import { AxiosInstance, AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosError, CancelTokenStatic } from 'axios' export type HEADERS = { [key: string]: string } export const DEFAULT_HEADERS: { Accept: 'application/json' 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } export const NONE: null export const CLIENT_ERROR: 'CLIENT_ERROR' export const SERVER_ERROR: 'SERVER_ERROR' export const TIMEOUT_ERROR: 'TIMEOUT_ERROR' export const CONNECTION_ERROR: 'CONNECTION_ERROR' export const NETWORK_ERROR: 'NETWORK_ERROR' export const UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR' export const CANCEL_ERROR: 'CANCEL_ERROR' export type PROBLEM_CODE = | 'CLIENT_ERROR' | 'SERVER_ERROR' | 'TIMEOUT_ERROR' | 'CONNECTION_ERROR' | 'NETWORK_ERROR' | 'UNKNOWN_ERROR' | 'CANCEL_ERROR' export interface ApisauceConfig extends AxiosRequestConfig { baseURL: string | undefined axiosInstance?: AxiosInstance } /** * Creates a instance of our API using the configuration * @param config a configuration object which must have a non-empty 'baseURL' property. */ export function create(config: ApisauceConfig): ApisauceInstance export interface ApiErrorResponse { ok: false problem: PROBLEM_CODE originalError: AxiosError data?: T status?: number headers?: HEADERS config?: AxiosRequestConfig duration?: number } export interface ApiOkResponse { ok: true problem: null originalError: null data?: T status?: number headers?: HEADERS config?: AxiosRequestConfig duration?: number } export type ApiResponse = ApiErrorResponse | ApiOkResponse export type Monitor = (response: ApiResponse) => void export type RequestTransform = (request: AxiosRequestConfig) => void export type AsyncRequestTransform = ( request: AxiosRequestConfig, ) => Promise | ((request: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise) export type ResponseTransform = (response: ApiResponse) => void export type AsyncResponseTransform = ( response: ApiResponse, ) => Promise | ((response: ApiResponse) => Promise) export interface ApisauceInstance { axiosInstance: AxiosInstance monitors: Monitor addMonitor: (monitor: Monitor) => void requestTransforms: RequestTransform[] asyncRequestTransforms: AsyncRequestTransform[] responseTransforms: ResponseTransform[] asyncResponseTransforms: AsyncResponseTransform[] addRequestTransform: (transform: RequestTransform) => void addAsyncRequestTransform: (transform: AsyncRequestTransform) => void addResponseTransform: (transform: ResponseTransform) => void addAsyncResponseTransform: (transform: AsyncResponseTransform) => void headers: HEADERS setHeader: (key: string, value: string) => AxiosInstance setHeaders: (headers: HEADERS) => AxiosInstance deleteHeader: (name: string) => AxiosInstance /** Sets a new base URL */ setBaseURL: (baseUrl: string) => AxiosInstance /** Gets the current base URL used by axios */ getBaseURL: () => string any: (config: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise> get: (url: string, params?: {}, axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise> delete: (url: string, params?: {}, axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise> head: (url: string, params?: {}, axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise> post: (url: string, data?: any, axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise> put: (url: string, data?: any, axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise> patch: (url: string, data?: any, axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise> link: (url: string, params?: {}, axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise> unlink: (url: string, params?: {}, axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise> } export function isCancel(value: any): boolean export const CancelToken: CancelTokenStatic declare const _default: { DEFAULT_HEADERS: typeof DEFAULT_HEADERS NONE: typeof NONE CLIENT_ERROR: typeof CLIENT_ERROR SERVER_ERROR: typeof SERVER_ERROR TIMEOUT_ERROR: typeof TIMEOUT_ERROR CONNECTION_ERROR: typeof CONNECTION_ERROR NETWORK_ERROR: typeof NETWORK_ERROR UNKNOWN_ERROR: typeof UNKNOWN_ERROR create: typeof create isCancel: typeof isCancel CancelToken: typeof CancelToken } export default _default