import * as clc from 'cli-color'; import { matchMask, resolveLogLevel, LogEntry, Mask, Transformer } from './AnsiLogger'; /** * All the colors available to configure. * * - ERROR - The color of the `error` output. * - WARN - The color of the `warn` output, * - SUCCESS - The color of the `success` output. * - LOG - The color of the `default` log output. * - INFO - The color of the `info` log output. * - DEBUG - The color of the `debug` log output. * - VERBOSE - The color of the `verbose` log output. * - GROUP - The color of the `group section` of the output. * - TIME - The color of the `time section` of the output. */ export type ColorType = 'ERROR' | 'WARN' | 'SUCCESS' | 'LOG' | 'INFO' | 'DEBUG' | 'VERBOSE' | 'GROUP' | 'TIME'; /** * The map from `ColorType`s to a coloring functions. */ export type ColorMap = { [P in ColorType]: clc.Format }; /** * Options interface for text transformer. */ export interface TextTransformerOptions { /** * The map of which coloring functions to use when/where. */ colorMap?: Partial; /** * Whether or not if colors is enabled, default: `process.stdout.isTTY`. */ colors?: boolean; /** * Always output colors, no matter if stdout is a TTY. */ forceColors?: boolean; /** * The printer. */ printer?: { err: (msg: string) => void; out: (msg: string) => void; }; } /** * Interface for the internal text transformer options. */ export interface TextTransformerOptionsInternal { /** * Whether or not if colors is enabled, default: `process.stdout.isTTY`. */ colors: boolean; /** * Always output colors, no matter if stdout is a TTY. */ forceColors: boolean; } /** * Transformer from log entries to human readable colorized text. */ export class TextTransformer implements Transformer { /** * Whether or not this transformer outputs colored text. */ public get useColors(): boolean { return this.options.forceColors || (!!process.stdout.isTTY && this.options.colors); } // tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys /** * Default color scheme * can be overriden by providing a * new full or partial ColorMap. */ public readonly colors: ColorMap = { ERROR: clc.bgRed.white, WARN:, SUCCESS:, LOG: clc, INFO:, DEBUG: clc.yellow, VERBOSE: clc.magenta, GROUP: clc.yellow, TIME: clc.cyan, }; // tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys public readonly options: Readonly; public readonly printer: { readonly err: (msg: string) => void; readonly out: (msg: string) => void; }; public constructor(options?: TextTransformerOptions) { const opts = options == null ? {} : options; this.options = Object.freeze({ colors: opts.colors == null ? true : opts.colors, forceColors: opts.forceColors || false, }); this.printer = Object.freeze( opts.printer || { err: (msg: string) => { process.stderr.write(msg); }, out: (msg: string) => { process.stdout.write(msg); }, }, ); if (opts.colorMap != null) { this.setColors(opts.colorMap); } } /** * Colorize the message string. * NB! If no-colors mode is on or no color is given. * then this method just return the message as it is. */ private colorize(msg: string, color?: clc.Format | null): string { if (color == null || !this.useColors) { return msg; } return color(msg); } /** * Format group if any. */ private formatGroup(group: string): string { const groupTrimmed = group.trim(); const pad = ' '.repeat(groupTrimmed.length - group.length); return `[${this.colorize(groupTrimmed, this.colors.GROUP)}]${pad}`; } /** * Format the log mask to the console. */ private formatLogLevel(loglevel: number): string { // no need to ouput the log level, if the default log level is selected. // then it's just a waste of space. const loglevelStr = resolveLogLevel(loglevel); const pad = ' '.repeat(loglevelStr.length < 6 ? 7 - loglevelStr.length : 0); // resolving the color for the log level. const loglevelColor = this.resolveLevelColor(loglevel); // the formatted log-level return `[${this.colorize(loglevelStr, loglevelColor)}]${pad}`; } /** * Format a object to string. */ private formatTime(time: string): string { return `[${this.colorize(time, this.colors.TIME)}]`; } private formatTypesInternal(inputType: any, depth: number = 3, indent: number = 0): string { // making the proper indentation let val; const pad = ' '.repeat(indent > 0 ? indent : 0); // primitive types if (typeof inputType === 'number' || typeof inputType === 'boolean') { return `${pad}${inputType}`; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-typeof-undefined } else if (typeof inputType === 'undefined') { return `${pad}undefined`; } else if (inputType === null) { return `${pad}null`; } else if (typeof inputType === 'string') { return `${pad}'${inputType}'`; // array is formatted as one-liners } else if (Array.isArray(inputType) && indent < depth) { let str = `${pad}[`; // tslint:disable-next-line:forin for (const key of Array.from(inputType.keys())) { val = inputType[key]; str += ` ${this.formatTypesInternal(val, depth, indent + 1).trim()}`; str += ((key as any) as number) < inputType.length - 1 ? ',' : ' '; } return `${str}]`; // hashes is formatted with indentation for every level // of the object, the values of the properties are also resolved. } else if (typeof inputType === 'object') { const cname =; if (cname === 'Error' || inputType instanceof Error) { let str = `${pad}${inputType.message}`; if (inputType.stack != null) { str += `\n${pad}${inputType.stack}`; } return str; } else if (cname === 'Object' && indent < depth) { let str = `${pad}{`; for (const key of Array.from(Object.keys(inputType))) { val = inputType[key]; str += `\n${pad} ${key}: ${this.formatTypesInternal(val, depth, indent + 1).trim()}`; } if (str.length > pad.length + 1) { str += `\n${pad}`; } return `${str}}`; } else if (cname !== 'Object') { return `${pad}${cname}`; } } else if (typeof inputType === 'function') { const cname =; if (cname && cname !== 'Function') { return `${pad}[Function: ${cname}]`; } else { return `${pad}Function`; } } // print the name of an unhandled type. // typically this will return 'object' return `${pad}${typeof inputType}`; } /** * Prefix eact line of msg with prefix. */ private handleMultiline(prefix: string, msg: string, color?: clc.Format | null): string { const res = []; for (const m of Array.from(msg.split('\n'))) { res.push(prefix + this.colorize(m, color)); } return res.join('\n'); } /** * Resolve which coloring function to use for the level mask. */ private resolveLevelColor(level: Mask): clc.Format { switch (true) { case matchMask(level, Mask.ERROR): return this.colors.ERROR; case matchMask(level, Mask.WARN): return this.colors.WARN; case matchMask(level, Mask.SUCCESS): return this.colors.SUCCESS; case matchMask(level, Mask.INFO): return this.colors.INFO; case matchMask(level, Mask.DEBUG): return this.colors.DEBUG; case matchMask(level, Mask.VERBOSE): return this.colors.VERBOSE; default: return this.colors.LOG; } } /** * Setting a single color in the `ColorMap`. */ private setColor(level: ColorType, color: clc.Format): void { switch (level) { case 'ERROR': this.colors.ERROR = color; break; case 'WARN': this.colors.WARN = color; break; case 'SUCCESS': this.colors.SUCCESS = color; break; case 'LOG': this.colors.LOG = color; break; case 'INFO': this.colors.INFO = color; break; case 'DEBUG': this.colors.DEBUG = color; break; case 'VERBOSE': this.colors.VERBOSE = color; break; case 'GROUP': this.colors.GROUP = color; break; case 'TIME': this.colors.TIME = color; break; default: const x: never = level; throw new Error(`Unsupported option ${x}`); } } /** * Set new colors. */ private setColors(colorMap: Partial): void { for (const level of Array.from(Object.keys(colorMap)) as (keyof ColorMap)[]) { const color = colorMap[level]; if (color != null) { this.setColor(level, color); } } } /** * Transform log entry to text output. */ public format(entry: LogEntry): string { // get the formatted current time. let prefix = this.formatTime(entry.timestamp); // get the formatted group if ( != null) { prefix += ` ${this.formatGroup(}`; } // get the formatted log-level. const levelText = this.formatLogLevel(entry.levelNumeric); prefix += ` ${levelText}`; return ( this.handleMultiline(prefix + ' ', String(entry.message), this.resolveLevelColor(entry.levelNumeric)) + '\n' ); } /** * Format complex types. */ public formatTypes(inputType: T): string { return this.formatTypesInternal(inputType); } }