import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { AppGlobals } from './app-globals'; declare const gapi: any; @Injectable() export class AuthService { constructor() { } /** * Calling Google login API and fetching account details. * @param callback Callback to function */ public authenticateUser(callback) { let auth2: any; let result: any; let error: any; gapi.load('auth2', function () { auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({ client_id: AppGlobals.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin', scope: 'profile email' }); //Login button reference let loginButton: any = document.getElementById('google-login-button'); auth2.attachClickHandler(loginButton, {}, function (userDetails) { //Getting profile object let profile = userDetails.getBasicProfile(); //Setting data to localstorage. localStorage.setItem('token', userDetails.getAuthResponse().id_token); localStorage.setItem('image', profile.getImageUrl()); localStorage.setItem('name', profile.getName()); localStorage.setItem('email', profile.getEmail()); //Alternatively you can create an object and return it like that - // result = { // token: userDetails.getAuthResponse().id_token, // name: profile.getName(), // image: profile.getImageUrl(), // email: profile.getEmail(), // }; callback(true); }, function (error) { this.error = (JSON.stringify(error, undefined, 2)); }); }); } /** * Logout user from Google * @param callback Callback to function */ userLogout(callback) { //You will be redirected to this URL after logging out from Google. let homeUrl = "http://localhost:4200"; let logoutUrl = "" + homeUrl; document.location.href = logoutUrl; callback(); } }