import { APIConfig } from "./lib/APIConfig"; import { APIUtils } from "./lib/APIUtils"; import "reflect-metadata"; import { APIResponse } from "./lib/APIResponse"; import { APIError } from "./lib/APIError"; import { KVService } from "./lib/Services/KeyValue/KVService"; import { FileService } from "./lib/Services/File/FileService"; import { EnvVarSync } from "./lib/Services/Config"; import { APIAuthUtils } from "./lib/APIAuthUtils"; export interface APILoaderDefinition { apiPath?: string; require: string; moduleName?: string; } export interface APILoveOptions { apis?: APILoaderDefinition[]; loadStandardMiddleware?: boolean; middleware?: any[]; defaultErrorHandler?: (error: any, req: any, res: any, next: any) => void; defaultRouteHandler?: (req: any, res: any) => void; callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop?: boolean; } export declare class APILove { static app: any; static start(options: APILoveOptions): any; } export interface APIParameterOptions { /** * If set to true, an error will not be thrown to the API caller if the value is not sent */ optional?: boolean; /** * A default value to be used if one can't be found. This would be an equivalent shortcut for setting optional=true and providing a default value for your method property */ defaultValue?: any; /** * A synchronous function that can be used to transform an incoming parameter into something else. Can also be used as validation by throwing an error. * You also get access to the raw express.js req object if you want it. */ processor?: (value: any, req?: any) => any; /** * One or more sources from which to look for this value. This is basically a path in the req object. So for example, a value of `query` would be equivalent to `req.query[myParamName]` * Multiple values can be defined, and whichever one results in a non-null value first will be used. Defaults to ["params", "query", "body", "cookie", "headers"]. */ sources?: string[] | string; /** * If set to true, the entire source will be returned instead of looking for a particular value. Defaults to false. * * Examples: * * The following would look for something named `userData` in the query params and return that. * @APIParameter({sources:["query"]}) * userData:string * * The following would take all the query params and return them as an object * @APIParameter({sources:["query"], includeFullSource:true}) * userData:{[paramName:string] : any} */ includeFullSource?: boolean; /** * This is the raw name of the parameter to look for in cases where the name can't be represented as a valid javascript variable name. * Examples usages might be when looking for a header like "content-type" or a parameter named "function" */ rawName?: string; } export declare function APIParameter(options: APIParameterOptions): (target: any, key: any, parameterIndex: number) => void; export interface APIEndpointOptions { method?: string; path?: string; middleware?: ((req: any, res: any, next?: any) => void)[] | ((req: any, res: any, next: any) => void); disableFriendlyResponse?: boolean; successResponse?: (responseData: any, res: any) => void; requireAuthentication?: boolean; } export declare function APIEndpoint(options?: APIEndpointOptions): (target: any, key: any, descriptor: any) => void; export { APIConfig, APIAuthUtils, APIError, APIResponse, APIUtils, KVService, FileService, EnvVarSync };