Copyright Statement for Contributions to the Callbag Standard ============================================================= I hereby represent that all present, past and future contributions I make to the Callbag project (which is the repository at callbag/callbag on GitHub) are governed by the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal copyright statement, placing my contributions in the public domain. This entails that to the extent possible under law I waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the code or documents I contribute. I also represent that I have the authority to perform the above waiver with respect to the entirety of my contributions. The text of the copyright statement is included in the COPYING file at the root of the Callbag repository at Underwriting parties: GitHub username| Real Name, Email Address used for git, Company (optional) ---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- staltz | Andre Medeiros, dreid | David Reid, johnrees | John Rees, VinSpee | Vince Speelman, acailly | Antoine Cailly, krawaller | David Waller, bloodyKnuckles | Jay Scott ANDERSON Andarist | Mateusz BurzyƄski, loreanvictor | Eugene Ghanizadeh Khoub, devanshj | Devansh Jethmalani, niieani | Bazyli Brzoska,