// Generated by dts-bundle-generator v5.0.0 export declare function createWindowFromHtml(templateHtml: string, uniqueId: string): any; export interface HydrateDocumentOptions { /** * Sets the `href` attribute on the `` * tag within the ``. If the value is not defined it will * ensure a canonical link tag is no included in the ``. */ canonicalUrl?: string; /** * Constrain `setTimeout()` to 1ms, but still async. Also * only allows `setInterval()` to fire once, also constrained to 1ms. * Defaults to `true`. */ constrainTimeouts?: boolean; /** * Include the HTML comments and attributes used by the clientside * JavaScript to read the structure of the HTML and rebuild each * component. Defaults to `true`. */ clientHydrateAnnotations?: boolean; /** * Sets `document.cookie` */ cookie?: string; /** * Sets the `dir` attribute on the top level ``. */ direction?: string; /** * Component tag names listed here will not be prerendered, nor will * hydrated on the clientside. Components listed here will be ignored * as custom elements and treated no differently than a `
`. */ excludeComponents?: string[]; /** * Sets the `lang` attribute on the top level ``. */ language?: string; /** * Maximum number of components to hydrate on one page. Defaults to `300`. */ maxHydrateCount?: number; /** * Sets `document.referrer` */ referrer?: string; /** * Removes every `