import { type HTMLProps } from 'react'; export declare interface SwiperProps extends Omit, 'onLoad'> { /** (default start) align the slides with the start or center of the container */ align?: 'center' | 'start'; /** (default 50) 1 - 100. How hard to brake swiping animation after letting go */ braking?: number; children: JSX.Element[] | JSX.Element; /** prevent dragging slides */ disabled?: boolean; /** (default quart) set the ease stop animation for when stopMode != 'free' */ easingFunction?: EasingFunction; /** (default elastic) apply elastic effect or rigid at the end of the slides or carousel them back around */ endMode?: 'elastic' | 'rigid' | 'carousel'; /** fit number of slides in container */ fit?: number; /** (default 0) px gap between slide */ gap?: number; /** (default 0) used to set initial slide and to control externally */ goTo?: number; /** (default 500ms) time it takes to transition to desired slide */ goToTime?: number; /** called when swiping starts */ onSwipeStart?: () => void; /** called when swiping ends with current slide*/ onSwipeEnd?: (slide: number) => void; /** return callable methods */ onLoad?: (methods: SwiperMethods) => void; /** render component over swiper (used for controls, fade effect, etc.) */ Overlay?: (props: SwiperOverlayProps) => JSX.Element; /** (default 1) helpful when applying transform scale to swiper to match swipe movements */ scale?: number; /** (default single) stop after a single slide, animate slides per braking stopping on whole slide (multiple) or wherever it lies (free) */ stopMode?: 'single' | 'multiple' | 'free'; /** change to vertical swiper */ vertical?: boolean; } export type EasingFunction = 'linear' | 'overshoot' | 'quad' | 'quart'; export declare interface SwiperOverlayProps { /** class name for actions to enable clicking */ actionClass: string; /** current index of active slide */ currentIndex: number; /** methods to control the swiper programmatically */ methods: SwiperMethods; } export declare interface SwiperMethods { /** go to a slide */ goTo: (slide: number) => void; /** go to next slide */ next: () => void; /** go to previous slide */ prev: () => void; } export default function Swiper(props: SwiperProps): JSX.Element;