import * as express from "express"; import * as bodyParser from "body-parser"; import * as cookieParser from "cookie-parser"; import {get, isNil, set, defaultsDeep, each, castArray, has, isNaN} from "lodash"; import {APIConfig} from "./lib/APIConfig"; import * as path from "path"; import {APIUtils} from "./lib/APIUtils"; import "reflect-metadata"; import {APIResponse} from "./lib/APIResponse"; import {APIError} from "./lib/APIError"; import {KVService} from "./lib/Services/KeyValue/KVService"; import {FileService} from "./lib/Services/File/FileService"; import {EnvVarSync} from "./lib/Services/Config"; interface HandlerParameterData { paramType: string; paramName: string; paramOptions: APIParameterOptions; } interface HandlerData { isInstance: boolean; options: APIEndpointOptions; handlerFunction: Function; handlerParameterNames: string[]; handlerParameterData: { [paramIndex: number]: HandlerParameterData }; } export interface APILoaderDefinition { apiPath?: string; require: string; moduleName?: string; } export interface APILoveOptions { // One or more APIs to allow apilove to load. Remember these are lazy-loaded. apis?: APILoaderDefinition[]; // By default cookieParser and bodyParser will be loaded. You can set this to false to prevent those from loading. Defaults to true. loadStandardMiddleware?: boolean; // Any other express.js middleware you want loaded before requests make it to apilove. middleware?: any[]; // Override default express.js and APILove error handling defaultErrorHandler?: (error, req, res, next) => void; // This can be used to provide a default output for all requests. Useful to return a 404 or other default page. defaultRouteHandler?: (req, res) => void; callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop?:boolean; } function _createHandlerWrapperFunction(handlerData: HandlerData, thisObject) { return (req, res, next) => { let apiResponse = new APIResponse(req, res, next); let handlerArgs = []; let validationErrors: { parameter: string, message: string }[] = []; // Loop through each parameter in our function and pull it from the request for (let index = 0; index < handlerData.handlerParameterNames.length; index++) { let paramData: HandlerParameterData = handlerData.handlerParameterData[index]; let paramOptions: APIParameterOptions = get(paramData, "paramOptions", {}); let paramName = APIUtils.coalesce(paramOptions.rawName, handlerData.handlerParameterNames[index]); // Ignore request and response parameters if the function asks for it if ((index === handlerData.handlerParameterNames.length - 1 || index === handlerData.handlerParameterNames.length - 2) && ["req", "request", "res", "response"].indexOf(paramName.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { continue; } let paramSources: string[] = castArray(get(paramOptions, "sources", ["params", "query", "body", "cookie", "headers"])); let paramValue; for (let paramSource of paramSources) { let paramValues = get(req, paramSource); if (isNil(paramValues)) { continue; } if (paramOptions.includeFullSource || (/[\.\[\]]/g).test(paramSource) // If the source contains any of the characters ".[]" (ie a path), assume the developer meant to include the full source. ) { paramValue = paramValues; break; } else { if (has(paramValues, paramName)) { paramValue = paramValues[paramName]; break; } } } let argValue = APIUtils.coalesce(paramValue, paramOptions.defaultValue); if (paramOptions.processor) { try { argValue = paramOptions.processor(argValue, req); } catch (error) { validationErrors.push({ parameter: paramName, message: error.message || error.toString() }); continue; } } if (isNil(argValue)) { // Is this parameter required? if (!get(paramOptions, "optional", false)) { validationErrors.push({ parameter: paramName, message: "missing" }); } handlerArgs.push(undefined); continue; } argValue = APIUtils.convertToType(argValue, paramData.paramType); if (isNil(argValue) || isNaN(argValue)) { validationErrors.push({ parameter: paramName, message: "invalid" }); continue; } handlerArgs.push(argValue); } if (validationErrors.length > 0) { apiResponse.withError(APIError.createValidationError(validationErrors)); return; } apiResponse.processHandlerFunction(thisObject, handlerData.handlerFunction, handlerArgs, handlerData.options.successResponse); }; } function _loadAPI(apiRouter, apiDefinition: APILoaderDefinition) { let apiModule; try { apiModule = require(path.resolve(process.cwd(), apiDefinition.require)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return null; } if (isNil(apiModule)) { return null; } let moduleName = APIUtils.coalesce(apiDefinition.moduleName, path.basename(apiDefinition.require)); let apiClass = APIUtils.coalesce(apiModule[moduleName], apiModule.default, apiModule); let apiInstance; each(get(apiClass, "__handlerData", {}), (handlerData: HandlerData, name) => { // If this is an instance function, we need to create an instance of the class if (handlerData.isInstance && isNil(apiInstance)) { apiInstance = new apiClass(); } let options: APIEndpointOptions = handlerData.options; let argsArray: any[] = [options.path]; if (options.middleware) { argsArray = argsArray.concat(castArray(options.middleware)); } let handlerWrapper = _createHandlerWrapperFunction(handlerData, handlerData.isInstance ? apiInstance : apiClass); argsArray.push(handlerWrapper); apiRouter[options.method.toLowerCase()].apply(apiRouter, argsArray); }); } export class APILove { static app = express(); static start(options: APILoveOptions) { if (options.loadStandardMiddleware !== false) {;;{extended: false}));; } for (let mw of get(options, "middleware", [])) {; } // Here we load our APIs, but we only load them when requested for (let api of get(options, "apis", []) as APILoaderDefinition[]) { if (isNil(api.apiPath)) { api.apiPath = ""; } if (APIConfig.LAZY_LOAD_APIS) { let apiRouter;, (req, res, next) => { // Lazy load our API if (!apiRouter) { apiRouter = express.Router(); _loadAPI(apiRouter, api); } apiRouter(req, res, next); }); } else { let apiRouter = express.Router(); _loadAPI(apiRouter, api);, apiRouter); } } if (!isNil(options.defaultRouteHandler)) {; } // Setup our default error handler if (!isNil(options.defaultErrorHandler)) {; } else {, req, res, next) => { if (error instanceof APIError) { let apiError = error as APIError; res.status(apiError.statusCode).send(APIConfig.OUTPUT_HAPI_RESULTS ? apiError.hapiOut() : apiError.out()); } else { let apiResponse = new APIResponse(res, res); apiResponse.withError(error); } }); } if (APIConfig.RUN_AS_SERVER) {, () => console.log(`API listening on port ${APIConfig.WEB_PORT}`)); return; } else { let serverless = require("serverless-http"); return serverless(, {callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop: !!options.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop}); } } } export interface APIParameterOptions { /** * If set to true, an error will not be thrown to the API caller if the value is not sent */ optional?: boolean; /** * A default value to be used if one can't be found. This would be an equivalent shortcut for setting optional=true and providing a default value for your method property */ defaultValue?: any; /** * A synchronous function that can be used to transform an incoming parameter into something else. Can also be used as validation by throwing an error. * You also get access to the raw express.js req object if you want it. */ processor?: (value: any, req?) => any; /** * One or more sources from which to look for this value. This is basically a path in the req object. So for example, a value of `query` would be equivalent to `req.query[myParamName]` * Multiple values can be defined, and whichever one results in a non-null value first will be used. Defaults to ["params", "query", "body", "cookie", "headers"]. */ sources?: string[] | string; /** * If set to true, the entire source will be returned instead of looking for a particular value. Defaults to false. * * Examples: * * The following would look for something named `userData` in the query params and return that. * @APIParameter({sources:["query"]}) * userData:string * * The following would take all the query params and return them as an object * @APIParameter({sources:["query"], includeFullSource:true}) * userData:{[paramName:string] : any} */ includeFullSource?: boolean; /** * This is the raw name of the parameter to look for in cases where the name can't be represented as a valid javascript variable name. * Examples usages might be when looking for a header like "content-type" or a parameter named "function" */ rawName?: string; } export function APIParameter(options: APIParameterOptions) { return function (target, key, parameterIndex: number) { let isInstance = isNil(target.prototype); let theClass = isInstance ? target.constructor : target.prototype.constructor; let handlerData: HandlerData = get(theClass, `__handlerData.${key}`, {}); set(handlerData, `handlerParameterData.${parameterIndex}.paramOptions`, options); set(theClass, `__handlerData.${key}`, handlerData); } } export interface APIEndpointOptions { // The method to be used when requesting this endpoint. Defaults to "get". method?: string; // The path to reach this endpoint. Defaults to "/". path?: string; // Any express.js middleware functions you want to be executed before invoking this method. Useful for things like authentication. middleware?: ((req, res, next?) => void)[] | ((req, res, next) => void); // Specify a function here to handle the response yourself successResponse?: (responseData: any, res) => void; } export function APIEndpoint(options?: APIEndpointOptions) { return function (target, key, descriptor) { let isInstance = isNil(target.prototype); let theClass = isInstance ? target.constructor : target.prototype.constructor; let handlerData: HandlerData = get(theClass, `__handlerData.${key}`, {}); options = defaultsDeep({}, options, { method: "get", path: "/" }); let parameterMetadata = Reflect.getMetadata("design:paramtypes", target, key); let parameterNames = APIUtils.getFunctionParamNames(descriptor.value); handlerData.isInstance = isInstance; handlerData.handlerFunction = descriptor.value; handlerData.options = options; handlerData.handlerParameterNames = parameterNames; for (let parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < parameterNames.length; parameterIndex++) { set(handlerData, `handlerParameterData.${parameterIndex}.paramType`, APIUtils.getRawTypeName(parameterMetadata[parameterIndex].prototype)); set(handlerData, `handlerParameterData.${parameterIndex}.paramName`, parameterNames[parameterIndex]); } set(theClass, `__handlerData.${key}`, handlerData); } } // Re-export stuff // TODO: do we need to reconsider this? Is this causing unneeded memory usage if none of these end up getting used? export {APIConfig}; export {APIError}; export {APIResponse}; export {APIUtils}; export {KVService as APIKVService}; export {FileService as APIFileService}; export {EnvVarSync};