import { JSX, ComponentInterface } from '../../../stencil-public-runtime'; export declare class FileInput implements ComponentInterface { /** * CSS Classes */ class: string; /** * Name */ name: string; /** * Placeholder */ placeholder: string; /** * Color */ color: 'is-white' | 'is-black' | 'is-light' | 'is-dark' | 'is-primary' | 'is-link' | 'is-info' | 'is-success' | 'is-warning' | 'is-danger'; /** * Size */ size: 'is-small' | 'is-medium' | 'is-large'; /** * Alignment */ alignment: 'is-centered' | 'is-right'; /** * Add a placeholder for the selected file name */ hasName: boolean; /** * Move the CTA to the right side */ isRight: boolean; /** * Expand the name to fill up the space */ isFullwidth: boolean; /** * File */ file: File; /** * Boxed block */ isBoxed: boolean; private handleFileChange; private get fileName(); get displayName(): boolean; render(): JSX.Element; }