/* eslint-disable */ /* tslint:disable */ /** * This is an autogenerated file created by the Stencil compiler. * It contains typing information for all components that exist in this project. */ import { HTMLStencilElement, JSXBase } from "./stencil-public-runtime"; export namespace Components { interface BmBadge { /** * Color */ "color": | 'is-primary' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-danger' | 'is-warning' | 'is-white' | 'is-dark' | 'is-black'; /** * Is light */ "isLight": boolean; /** * Is outlined */ "isOutlined": boolean; /** * Position */ "position": | 'is-top-left' | 'is-top' | 'is-top-right' | 'is-right' | 'is-bottom-right' | 'is-bottom' | 'is-bottom-left' | 'is-left'; } interface BmBox { } interface BmBreadcrumb { /** * Breadcrumb alignment */ "alignment": 'is-centered' | 'is-right'; /** * Separator */ "separator": | 'has-arrow-separator' | 'has-bullet-separator' | 'has-dot-separator' | 'has-succeeds-separator'; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmButton { /** * Color */ "color": | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-danger' | 'is-warning' | 'is-white' | 'is-light' | 'is-dark' | 'is-black' | 'is-text'; /** * Is disabled? */ "disabled": boolean; /** * Active state */ "isActive": boolean; /** * Focused state */ "isFocused": boolean; /** * Display the button in full-width */ "isFullwidth": boolean; /** * Hovered state */ "isHovered": boolean; /** * Is inverted */ "isInverted": boolean; /** * Is light */ "isLight": boolean; /** * Loading state */ "isLoading": boolean; /** * Is outlined */ "isOutlined": boolean; /** * Rounded button */ "isRounded": boolean; /** * Static */ "isStatic": boolean; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large' | 'is-normal'; } interface BmButtons { /** * Buttons size */ "size": 'are-small' | 'are-medium' | 'are-large'; } interface BmCard { } interface BmCardContent { } interface BmCardFooter { } interface BmCardHeader { } interface BmCardImage { } interface BmCheckbox { /** * Checked */ "checked": boolean; /** * Disabled */ "disabled": boolean; /** * Input classes */ "inputClass": string; /** * Label classes */ "labelClass": string; } interface BmColumn { /** * Narrow column */ "isNarrow": boolean; /** * Sizes */ "sizes": string; } interface BmColumns { /** * Columns gaps */ "gaps": string; /** * Centered */ "isCentered": boolean; /** * Desktop */ "isDesktop": boolean; /** * Gapless */ "isGapless": boolean; /** * Mobile */ "isMobile": boolean; /** * Multiline */ "isMultiline": boolean; /** * Vertically centered */ "isVcentered": boolean; } interface BmContainer { /** * Container breakpoint */ "breakpoint": 'is-widescreen' | 'is-fullhd'; /** * Fluid container */ "isFluid": boolean; } interface BmContent { /** * Content size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmDivider { /** * CSS Classes */ "content": string; /** * Orientation */ "orientation": 'is-horizontal' | 'is-vertical'; } interface BmDropdown { /** * The dropdown visibility */ "isActive": boolean; /** * The dropdown will show up when hovering the dropdown-trigger */ "isHoverable": boolean; /** * Align the dropdown to the right */ "isRight": boolean; /** * Dropdown menu that appears above the dropdown button */ "isUp": boolean; } interface BmField { /** * Has addons */ "hasAddons": boolean; /** * Grouped field */ "isGrouped": boolean; /** * Grouped, on multiline */ "isGroupedMultiline": boolean; /** * Horizontal field */ "isHorizontal": boolean; /** * Label */ "label": string; /** * Help or error message */ "message": string; /** * Field size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmFile { /** * Alignment */ "alignment": 'is-centered' | 'is-right'; /** * Color */ "color": | 'is-white' | 'is-black' | 'is-light' | 'is-dark' | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * File */ "file": File; /** * Add a placeholder for the selected file name */ "hasName": boolean; /** * Boxed block */ "isBoxed": boolean; /** * Expand the name to fill up the space */ "isFullwidth": boolean; /** * Move the CTA to the right side */ "isRight": boolean; /** * Name */ "name": string; /** * Placeholder */ "placeholder": string; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmFooter { } interface BmIcon { /** * Color */ "color": 'has-text-info' | 'has-text-success' | 'has-text-warning' | 'has-text-danger'; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmImage { /** * Size */ "size": | 'is-16x16' | 'is-24x24' | 'is-32x32' | 'is-48x48' | 'is-64x64' | 'is-96x96' | 'is-128x128'; } interface BmInput { /** * Color */ "color": 'is-primary' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Control Classes */ "controlClass": string; /** * Disabled state */ "disabled": boolean; /** * Loading state */ "isLoading": boolean; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded": boolean; /** * Removes the background, border, shadow, and horizontal padding */ "isStatic": boolean; /** * Name */ "name": string; /** * Placeholder */ "placeholder": string; /** * The input will look similar to a normal one, but is not editable and has no shadow */ "readonly": boolean; /** * Required */ "required": boolean; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * State */ "state": 'is-hovered' | 'is-focused'; /** * Type */ "type": 'text' | 'number' | 'email' | 'password'; /** * Value */ "value": string | number; } interface BmMenu { } interface BmMessage { /** * Color */ "color": | 'is-dark' | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmModal { /** * Modal Card */ "hasModalCard": boolean; /** * Is Active */ "isActive": boolean; } interface BmNavbar { /** * Color */ "color": | 'is-black' | 'is-dark' | 'is-light' | 'is-white' | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Fixed position */ "fixedPosition": 'is-fixed-top' | 'is-fixed-bottom'; /** * Spaced */ "isSpaced": boolean; /** * Transparent */ "isTransparent": boolean; } interface BmNotification { /** * Color */ "color": 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Dismissable */ "dismissable": boolean; } interface BmPagination { /** * Alignment */ "alignment": 'is-centered' | 'is-right'; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded": boolean; /** * Pagination size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmPanel { /** * Panel color */ "color": 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-danger' | 'is-warning'; } interface BmProgress { /** * Color */ "color": 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Maximum value */ "max": number; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * Value */ "value": number; } interface BmRadio { /** * Checked */ "checked": boolean; /** * Disabled */ "disabled": boolean; /** * Input class */ "inputClass": string; /** * Label Classes */ "labelClass": string; /** * Name */ "name": string; } interface BmSection { /** * Section size */ "size": 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmSelect { /** * Color */ "color": 'is-primary' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Control classes */ "controlClass": string; /** * Icon */ "icon": string; /** * Loading state */ "isLoading": boolean; /** * Allows multiple selection */ "isMultiple": boolean; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded": boolean; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * State */ "state": 'is-hovered' | 'is-focused'; /** * Value */ "value": string | number; } interface BmSlider { /** * Color */ "color": 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger' | 'is-info'; /** * Disabled */ "disabled": boolean; /** * Circle */ "isCircle": boolean; /** * CSS Classes */ "max": number; /** * Min */ "min": number; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * Step */ "step": number; /** * Value */ "value": number; } interface BmSwitch { /** * Checked */ "checked": boolean; /** * Color */ "color": 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger' | 'is-info'; /** * Disabled */ "disabled": boolean; /** * Outlined */ "isOutlined": boolean; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded": boolean; /** * Thin */ "isThin": boolean; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmTable { /** * Bordered */ "isBordered": boolean; /** * Fullwidth */ "isFullwidth": boolean; /** * Hoverable */ "isHoverable": boolean; /** * Narrow */ "isNarrow": boolean; /** * Scrollable */ "isScrollable": boolean; /** * Striped */ "isStriped": boolean; } interface BmTabs { /** * Alignment */ "alignment": 'is-centered' | 'is-right'; /** * Full width */ "isFullwidth": boolean; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded": boolean; /** * Pagination size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * Style */ "tabStyle": 'is-boxed' | 'is-toggle'; } interface BmTag { /** * Color */ "color": | 'is-black' | 'is-dark' | 'is-light' | 'is-white' | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Modifier */ "modifier": 'is-rounded' | 'is-delete'; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * Tag */ "tag": string; } interface BmTags { /** * Has addons */ "hasAddons": boolean; /** * Size */ "size": 'are-medium' | 'are-large'; } interface BmTextarea { /** * Color */ "color": 'is-primary' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Control class */ "controlClass": string; /** * Disabled state */ "disabled": boolean; /** * Fixed size */ "hasFixedSize": boolean; /** * Loading state */ "isLoading": boolean; /** * Readonly state */ "readonly": boolean; /** * Rows */ "rows": number; /** * Size */ "size": 'is-small' | 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * State */ "state": 'is-hovered' | 'is-focused'; /** * Value */ "value": string | number; } } declare global { interface HTMLBmBadgeElement extends Components.BmBadge, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmBadgeElement: { prototype: HTMLBmBadgeElement; new (): HTMLBmBadgeElement; }; interface HTMLBmBoxElement extends Components.BmBox, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmBoxElement: { prototype: HTMLBmBoxElement; new (): HTMLBmBoxElement; }; interface HTMLBmBreadcrumbElement extends Components.BmBreadcrumb, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmBreadcrumbElement: { prototype: HTMLBmBreadcrumbElement; new (): HTMLBmBreadcrumbElement; }; interface HTMLBmButtonElement extends Components.BmButton, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmButtonElement: { prototype: HTMLBmButtonElement; new (): HTMLBmButtonElement; }; interface HTMLBmButtonsElement extends Components.BmButtons, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmButtonsElement: { prototype: HTMLBmButtonsElement; new (): HTMLBmButtonsElement; }; interface HTMLBmCardElement extends Components.BmCard, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmCardElement: { prototype: HTMLBmCardElement; new (): HTMLBmCardElement; }; interface HTMLBmCardContentElement extends Components.BmCardContent, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmCardContentElement: { prototype: HTMLBmCardContentElement; new (): HTMLBmCardContentElement; }; interface HTMLBmCardFooterElement extends Components.BmCardFooter, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmCardFooterElement: { prototype: HTMLBmCardFooterElement; new (): HTMLBmCardFooterElement; }; interface HTMLBmCardHeaderElement extends Components.BmCardHeader, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmCardHeaderElement: { prototype: HTMLBmCardHeaderElement; new (): HTMLBmCardHeaderElement; }; interface HTMLBmCardImageElement extends Components.BmCardImage, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmCardImageElement: { prototype: HTMLBmCardImageElement; new (): HTMLBmCardImageElement; }; interface HTMLBmCheckboxElement extends Components.BmCheckbox, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmCheckboxElement: { prototype: HTMLBmCheckboxElement; new (): HTMLBmCheckboxElement; }; interface HTMLBmColumnElement extends Components.BmColumn, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmColumnElement: { prototype: HTMLBmColumnElement; new (): HTMLBmColumnElement; }; interface HTMLBmColumnsElement extends Components.BmColumns, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmColumnsElement: { prototype: HTMLBmColumnsElement; new (): HTMLBmColumnsElement; }; interface HTMLBmContainerElement extends Components.BmContainer, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmContainerElement: { prototype: HTMLBmContainerElement; new (): HTMLBmContainerElement; }; interface HTMLBmContentElement extends Components.BmContent, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmContentElement: { prototype: HTMLBmContentElement; new (): HTMLBmContentElement; }; interface HTMLBmDividerElement extends Components.BmDivider, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmDividerElement: { prototype: HTMLBmDividerElement; new (): HTMLBmDividerElement; }; interface HTMLBmDropdownElement extends Components.BmDropdown, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmDropdownElement: { prototype: HTMLBmDropdownElement; new (): HTMLBmDropdownElement; }; interface HTMLBmFieldElement extends Components.BmField, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmFieldElement: { prototype: HTMLBmFieldElement; new (): HTMLBmFieldElement; }; interface HTMLBmFileElement extends Components.BmFile, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmFileElement: { prototype: HTMLBmFileElement; new (): HTMLBmFileElement; }; interface HTMLBmFooterElement extends Components.BmFooter, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmFooterElement: { prototype: HTMLBmFooterElement; new (): HTMLBmFooterElement; }; interface HTMLBmIconElement extends Components.BmIcon, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmIconElement: { prototype: HTMLBmIconElement; new (): HTMLBmIconElement; }; interface HTMLBmImageElement extends Components.BmImage, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmImageElement: { prototype: HTMLBmImageElement; new (): HTMLBmImageElement; }; interface HTMLBmInputElement extends Components.BmInput, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmInputElement: { prototype: HTMLBmInputElement; new (): HTMLBmInputElement; }; interface HTMLBmMenuElement extends Components.BmMenu, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmMenuElement: { prototype: HTMLBmMenuElement; new (): HTMLBmMenuElement; }; interface HTMLBmMessageElement extends Components.BmMessage, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmMessageElement: { prototype: HTMLBmMessageElement; new (): HTMLBmMessageElement; }; interface HTMLBmModalElement extends Components.BmModal, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmModalElement: { prototype: HTMLBmModalElement; new (): HTMLBmModalElement; }; interface HTMLBmNavbarElement extends Components.BmNavbar, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmNavbarElement: { prototype: HTMLBmNavbarElement; new (): HTMLBmNavbarElement; }; interface HTMLBmNotificationElement extends Components.BmNotification, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmNotificationElement: { prototype: HTMLBmNotificationElement; new (): HTMLBmNotificationElement; }; interface HTMLBmPaginationElement extends Components.BmPagination, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmPaginationElement: { prototype: HTMLBmPaginationElement; new (): HTMLBmPaginationElement; }; interface HTMLBmPanelElement extends Components.BmPanel, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmPanelElement: { prototype: HTMLBmPanelElement; new (): HTMLBmPanelElement; }; interface HTMLBmProgressElement extends Components.BmProgress, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmProgressElement: { prototype: HTMLBmProgressElement; new (): HTMLBmProgressElement; }; interface HTMLBmRadioElement extends Components.BmRadio, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmRadioElement: { prototype: HTMLBmRadioElement; new (): HTMLBmRadioElement; }; interface HTMLBmSectionElement extends Components.BmSection, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmSectionElement: { prototype: HTMLBmSectionElement; new (): HTMLBmSectionElement; }; interface HTMLBmSelectElement extends Components.BmSelect, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmSelectElement: { prototype: HTMLBmSelectElement; new (): HTMLBmSelectElement; }; interface HTMLBmSliderElement extends Components.BmSlider, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmSliderElement: { prototype: HTMLBmSliderElement; new (): HTMLBmSliderElement; }; interface HTMLBmSwitchElement extends Components.BmSwitch, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmSwitchElement: { prototype: HTMLBmSwitchElement; new (): HTMLBmSwitchElement; }; interface HTMLBmTableElement extends Components.BmTable, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmTableElement: { prototype: HTMLBmTableElement; new (): HTMLBmTableElement; }; interface HTMLBmTabsElement extends Components.BmTabs, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmTabsElement: { prototype: HTMLBmTabsElement; new (): HTMLBmTabsElement; }; interface HTMLBmTagElement extends Components.BmTag, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmTagElement: { prototype: HTMLBmTagElement; new (): HTMLBmTagElement; }; interface HTMLBmTagsElement extends Components.BmTags, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmTagsElement: { prototype: HTMLBmTagsElement; new (): HTMLBmTagsElement; }; interface HTMLBmTextareaElement extends Components.BmTextarea, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLBmTextareaElement: { prototype: HTMLBmTextareaElement; new (): HTMLBmTextareaElement; }; interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { "bm-badge": HTMLBmBadgeElement; "bm-box": HTMLBmBoxElement; "bm-breadcrumb": HTMLBmBreadcrumbElement; "bm-button": HTMLBmButtonElement; "bm-buttons": HTMLBmButtonsElement; "bm-card": HTMLBmCardElement; "bm-card-content": HTMLBmCardContentElement; "bm-card-footer": HTMLBmCardFooterElement; "bm-card-header": HTMLBmCardHeaderElement; "bm-card-image": HTMLBmCardImageElement; "bm-checkbox": HTMLBmCheckboxElement; "bm-column": HTMLBmColumnElement; "bm-columns": HTMLBmColumnsElement; "bm-container": HTMLBmContainerElement; "bm-content": HTMLBmContentElement; "bm-divider": HTMLBmDividerElement; "bm-dropdown": HTMLBmDropdownElement; "bm-field": HTMLBmFieldElement; "bm-file": HTMLBmFileElement; "bm-footer": HTMLBmFooterElement; "bm-icon": HTMLBmIconElement; "bm-image": HTMLBmImageElement; "bm-input": HTMLBmInputElement; "bm-menu": HTMLBmMenuElement; "bm-message": HTMLBmMessageElement; "bm-modal": HTMLBmModalElement; "bm-navbar": HTMLBmNavbarElement; "bm-notification": HTMLBmNotificationElement; "bm-pagination": HTMLBmPaginationElement; "bm-panel": HTMLBmPanelElement; "bm-progress": HTMLBmProgressElement; "bm-radio": HTMLBmRadioElement; "bm-section": HTMLBmSectionElement; "bm-select": HTMLBmSelectElement; "bm-slider": HTMLBmSliderElement; "bm-switch": HTMLBmSwitchElement; "bm-table": HTMLBmTableElement; "bm-tabs": HTMLBmTabsElement; "bm-tag": HTMLBmTagElement; "bm-tags": HTMLBmTagsElement; "bm-textarea": HTMLBmTextareaElement; } } declare namespace LocalJSX { interface BmBadge { /** * Color */ "color"?: | 'is-primary' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-danger' | 'is-warning' | 'is-white' | 'is-dark' | 'is-black'; /** * Is light */ "isLight"?: boolean; /** * Is outlined */ "isOutlined"?: boolean; /** * Position */ "position"?: | 'is-top-left' | 'is-top' | 'is-top-right' | 'is-right' | 'is-bottom-right' | 'is-bottom' | 'is-bottom-left' | 'is-left'; } interface BmBox { } interface BmBreadcrumb { /** * Breadcrumb alignment */ "alignment"?: 'is-centered' | 'is-right'; /** * Separator */ "separator"?: | 'has-arrow-separator' | 'has-bullet-separator' | 'has-dot-separator' | 'has-succeeds-separator'; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmButton { /** * Color */ "color"?: | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-danger' | 'is-warning' | 'is-white' | 'is-light' | 'is-dark' | 'is-black' | 'is-text'; /** * Is disabled? */ "disabled"?: boolean; /** * Active state */ "isActive"?: boolean; /** * Focused state */ "isFocused"?: boolean; /** * Display the button in full-width */ "isFullwidth"?: boolean; /** * Hovered state */ "isHovered"?: boolean; /** * Is inverted */ "isInverted"?: boolean; /** * Is light */ "isLight"?: boolean; /** * Loading state */ "isLoading"?: boolean; /** * Is outlined */ "isOutlined"?: boolean; /** * Rounded button */ "isRounded"?: boolean; /** * Static */ "isStatic"?: boolean; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large' | 'is-normal'; } interface BmButtons { /** * Buttons size */ "size"?: 'are-small' | 'are-medium' | 'are-large'; } interface BmCard { } interface BmCardContent { } interface BmCardFooter { } interface BmCardHeader { } interface BmCardImage { } interface BmCheckbox { /** * Checked */ "checked"?: boolean; /** * Disabled */ "disabled"?: boolean; /** * Input classes */ "inputClass"?: string; /** * Label classes */ "labelClass"?: string; } interface BmColumn { /** * Narrow column */ "isNarrow"?: boolean; /** * Sizes */ "sizes"?: string; } interface BmColumns { /** * Columns gaps */ "gaps"?: string; /** * Centered */ "isCentered"?: boolean; /** * Desktop */ "isDesktop"?: boolean; /** * Gapless */ "isGapless"?: boolean; /** * Mobile */ "isMobile"?: boolean; /** * Multiline */ "isMultiline"?: boolean; /** * Vertically centered */ "isVcentered"?: boolean; } interface BmContainer { /** * Container breakpoint */ "breakpoint"?: 'is-widescreen' | 'is-fullhd'; /** * Fluid container */ "isFluid"?: boolean; } interface BmContent { /** * Content size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmDivider { /** * CSS Classes */ "content"?: string; /** * Orientation */ "orientation"?: 'is-horizontal' | 'is-vertical'; } interface BmDropdown { /** * The dropdown visibility */ "isActive"?: boolean; /** * The dropdown will show up when hovering the dropdown-trigger */ "isHoverable"?: boolean; /** * Align the dropdown to the right */ "isRight"?: boolean; /** * Dropdown menu that appears above the dropdown button */ "isUp"?: boolean; } interface BmField { /** * Has addons */ "hasAddons"?: boolean; /** * Grouped field */ "isGrouped"?: boolean; /** * Grouped, on multiline */ "isGroupedMultiline"?: boolean; /** * Horizontal field */ "isHorizontal"?: boolean; /** * Label */ "label"?: string; /** * Help or error message */ "message"?: string; /** * Field size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmFile { /** * Alignment */ "alignment"?: 'is-centered' | 'is-right'; /** * Color */ "color"?: | 'is-white' | 'is-black' | 'is-light' | 'is-dark' | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * File */ "file"?: File; /** * Add a placeholder for the selected file name */ "hasName"?: boolean; /** * Boxed block */ "isBoxed"?: boolean; /** * Expand the name to fill up the space */ "isFullwidth"?: boolean; /** * Move the CTA to the right side */ "isRight"?: boolean; /** * Name */ "name"?: string; /** * Placeholder */ "placeholder"?: string; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmFooter { } interface BmIcon { /** * Color */ "color"?: 'has-text-info' | 'has-text-success' | 'has-text-warning' | 'has-text-danger'; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmImage { /** * Size */ "size"?: | 'is-16x16' | 'is-24x24' | 'is-32x32' | 'is-48x48' | 'is-64x64' | 'is-96x96' | 'is-128x128'; } interface BmInput { /** * Color */ "color"?: 'is-primary' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Control Classes */ "controlClass"?: string; /** * Disabled state */ "disabled"?: boolean; /** * Loading state */ "isLoading"?: boolean; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded"?: boolean; /** * Removes the background, border, shadow, and horizontal padding */ "isStatic"?: boolean; /** * Name */ "name"?: string; /** * Placeholder */ "placeholder"?: string; /** * The input will look similar to a normal one, but is not editable and has no shadow */ "readonly"?: boolean; /** * Required */ "required"?: boolean; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * State */ "state"?: 'is-hovered' | 'is-focused'; /** * Type */ "type"?: 'text' | 'number' | 'email' | 'password'; /** * Value */ "value"?: string | number; } interface BmMenu { } interface BmMessage { /** * Color */ "color"?: | 'is-dark' | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmModal { /** * Modal Card */ "hasModalCard"?: boolean; /** * Is Active */ "isActive"?: boolean; } interface BmNavbar { /** * Color */ "color"?: | 'is-black' | 'is-dark' | 'is-light' | 'is-white' | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Fixed position */ "fixedPosition"?: 'is-fixed-top' | 'is-fixed-bottom'; /** * Spaced */ "isSpaced"?: boolean; /** * Transparent */ "isTransparent"?: boolean; } interface BmNotification { /** * Color */ "color"?: 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Dismissable */ "dismissable"?: boolean; } interface BmPagination { /** * Alignment */ "alignment"?: 'is-centered' | 'is-right'; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded"?: boolean; /** * Pagination size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmPanel { /** * Panel color */ "color"?: 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-danger' | 'is-warning'; } interface BmProgress { /** * Color */ "color"?: 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Maximum value */ "max"?: number; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * Value */ "value"?: number; } interface BmRadio { /** * Checked */ "checked"?: boolean; /** * Disabled */ "disabled"?: boolean; /** * Input class */ "inputClass"?: string; /** * Label Classes */ "labelClass"?: string; /** * Name */ "name"?: string; } interface BmSection { /** * Section size */ "size"?: 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmSelect { /** * Color */ "color"?: 'is-primary' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Control classes */ "controlClass"?: string; /** * Icon */ "icon"?: string; /** * Loading state */ "isLoading"?: boolean; /** * Allows multiple selection */ "isMultiple"?: boolean; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded"?: boolean; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * State */ "state"?: 'is-hovered' | 'is-focused'; /** * Value */ "value"?: string | number; } interface BmSlider { /** * Color */ "color"?: 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger' | 'is-info'; /** * Disabled */ "disabled"?: boolean; /** * Circle */ "isCircle"?: boolean; /** * CSS Classes */ "max"?: number; /** * Min */ "min"?: number; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * Step */ "step"?: number; /** * Value */ "value"?: number; } interface BmSwitch { /** * Checked */ "checked"?: boolean; /** * Color */ "color"?: 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger' | 'is-info'; /** * Disabled */ "disabled"?: boolean; /** * Outlined */ "isOutlined"?: boolean; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded"?: boolean; /** * Thin */ "isThin"?: boolean; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; } interface BmTable { /** * Bordered */ "isBordered"?: boolean; /** * Fullwidth */ "isFullwidth"?: boolean; /** * Hoverable */ "isHoverable"?: boolean; /** * Narrow */ "isNarrow"?: boolean; /** * Scrollable */ "isScrollable"?: boolean; /** * Striped */ "isStriped"?: boolean; } interface BmTabs { /** * Alignment */ "alignment"?: 'is-centered' | 'is-right'; /** * Full width */ "isFullwidth"?: boolean; /** * Rounded */ "isRounded"?: boolean; /** * Pagination size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * Style */ "tabStyle"?: 'is-boxed' | 'is-toggle'; } interface BmTag { /** * Color */ "color"?: | 'is-black' | 'is-dark' | 'is-light' | 'is-white' | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Modifier */ "modifier"?: 'is-rounded' | 'is-delete'; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * Tag */ "tag"?: string; } interface BmTags { /** * Has addons */ "hasAddons"?: boolean; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'are-medium' | 'are-large'; } interface BmTextarea { /** * Color */ "color"?: 'is-primary' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Control class */ "controlClass"?: string; /** * Disabled state */ "disabled"?: boolean; /** * Fixed size */ "hasFixedSize"?: boolean; /** * Loading state */ "isLoading"?: boolean; /** * Readonly state */ "readonly"?: boolean; /** * Rows */ "rows"?: number; /** * Size */ "size"?: 'is-small' | 'is-normal' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * State */ "state"?: 'is-hovered' | 'is-focused'; /** * Value */ "value"?: string | number; } interface IntrinsicElements { "bm-badge": BmBadge; "bm-box": BmBox; "bm-breadcrumb": BmBreadcrumb; "bm-button": BmButton; "bm-buttons": BmButtons; "bm-card": BmCard; "bm-card-content": BmCardContent; "bm-card-footer": BmCardFooter; "bm-card-header": BmCardHeader; "bm-card-image": BmCardImage; "bm-checkbox": BmCheckbox; "bm-column": BmColumn; "bm-columns": BmColumns; "bm-container": BmContainer; "bm-content": BmContent; "bm-divider": BmDivider; "bm-dropdown": BmDropdown; "bm-field": BmField; "bm-file": BmFile; "bm-footer": BmFooter; "bm-icon": BmIcon; "bm-image": BmImage; "bm-input": BmInput; "bm-menu": BmMenu; "bm-message": BmMessage; "bm-modal": BmModal; "bm-navbar": BmNavbar; "bm-notification": BmNotification; "bm-pagination": BmPagination; "bm-panel": BmPanel; "bm-progress": BmProgress; "bm-radio": BmRadio; "bm-section": BmSection; "bm-select": BmSelect; "bm-slider": BmSlider; "bm-switch": BmSwitch; "bm-table": BmTable; "bm-tabs": BmTabs; "bm-tag": BmTag; "bm-tags": BmTags; "bm-textarea": BmTextarea; } } export { LocalJSX as JSX }; declare module "@stencil/core" { export namespace JSX { interface IntrinsicElements { "bm-badge": LocalJSX.BmBadge & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-box": LocalJSX.BmBox & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-breadcrumb": LocalJSX.BmBreadcrumb & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-button": LocalJSX.BmButton & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-buttons": LocalJSX.BmButtons & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-card": LocalJSX.BmCard & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-card-content": LocalJSX.BmCardContent & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-card-footer": LocalJSX.BmCardFooter & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-card-header": LocalJSX.BmCardHeader & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-card-image": LocalJSX.BmCardImage & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-checkbox": LocalJSX.BmCheckbox & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-column": LocalJSX.BmColumn & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-columns": LocalJSX.BmColumns & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-container": LocalJSX.BmContainer & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-content": LocalJSX.BmContent & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-divider": LocalJSX.BmDivider & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-dropdown": LocalJSX.BmDropdown & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-field": LocalJSX.BmField & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-file": LocalJSX.BmFile & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-footer": LocalJSX.BmFooter & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-icon": LocalJSX.BmIcon & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-image": LocalJSX.BmImage & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-input": LocalJSX.BmInput & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-menu": LocalJSX.BmMenu & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-message": LocalJSX.BmMessage & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-modal": LocalJSX.BmModal & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-navbar": LocalJSX.BmNavbar & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-notification": LocalJSX.BmNotification & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-pagination": LocalJSX.BmPagination & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-panel": LocalJSX.BmPanel & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-progress": LocalJSX.BmProgress & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-radio": LocalJSX.BmRadio & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-section": LocalJSX.BmSection & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-select": LocalJSX.BmSelect & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-slider": LocalJSX.BmSlider & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-switch": LocalJSX.BmSwitch & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-table": LocalJSX.BmTable & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-tabs": LocalJSX.BmTabs & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-tag": LocalJSX.BmTag & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-tags": LocalJSX.BmTags & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; "bm-textarea": LocalJSX.BmTextarea & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; } } }