import {PP, FieldOptions} from './types'; export function evalInvalidIf({proxy, invalidIf}: PP, target: HTMLFormElement){ const messages: string[] = []; for(const criteria of invalidIf!){ const {noneOf, } = criteria; if(noneOf === undefined) continue; // support other rules in the future const noneOfLookup: {[key: string]: FieldOptions} = {}; const findBasedNoneOfs: FieldOptions[] = []; for(const field of noneOf){ if(typeof field === 'string'){ const split = field.split('.'); noneOfLookup[field] = { name: split[0], prop: split[1] || 'value' }; }else{ const {name, find} = field; if(name !== undefined){ noneOfLookup[name] = field; }else if(find !== undefined){ findBasedNoneOfs.push(field); }else{ throw 'NI'; // not implemented } } } const elements = target.elements; let found = false; for(const input of elements){ const inputT = input as HTMLInputElement; const name = ||; if(name === undefined) continue; const fieldCriteria = noneOfLookup[name]; if(fieldCriteria === undefined){ continue; } const {prop, min, max, enabled, pattern} = fieldCriteria; const {type} = inputT; if(min !== undefined){ switch(type){ case 'number': case 'range': if(inputT.valueAsNumber < min){ continue; } break; case 'date': if(inputT.valueAsDate! < min){ continue; } break; default: if(inputT.value < min){ continue; } } } if(max !== undefined){ switch(type){ case 'number': case 'range': if(inputT.valueAsNumber > max){ continue; } break; case 'date': if(inputT.valueAsDate! > max){ continue; } break; default: if(inputT.value > max){ continue; } } } if(enabled){ if(inputT.disabled) continue; } if((inputT)[prop]){ //TODO support nested props found = true; break; } if(pattern !== undefined){ const reg = new RegExp(pattern); if(inputT.value.match(reg)) continue; } } if(!found){ for(const field of findBasedNoneOfs){ const {find} = field; if(find === undefined) continue; const elements = Array.from(target.querySelectorAll(find)); for(const element of elements){ if((element)[field.prop]){ //TODO support nested props found = true; break; } } if(found){ break; } } } if(!found){ const {invalidMessage, instructions} = criteria; messages.push(invalidMessage || instructions || 'invalid'); } } return messages; }