import { PSMOptions } from './password-strength-meter.types'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; export declare abstract class IPasswordStrengthMeterService { abstract score(password: string): number; abstract scoreWithFeedback(password: string): { score: number; feedback: { warning: string; suggestions: string[]; }; }; } export declare const DEFAULT_CONFIG: PSMOptions; export declare class PasswordStrengthMeterService extends IPasswordStrengthMeterService { constructor(options: PSMOptions); /** * this will return the password strength score in number * 0 - too guessable * 1 - very guessable * 2 - somewhat guessable * 3 - safely unguessable * 4 - very unguessable * * @param password - Password */ score(password: any): number; /** * this will return the password strength score with feedback messages * return type { score: number; feedback: { suggestions: string[]; warning: string } } * * @param password - Password */ scoreWithFeedback(password: any): { score: number; feedback: { suggestions: string[]; warning: string; }; }; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration; }