toLeftRightCenter, _updateBezierControlPoints, addRoundedRectPath, almostEquals, almostWhole, clearCanvas, clipArea, color, createContext, debounce, distanceBetweenPoints, drawPoint, drawPointLegend, fontString, formatNumber, getAngleFromPoint, getHoverColor, getMaximumSize, getRelativePosition, getRtlAdapter, getStyle, isNumber, isPatternOrGradient, listenArrayEvents, log10, niceNum, overrideTextDirection, readUsedSize, renderText, requestAnimFrame, resolve, restoreTextDirection, retinaScale, sign, splineCurve, splineCurveMonotone, supportsEventListenerOptions, throttled, toDegrees, toFont, toFontString, toLineHeight, toPadding, toRadians, toTRBL, toTRBLCorners, unclipArea, unlistenArrayEvents };