/* * Copyright 2017-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import { objectLessAttributes } from '@aws-amplify/core'; import AmplifyTheme from './AmplifyTheme'; export const Container = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.container); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const FormContainer = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.formContainer); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const FormSection = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.formSection); return ( {beforeAfter(
); }; export const ErrorSection = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.errorSection); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const ErrorSectionContent = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.errorSectionContent); return beforeAfter( {props.children} ); }; export const SectionHeader = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.sectionHeader); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const SectionHeaderContent = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.sectionHeaderContent); return beforeAfter( {props.children} ); }; export const SectionFooter = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.sectionFooter); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const SectionFooterContent = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.sectionFooterContent); return beforeAfter( {props.children} ); }; export const SectionBody = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.sectionBody); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const ActionRow = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.actionRow); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const FormRow = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.formRow); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const InputRow = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.input); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return ( {beforeAfter()} ); }; export const RadioRow = props => { const id = props.id || '_' + props.value; const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; return ( ); }; export const Radio = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.radio); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter( ); }; export const CheckboxRow = props => { const id = props.id || '_' + props.name; const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; return ( ); }; export const Checkbox = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.checkbox); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter( ); }; export const MessageRow = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; return ( {props.children} ); }; export const MessageContent = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; return beforeAfter( {props.children} ); }; export const ButtonRow = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; return beforeAfter(
); }; export const Button = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.button); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter( ); }; export const ButtonContent = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; return beforeAfter( {props.children} ); }; export const SignInButton = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.signInButton); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter( ); }; export const Link = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.a); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter( {props.children} ); }; export const Label = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.label); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter( ); }; export const Space = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.space); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter( {props.children} ); }; export const NavBar = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.navBar); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const Nav = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.nav); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const NavRight = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.navRight); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const NavItem = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.navItem); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter(
); }; export const NavButton = props => { const theme = props.theme || AmplifyTheme; const style = propStyle(props, theme.navButton); const p = objectLessAttributes(props, 'theme'); return beforeAfter( ); }; export const beforeAfter = el => { const style = el.props.style || {}; const { before, after } = style; if (!before && !after) { return el; } return ( {before ? {before.content} : null} {el} {after ? {after.content} : null} ); }; export const propStyle = (props, themeStyle) => { const { id, style } = props; const styl = Object.assign({}, style, themeStyle); if (!id) { return styl; } const selector = '#' + id; Object.assign(styl, styl[selector]); return styl; }; export const transparent1X1 = ''; export const white1X1 = '';