import {passThrough, passThroughAwait} from "promise-passthrough"; global.fetch || (global.fetch = require('node-fetch')); import {BluzelleConfig} from "./types/BluzelleConfig"; import {GasInfo} from "./types/GasInfo"; import {AccountResult} from "./types/cosmos/AccountResult"; import {AccountsResult} from "./types/cosmos/AccountsResult"; import { QueryCountResult, QueryGetLeaseResult, QueryGetNShortestLeasesResult, QueryHasResult, QueryKeysResult, QueryKeyValuesResult, QueryOwnerResult, QueryReadResult } from "./types/QueryResult"; import { newCommunicationService, getCosmos, sendMessage, withTransaction, CommunicationService, WithTransactionsOptions } from "./services/CommunicationService"; import { CountMessage, CreateMessage, CreateNftMessage, DeleteAllMessage, DeleteMessage, GetLeaseMessage, HasMessage, KeysMessage, KeyValuesMessage, MintMessage, MultiUpdateMessage, Nft, ReadMessage, RenameMessage, RenewLeaseAllMessage, RenewLeaseMessage, TransferTokensMessage, UpdateMessage, UpsertMessage } from "./types/Message"; import { MessageResponse, TxCountResponse, TxCreateNftResponse, TxGetLeaseResponse, TxHasResponse, TxKeysResponse, TxKeyValuesResponse, TxReadResponse } from "./types/MessageResponse"; import {LeaseInfo} from "./types/LeaseInfo"; import {ClientErrors} from "./ClientErrors"; import {pullAt} from 'lodash' import { TxCountResult, TxGetLeaseResult, TxGetNShortestLeasesResult, TxHasResult, TxKeysResult, TxReadResult, TxResult } from "./types/TxResult"; import {assert} from "./Assert"; import {entropyToMnemonic, generateMnemonic} from "bip39"; const cosmosjs = require('@cosmostation/cosmosjs'); const BLOCK_TIME_IN_SECONDS = 5.5; interface QueryError { status: number error: string } interface ABCIResponse { height: number, result: T } export interface SearchOptions { page?: number limit?: number reverse?: boolean } interface TransactionResponse { height: string txhash: string, raw_log: string logs: unknown[], gas_wanted: string, gas_used: string, tx: { type: string, value: { msg: [ { type: string, value: unknown } ], fee: { amount: [ { denom: string, amount: string } ], gas: string }, signatures: [ { pub_key: { type: string, value: string }, signature: string } ], memo: string } }, timestamp: string } export const mnemonicToAddress = (mnemonic: string): string => { const c ='', 'fake_chain_id'); c.setPath("m/44'/118'/0'/0/0"); c.bech32MainPrefix = "bluzelle" return c.getAddress(mnemonic); } export interface CreateNftParams { id: string, hash: string, vendor: string, userId: string, mime: string, meta: string, size: number, gasInfo: GasInfo } export type SigningAgentFn = (service: any, cosmos: any, stdSignMsg: any) => Promise export const SigningAgents = { EXTENSION: (service: any, cosmos: any, stdSignMsg: any) => { return getCosmos(service.api) .then(passThroughAwait(cosmos => window.keplr?.enable(cosmos.chainId))) .then(cosmos => (window as any).keplr.getOfflineSigner(cosmos.chainId)) .then(signer => signer?.signAmino(service.api.address, stdSignMsg.json)) .then(fixupForBroadcast('block')) }, INTERNAL: (service: any, cosmos: any, stdSignMsg: any) => Promise.resolve(cosmos.sign(stdSignMsg, cosmos.getECPairPriv(service.api.mnemonic), 'block')) } const fixupForBroadcast = (modeType: string) => (signed: any) => ({ "tx": { "msg": signed.signed.msgs, "fee": signed.signed.fee, "signatures": [ { "account_number": signed.signed.account_number, "sequence": signed.signed.sequence, "signature": signed.signature.signature, "pub_key": signed.signature.pub_key } ], "memo": signed.signed.memo }, "mode": modeType }); export class API { cosmos: any; address: string; mnemonic: string; chainId: string = ''; signingAgent: SigningAgentFn; uuid: string; url: string; config: BluzelleConfig communicationService: CommunicationService constructor(config: BluzelleConfig) { this.config = config; this.mnemonic = config.mnemonic; this.signingAgent = config.signing_agent || SigningAgents.INTERNAL; this.address = this.mnemonic ? mnemonicToAddress(this.mnemonic) : ''; this.uuid = config.uuid; this.url = config.endpoint; this.communicationService = newCommunicationService(this); } withTransaction(fn: () => any, {memo}: WithTransactionsOptions = {memo: ''}): Promise> { return withTransaction(this.communicationService, fn, {memo}); } setMaxMessagesPerTransaction(count: number) { // This is here for backward compatibility - delete later } account(address: string = this.address): Promise { return getCosmos(this) .then(cosmos => cosmos.getAccounts(address)) .then((x: AccountsResult) => x.result.value); } isExistingAccount(): Promise { return this.account() .then(x => !!x.coins.length) } count(): Promise { return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/count/${this.uuid}`) .then(x => x.result) .then((res: QueryCountResult) => parseInt(res.count || '0')); } async create(key: string, value: string, gasInfo: GasInfo, leaseInfo: LeaseInfo = {}): Promise { const blocks = convertLease(leaseInfo); assert(!!key, ClientErrors.KEY_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY); assert(typeof key === 'string', ClientErrors.KEY_MUST_BE_A_STRING); assert(typeof value === 'string', ClientErrors.VALUE_MUST_BE_A_STRING); assert(blocks >= 0, ClientErrors.INVALID_LEASE_TIME); assert(!key.includes('/'), ClientErrors.KEY_CANNOT_CONTAIN_SLASH) return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: "crud/create", value: { Key: key, Value: value, UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address, Lease: blocks.toString(), } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } createNft(params: CreateNftParams): Promise { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: "nft/CreateNft", value: { Id:, Hash: params.hash, Vendor: params.vendor, UserId: params.userId, Creator: this.address, Mime: params.mime, Meta: params.meta, Size: params.size.toString() } }, params.gasInfo) .then(x =>[0]) } createProposal(amount: number, title: string, description: string, gasInfo: GasInfo) { return this.sendMessage({ "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgSubmitProposal", "value": { "content": { "type": "cosmos-sdk/TextProposal", "value": { "title": title, "description": description } }, "initial_deposit": [ { "denom": "ubnt", "amount": `${amount}000000` } ], "proposer": this.address } }, gasInfo ) .then((x: any) => ({id: x.logs[0].events[2].attributes[0].value})) } depositToProposal(id: string, amount: number, title: string, description: string, gasInfo: GasInfo) { return this.sendMessage({ "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgDeposit", "value": { "proposal_id": id, "depositor": this.address, "amount": [ { "denom": "ubnt", "amount": `${amount}000000` } ] } }, gasInfo ); } delegate(valoper: string, amount: number, gasInfo: GasInfo) { return this.sendMessage({ "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate", "value": { "delegator_address": this.address, "validator_address": valoper, "amount": { "denom": "ubnt", "amount": `${amount}000000` } } }, gasInfo) } delete(key: string, gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/delete', value: { Key: key, UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } deleteAll(gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/deleteall', value: { UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } getAddress() { return mnemonicToAddress(this.mnemonic); } getLease(key: string): Promise { return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/getlease/${this.uuid}/${key}`) .then(x => x.result) .then(res => Math.round( * BLOCK_TIME_IN_SECONDS)) .catch(res => { throw res.error === 'Not Found' ? `key "${key}" not found` : res.error }) } generateBIP39Account = (entropy: string = ''): string => { assert(entropy.length === 0 || entropy.length === 64, 'Entropy must be 64 char hex'); return entropy ? entropyToMnemonic(entropy) : generateMnemonic(256); } async getNShortestLeases(count: number) { assert(count >= 0, ClientErrors.INVALID_VALUE_SPECIFIED); return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/getnshortestleases/${this.uuid}/${count}`) .then(x => x.result) .then(res =>{key, lease}) => ({ key, lease: Math.round(parseInt(lease) * BLOCK_TIME_IN_SECONDS) }))); } getTx(txhash: string): Promise { return this.#query(`txs/${txhash}`) } getBNT({ubnt, address}: { ubnt?: boolean, address?: string } = { ubnt: false, address: this.address }): Promise { return this.account(address) .then(a => a.coins[0]?.amount || '0') .then(a => ubnt ? a : a.slice(0, -6) || '0') .then(parseInt) } has(key: string): Promise { return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/has/${this.uuid}/${key}`) .then(x => x.result.has) } keys(): Promise { return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/keys/${this.uuid}`) .then(x => x.result) .then(res => res.keys) } keyValues(): Promise<{ key: string, value: string }[]> { return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/keyvalues/${this.uuid}`) .then(x => x.result) .then(res => res.keyvalues) .then(keyvalues =>{key, value}) => ({key, value: value}))) } async mint(address: string, gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { assert(!!address, ClientErrors.ADDRESS_MUST_BE_A_STRING); assert(typeof address === 'string', ClientErrors.ADDRESS_MUST_BE_A_STRING); return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: "faucet/Mint", value: { Minter: address, Sender: this.address, Time: } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult); } async multiUpdate(keyValues: { key: string, value: string }[], gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { assert(Array.isArray(keyValues), 'keyValues must be an array'); keyValues.forEach(({key, value}, index, array) => { assert(typeof key === 'string', ClientErrors.ALL_KEYS_MUST_BE_STRINGS); assert(typeof value === 'string', ClientErrors.ALL_VALUES_MUST_BE_STRINGS); }); return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/multiupdate', value: { KeyValues: keyValues, UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } myKeys(): Promise { return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/mykeys/${this.address}/${this.uuid}`) .then(x => x.result) .then(res => res.keys) .catch((x) => { throw x }); } query(queryString: string): Promise { return this.#query(queryString); } abciQuery(method: string, data: unknown = {}): Promise> { return this.#abciQuery(method, data); } owner(key: string): Promise { return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/owner/${this.uuid}/${key}`) .then(x => x.result) .then(res => res.owner) .catch((x) => { if (x instanceof Error) { throw x; } throw(new Error(x.error === 'Not Found' ? `key "${key}" not found` : x.error)) }); } read(key: string, prove: boolean = false): Promise { return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/read/${this.uuid}/${key}`) .then(x => x.result) .then(res => res.value) .catch((x) => { if (x instanceof Error) { throw x; } throw(new Error(x.error === 'Not Found' ? `key "${key}" not found` : x.error)) }); } async rename(key: string, newKey: string, gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { assert(typeof key === 'string', ClientErrors.KEY_MUST_BE_A_STRING); assert(typeof newKey === 'string', ClientErrors.NEW_KEY_MUST_BE_A_STRING); return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/rename', value: { Key: key, NewKey: newKey, UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } async renewLease(key: string, gasInfo: GasInfo, leaseInfo: LeaseInfo): Promise { assert(typeof key === 'string', ClientErrors.KEY_MUST_BE_A_STRING); const blocks = convertLease(leaseInfo); assert(blocks >= 0, ClientErrors.INVALID_LEASE_TIME) return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/renewlease', value: { Key: key, Lease: blocks.toString(), UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } async renewLeaseAll(gasInfo: GasInfo, leaseInfo: LeaseInfo = {}): Promise { const blocks = convertLease(leaseInfo); assert(blocks >= 0, ClientErrors.INVALID_LEASE_TIME); return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/renewleaseall', value: { Lease: blocks.toString(), UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } search(searchString: string, options: SearchOptions = { page: 1, limit: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, reverse: false }): Promise<{ key: string, value: string }[]> { return this.#abciQuery(`/custom/crud/search/${this.uuid}/${searchString}/${ || 1}/${options.limit || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}/${options.reverse ? 'desc' : 'asc'}`) .then(x => x.result) .then(res => res.keyvalues) .then(keyvalues =>{key, value}) => ({key, value: value}))) } sendMessage(message: any, gasInfo: GasInfo) { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, message, gasInfo); } taxInfo() { return this.#abciQuery('/custom/tax/info') .then(x => x.result); } async txCount(gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/count', value: { UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(res => findMine(res, it => it.count !== undefined)) .then(({res, data}) => ({...standardTxResult(res), count: parseInt(data?.count || '0')})) } async txGetLease(key: string, gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/getlease', value: { Key: key, UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(res => findMine(res, it => it.key === key && !== undefined)) .then(({res, data}) => ({ ...standardTxResult(res), lease: Math.round(parseInt(data?.lease || '0') * BLOCK_TIME_IN_SECONDS) })) } async txGetNShortestLeases(n: number, gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { return { txhash: 'xxx', height: 1, gasWanted: 0, gasUsed: 0, leases: [] } } async txHas(key: string, gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { assert(typeof key === 'string', ClientErrors.KEY_MUST_BE_A_STRING); return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/has', value: { Key: key, UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address, } }, gasInfo) .then(res => findMine(res, it => it.key === key && it.has !== undefined)) .then(({res, data}) => ({ ...standardTxResult(res), key: data?.key || '', has: data?.has || false })) } async txKeys(gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/keys', value: { UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(res => findMine(res, it => it.keys !== undefined)) .then(({res, data}) => ({ ...standardTxResult(res), keys: data?.keys || [] })) } async txKeyValues(gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/keyvalues', value: { Owner: this.address, UUID: this.uuid } }, gasInfo) .then(res => findMine(res, it => { return Array.isArray(it.keyvalues) && !!(it.keyvalues.length === 0 || (it.keyvalues[0].key && it.keyvalues[0].value)) })) .then(({res, data}) => ({height: res.height, txhash: res.txhash, keyvalues: data?.keyvalues})) .then(({height, txhash, keyvalues}) => ({ height, txhash, keyvalues: keyvalues?.map(({key, value}) => ({key, value: value})) })) } txRead(key: string, gasInfo: GasInfo): Promise { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: 'crud/read', value: { Key: key, UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address } }, gasInfo) .then(res => findMine(res, it => it.value !== undefined && it.key === key)) .then(({res, data}) => ({ ...standardTxResult(res), value: data?.value })) } undelegate(valoper: string, amount: number, gasInfo: GasInfo) { return this.sendMessage({ "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgUndelegate", "value": { "delegator_address": this.address, "validator_address": valoper, "amount": { "denom": "ubnt", "amount": `${amount}000000` } } }, gasInfo) } async update(key: string, value: string, gasInfo: GasInfo, leaseInfo: LeaseInfo = {}): Promise { const blocks = convertLease(leaseInfo); assert(!!key, ClientErrors.KEY_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY); assert(typeof key === 'string', ClientErrors.KEY_MUST_BE_A_STRING); assert(typeof value === 'string', ClientErrors.VALUE_MUST_BE_A_STRING); assert(blocks >= 0, ClientErrors.INVALID_LEASE_TIME); assert(!key.includes('/'), ClientErrors.KEY_CANNOT_CONTAIN_SLASH) return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: "crud/update", value: { Key: key, Value: value, UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address, Lease: blocks.toString() } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } async upsert(key: string, value: string, gasInfo: GasInfo, leaseInfo: LeaseInfo = {}): Promise { const blocks = convertLease(leaseInfo); assert(!!key, ClientErrors.KEY_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY); assert(typeof key === 'string', ClientErrors.KEY_MUST_BE_A_STRING); assert(typeof value === 'string', ClientErrors.VALUE_MUST_BE_A_STRING); assert(blocks >= 0, ClientErrors.INVALID_LEASE_TIME); assert(!key.includes('/'), ClientErrors.KEY_CANNOT_CONTAIN_SLASH) return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: "crud/upsert", value: { Key: key, Value: value, UUID: this.uuid, Owner: this.address, Lease: blocks.toString() } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } version(): Promise { return this.#query('node_info').then(res => res.application_version.version); } withdrawRewards(valoper: string, gasInfo: GasInfo) { return this.sendMessage({ "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawDelegationReward", "value": { "delegator_address": this.address, "validator_address": valoper } }, gasInfo ) .then((x: any) => x.logs[0].events[2].attributes[0].value) .then(x => x.replace('ubnt', '')) .then(parseInt) } transferTokensTo(toAddress: string, amount: number, gasInfo: GasInfo, { ubnt, memo }: { ubnt?: boolean, memo?: string } = { ubnt: false, memo: 'transfer' }): Promise { return sendMessage(this.communicationService, { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend", value: { amount: [ { amount: String(ubnt ? amount.toString() : `${amount}000000`), denom: "ubnt" } ], from_address: this.address, to_address: toAddress } }, gasInfo) .then(standardTxResult) } #abciQuery = (path: string, data: unknown = {}): Promise> => Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify(data)) .then(Buffer.from) .then(b => b.toString('hex')) .then(data => ({ Path: path, Data: data })) .then(JSON.stringify) .then(body => fetch(`${this.url}/abci-query`, { method: 'POST', body })) .then(async res => { let bodyText = await res.text(); bodyText = bodyText.replace('}{', ','); const json = JSON.parse(bodyText); if (json.error) { throw { status: res.status, error: json.error } } return json }) #query = (path: string): Promise => fetch(`${this.url}/${path}`) .then((res: any) => { if (res.status !== 200) { throw { status: res.status, error: res.statusText } as QueryError } return res.json().then((obj: any) => obj.result ?? obj) }) } const MINUTE = 60 const HOUR = MINUTE * 60 const DAY = HOUR * 24 const convertLease = ({seconds = 0, minutes = 0, hours = 0, days = 0}: LeaseInfo): number => Math.round((seconds + (minutes * MINUTE) + (hours * HOUR) + (days * DAY)) / BLOCK_TIME_IN_SECONDS) const findMine = (res: { data: T[] }, condition: (x: T) => boolean): { res: any, data: T | undefined } => { for (let i: number = 0; i <; i++) { if (condition([i])) { const found =[i]; pullAt(, i) return {res, data: found} } } return {res, data: undefined} } const standardTxResult = (res: MessageResponse): TxResult => ({ txhash: res.txhash, height: res.height, gasWanted: parseInt(res.gas_wanted), gasUsed: parseInt(res.gas_used) })