import EventEmitter from '@algolia/events'; import { FindAnswersResponse, HighlightResult, RankingInfo, SearchClient, SearchOptions, SearchResponse, SnippetResult, } from './types/algoliasearch'; /** * The algoliasearchHelper module is the function that will let its * contains everything needed to use the Algoliasearch * Helper. It is a also a function that instantiate the helper. * To use the helper, you also need the Algolia JS client v3. * @param client an AlgoliaSearch client * @param index the name of the index to query * @param opts */ declare function algoliasearchHelper( client: SearchClient, index: string, opts?: algoliasearchHelper.PlainSearchParameters ): algoliasearchHelper.AlgoliaSearchHelper; declare namespace algoliasearchHelper { export const version: string; export class AlgoliaSearchHelper extends EventEmitter { state: SearchParameters; lastResults: SearchResults | null; derivedHelpers: DerivedHelper[]; on( event: 'search', cb: (res: { state: SearchParameters; results: SearchResults }) => void ): this; on( event: 'change', cb: (res: { state: SearchParameters; results: SearchResults; isPageReset: boolean; }) => void ): this; on( event: 'searchForFacetValues', cb: (res: { state: SearchParameters; facet: string; query: string; }) => void ): this; on( event: 'searchOnce', cb: (res: { state: SearchParameters }) => void ): this; on( event: 'result', cb: (res: { results: SearchResults; state: SearchParameters }) => void ): this; on(event: 'error', cb: (res: { error: Error }) => void): this; on(event: 'searchQueueEmpty', cb: () => void): this; /** * Start the search with the parameters set in the state. When the * method is called, it triggers a `search` event. The results will * be available through the `result` event. If an error occurs, an * `error` will be fired instead. * @return * @fires search * @fires result * @fires error * @chainable */ search(): this; /** * Private method to only search on derived helpers */ searchOnlyWithDerivedHelpers(): this; /** * Private method for search, without triggering events */ searchWithoutTriggeringOnStateChange(): this; /** * Gets the search query parameters that would be sent to the Algolia Client * for the hits */ getQuery(): SearchOptions; /** * Start a search using a modified version of the current state. This method does * not trigger the helper lifecycle and does not modify the state kept internally * by the helper. This second aspect means that the next search call will be the * same as a search call before calling searchOnce. * @param options can contain all the parameters that can be set to SearchParameters * plus the index * @param [callback] optional callback executed when the response from the * server is back. * @return if a callback is passed the method returns undefined * otherwise it returns a promise containing an object with two keys : * - content with a SearchResults * - state with the state used for the query as a SearchParameters * @example * // Changing the number of records returned per page to 1 * // This example uses the callback API * var state = helper.searchOnce({hitsPerPage: 1}, * function(error, content, state) { * // if an error occurred it will be passed in error, otherwise its value is null * // content contains the results formatted as a SearchResults * // state is the instance of SearchParameters used for this search * }); * @example * // Changing the number of records returned per page to 1 * // This example uses the promise API * var state1 = helper.searchOnce({hitsPerPage: 1}) * .then(promiseHandler); * * function promiseHandler(res) { * // res contains * // { * // content : SearchResults * // state : SearchParameters (the one used for this specific search) * // } * } */ searchOnce( options: PlainSearchParameters ): Promise<{ content: SearchResults; state: SearchParameters }>; searchOnce( options: PlainSearchParameters, cb: ( error: Error, content: SearchResults, state: SearchParameters ) => void ): void; /** * Start the search for answers with the parameters set in the state. * This method returns a promise. * @param {Object} options - the options for answers API call * @param {string[]} options.attributesForPrediction - Attributes to use for predictions. If empty, `searchableAttributes` is used instead. * @param {string[]} options.queryLanguages - The languages in the query. Currently only supports ['en']. * @param {number} options.nbHits - Maximum number of answers to retrieve from the Answers Engine. Cannot be greater than 1000. * @deprecated answers is deprecated and will be replaced with new initiatives */ findAnswers(options: { attributesForPrediction: string[]; queryLanguages: string[]; nbHits: number; }): Promise>; /** * Search for facet values based on an query and the name of a faceted attribute. This * triggers a search and will return a promise. On top of using the query, it also sends * the parameters from the state so that the search is narrowed down to only the possible values. * * See the description of [FacetSearchResult](reference.html#FacetSearchResult) * @param facet the name of the faceted attribute * @param query the string query for the search * @param [maxFacetHits] the maximum number values returned. Should be > 0 and <= 100 * @param [userState] the set of custom parameters to use on top of the current state. Setting a property to `undefined` removes * it in the generated query. * @return the results of the search */ searchForFacetValues( facet: string, query: string, maxFacetHits: number, userState?: PlainSearchParameters ): Promise; /** * Sets the text query used for the search. * * This method resets the current page to 0. * @param q the user query * @return * @fires change * @chainable */ setQuery(q: string): this; /** * Remove all the types of refinements except tags. A string can be provided to remove * only the refinements of a specific attribute. For more advanced use case, you can * provide a function instead. This function should follow the * [clearCallback definition](#SearchParameters.clearCallback). * * This method resets the current page to 0. * @param [name] optional name of the facet / attribute on which we want to remove all refinements * @return * @fires change * @chainable * @example * // Removing all the refinements * helper.clearRefinements().search(); * @example * // Removing all the filters on a the category attribute. * helper.clearRefinements('category').search(); * @example * // Removing only the exclude filters on the category facet. * helper.clearRefinements(function(value, attribute, type) { * return type === 'exclude' && attribute === 'category'; * }).search(); */ clearRefinements(name?: string): this; clearRefinements( func: (value: any, attribute: string, type: string) => boolean ): this; /** * Remove all the tag filters. * * This method resets the current page to 0. * @return * @fires change * @chainable */ clearTags(): this; /** * Updates the name of the index that will be targeted by the query. * * This method resets the current page to 0. * @param name the index name * @return * @fires change * @chainable */ setIndex(name: string): this; addDisjunctiveFacetRefinement(facet: string, value: string): this; /** * @deprecated since version 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#addDisjunctiveFacetRefinement} */ addDisjunctiveRefine(facet: string, value: string): this; addHierarchicalFacetRefinement(facet: string, path: string): this; addNumericRefinement( facet: string, operator?: SearchParameters.Operator, value?: number | number[] ): this; addFacetRefinement(facet: string, value: string): this; /** * @deprecated since version 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#addFacetRefinement} */ addRefine: AlgoliaSearchHelper['addFacetRefinement']; addFacetExclusion(facet: string, value: string): this; /** * @deprecated since version 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#addFacetExclusion} */ addExclude: AlgoliaSearchHelper['addFacetExclusion']; addTag(tag: string): this; removeNumericRefinement( facet: string, operator?: SearchParameters.Operator, value?: number | number[] ): this; removeDisjunctiveFacetRefinement(facet: string, value?: string): this; /** * @deprecated since version 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#removeDisjunctiveFacetRefinement} */ removeDisjunctiveRefine(facet: string, value?: string): this; removeHierarchicalFacetRefinement(facet: string): this; removeFacetRefinement(facet: string, value?: string): this; /** * @deprecated since version 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#removeFacetRefinement} */ removeRefine(facet: string, value: string): this; removeFacetExclusion(facet: string, value: string): this; /** * @deprecated since version 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#removeFacetExclusion} */ removeExclude(facet: string, value: string): this; removeTag(value: string): this; toggleFacetExclusion(facet: string, value: string): this; /** * @deprecated since version 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#toggleFacetExclusion} */ toggleExclude(facet: string, value: string): this; toggleFacetRefinement(facet: string, value: string): this; /** * @deprecated since version 2.19.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#toggleFacetRefinement} */ toggleRefinement(facet: string, value: string): this; /** * @deprecated since version 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#toggleFacetRefinement} */ toggleRefine(facet: string, value: string): this; toggleTag(tag: string): this; nextPage(): this; previousPage(): this; setPage(page: number): this; /** * @deprecated */ setCurrentPage(page: number): this; setQueryParameter( parameter: SearchParameter, value: PlainSearchParameters[SearchParameter] ): this; /** * Set the whole state (warning: will erase previous state) * @param newState the whole new state * @return * @fires change * @chainable */ setState(newState: PlainSearchParameters): this; overrideStateWithoutTriggeringChangeEvent: AlgoliaSearchHelper['setState']; hasRefinements(facet: string): boolean; isExcluded: SearchParameters['isExcludeRefined']; /** * @deprecated since 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#hasRefinements} */ isDisjunctiveRefined: SearchParameters['isDisjunctiveFacetRefined']; hasTag: SearchParameters['isTagRefined']; /** * @deprecated since 2.4.0, see {@link AlgoliaSearchHelper#hasTag} */ isTagRefined: SearchParameters['isTagRefined']; getIndex(): string; /** * @deprecated */ getCurrentPage(): number; getPage(): number; getTags(): string[]; getRefinements(facetName: string): any[]; getNumericRefinement: SearchParameters['getNumericRefinement']; getHierarchicalFacetBreadcrumb: SearchParameters['getHierarchicalFacetBreadcrumb']; /** * @deprecated */ containsRefinement(...any: any[]): any; clearCache(): this; setClient(client: SearchClient): this; getClient(): SearchClient; derive( deriveFn: (oldParams: SearchParameters) => SearchParameters ): DerivedHelper; detachDerivedHelper(derivedHelper: DerivedHelper): void; hasPendingRequests(): boolean; } interface DerivedHelper extends EventEmitter { on( event: 'search', cb: (res: { state: SearchParameters; results: SearchResults }) => void ): this; on( event: 'result', cb: (res: { results: SearchResults; state: SearchParameters }) => void ): this; on(event: 'error', cb: (res: { error: Error }) => void): this; lastResults: SearchResults | null; detach(): void; getModifiedState(): SearchParameters; } namespace SearchForFacetValues { /** * Structure of each result when using * [`searchForFacetValues()`](reference.html#AlgoliaSearchHelper#searchForFacetValues) */ export interface Hit { value: string; escapedValue: string; highlighted: string; count: number; isRefined: boolean; } /** * Structure of the data resolved by the * [`searchForFacetValues()`](reference.html#AlgoliaSearchHelper#searchForFacetValues) * promise. */ export interface Result { facetHits: Hit[]; processingTimeMS: number; } } export interface PlainSearchParameters extends SearchOptions { /** * Targeted index. This parameter is mandatory. */ index?: string; /** * This attribute contains the list of all the disjunctive facets * used. This list will be added to requested facets in the * [facets attribute]( sent to algolia. */ disjunctiveFacets?: string[]; /** * This attribute contains the list of all the hierarchical facets * used. This list will be added to requested facets in the * [facets attribute]( sent to algolia. * Hierarchical facets are a sub type of disjunctive facets that * let you filter faceted attributes hierarchically. */ hierarchicalFacets?: SearchParameters.HierarchicalFacet[]; // Refinements /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * applied on the conjunctive facets. Each facet must be properly * defined in the `facets` attribute. * * The key is the name of the facet, and the `FacetList` contains all * filters selected for the associated facet name. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `facetFilters` attribute. */ facetsRefinements?: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.FacetList }; /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * excluded from the conjunctive facets. Each facet must be properly * defined in the `facets` attribute. * * The key is the name of the facet, and the `FacetList` contains all * filters excluded for the associated facet name. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `facetFilters` attribute. */ facetsExcludes?: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.FacetList }; /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * applied on the disjunctive facets. Each facet must be properly * defined in the `disjunctiveFacets` attribute. * * The key is the name of the facet, and the `FacetList` contains all * filters selected for the associated facet name. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `facetFilters` attribute. */ disjunctiveFacetsRefinements?: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.FacetList; }; /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * applied on the numeric attributes. * * The key is the name of the attribute, and the value is the * filters to apply to this attribute. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `numericFilters` attribute. */ numericRefinements?: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.OperatorList }; /** * This attribute contains all the tags used to refine the query. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `tagFilters` attribute. */ tagRefinements?: string[]; /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * applied on the hierarchical facets. Each facet must be properly * defined in the `hierarchicalFacets` attribute. * * The key is the name of the facet, and the `FacetList` contains all * filters selected for the associated facet name. The FacetList values * are structured as a string that contain the values for each level * separated by the configured separator. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `facetFilters` attribute. */ hierarchicalFacetsRefinements?: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.FacetList; }; // types missing in @types/algoliasearch, so duplicated from v4 ruleContexts?: string[]; optionalFilters?: Array; queryLanguages?: string[]; /** * The relevancy threshold to apply to search in a virtual index [0-100]. A bigger * value means fewer but more relevant results, a smaller value means more but * less relevant results. */ relevancyStrictness?: number; } export class SearchParameters implements PlainSearchParameters { managedParameters: [ 'index', 'facets', 'disjunctiveFacets', 'facetsRefinements', 'hierarchicalFacets', 'facetsExcludes', 'disjunctiveFacetsRefinements', 'numericRefinements', 'tagRefinements', 'hierarchicalFacetsRefinements' ]; constructor(newParameters?: PlainSearchParameters); /* Add a disjunctive facet to the disjunctiveFacets attribute of the helper configuration, if it isn't already present. */ addDisjunctiveFacet(facet: string): SearchParameters; /* Adds a refinement on a disjunctive facet. */ addDisjunctiveFacetRefinement( facet: string, value: string ): SearchParameters; /* Exclude a value from a "normal" facet */ addExcludeRefinement(facet: string, value: string): SearchParameters; /* Add a facet to the facets attribute of the helper configuration, if it isn't already present. */ addFacet(facet: string): SearchParameters; /* Add a refinement on a "normal" facet */ addFacetRefinement(facet: string, value: string): SearchParameters; addHierarchicalFacet( facet: SearchParameters.HierarchicalFacet ): SearchParameters; addHierarchicalFacetRefinement( facet: string, path: string ): SearchParameters; addNumericRefinement( attribute: string, operator: SearchParameters.Operator, value: number | number[] ): SearchParameters; addTagRefinement(tag: string): SearchParameters; clearRefinements( attribute?: | string | ((value: any, attribute: string, type: string) => void) ): SearchParameters; clearTags(): SearchParameters; getConjunctiveRefinements(facetName: string): string[]; getDisjunctiveRefinements(facetName: string): string[]; getExcludeRefinements(facetName: string): string[]; getHierarchicalFacetBreadcrumb(facetName: string): string[]; getHierarchicalFacetByName(hierarchicalFacetName: string): any; getHierarchicalRefinement(facetName: string): string[]; getNumericRefinements(facetName: string): SearchParameters.OperatorList; getNumericRefinement( attribute: string, operator: SearchParameters.Operator ): Array; getQueryParams(): SearchOptions; getRefinedDisjunctiveFacets(facet: string, value: any): string[]; getRefinedHierarchicalFacets(facet: string, value: any): string[]; getUnrefinedDisjunctiveFacets(): string[]; isConjunctiveFacet(facet: string): boolean; isDisjunctiveFacetRefined(facet: string, value?: string): boolean; isDisjunctiveFacet(facet: string): boolean; isExcludeRefined(facet: string, value?: string): boolean; isFacetRefined(facet: string, value?: string): boolean; isHierarchicalFacetRefined(facet: string, value?: string): boolean; isHierarchicalFacet(facet: string): boolean; isNumericRefined( attribute: string, operator?: SearchParameters.Operator, value?: string ): boolean; isTagRefined(tag: string): boolean; static make(newParameters: PlainSearchParameters): SearchParameters; removeExcludeRefinement(facet: string, value: string): SearchParameters; removeFacet(facet: string): SearchParameters; removeFacetRefinement(facet: string, value?: string): SearchParameters; removeDisjunctiveFacet(facet: string): SearchParameters; removeDisjunctiveFacetRefinement( facet: string, value?: string ): SearchParameters; removeHierarchicalFacet(facet: string): SearchParameters; removeHierarchicalFacetRefinement(facet: string): SearchParameters; removeNumericRefinement( attribute: string, operator?: string, value?: string ): SearchParameters; removeTagRefinement(tag: string): SearchParameters; resetPage(): SearchParameters; setDisjunctiveFacets(facets: string[]): SearchParameters; setFacets(facets: string[]): SearchParameters; setHitsPerPage(n: number): SearchParameters; setIndex(index: string): SearchParameters; setPage(newPage: number): SearchParameters; setQueryParameters(params: PlainSearchParameters): SearchParameters; setQueryParameter( parameter: SearchParameter, value: PlainSearchParameters[SearchParameter] ): SearchParameters; setQuery(newQuery: string): SearchParameters; setTypoTolerance(typoTolerance: string): SearchParameters; toggleDisjunctiveFacetRefinement( facet: string, value: any ): SearchParameters; toggleExcludeFacetRefinement(facet: string, value: any): SearchParameters; toggleConjunctiveFacetRefinement( facet: string, value: any ): SearchParameters; toggleHierarchicalFacetRefinement( facet: string, value: any ): SearchParameters; toggleFacetRefinement(facet: string, value: any): SearchParameters; toggleTagRefinement(tag: string): SearchParameters; static validate( currentState: SearchParameters, parameters: PlainSearchParameters ): null | Error; /** * implementation of PlainSearchParameters, copied because it's an interface. * Notable difference is that the managed search parameters are not optional, * ideally this would be Required where ManagedParameters * are the following ones. */ /** * Targeted index. This parameter is mandatory. */ index: string; /** * This attribute contains the list of all the disjunctive facets * used. This list will be added to requested facets in the * [facets attribute]( sent to algolia. */ disjunctiveFacets: string[]; /** * This attribute contains the list of all the hierarchical facets * used. This list will be added to requested facets in the * [facets attribute]( sent to algolia. * Hierarchical facets are a sub type of disjunctive facets that * let you filter faceted attributes hierarchically. */ hierarchicalFacets: SearchParameters.HierarchicalFacet[]; // Refinements /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * applied on the conjunctive facets. Each facet must be properly * defined in the `facets` attribute. * * The key is the name of the facet, and the `FacetList` contains all * filters selected for the associated facet name. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `facetFilters` attribute. */ facetsRefinements: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.FacetList }; /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * excluded from the conjunctive facets. Each facet must be properly * defined in the `facets` attribute. * * The key is the name of the facet, and the `FacetList` contains all * filters excluded for the associated facet name. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `facetFilters` attribute. */ facetsExcludes: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.FacetList }; /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * applied on the disjunctive facets. Each facet must be properly * defined in the `disjunctiveFacets` attribute. * * The key is the name of the facet, and the `FacetList` contains all * filters selected for the associated facet name. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `facetFilters` attribute. */ disjunctiveFacetsRefinements: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.FacetList; }; /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * applied on the numeric attributes. * * The key is the name of the attribute, and the value is the * filters to apply to this attribute. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `numericFilters` attribute. */ numericRefinements: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.OperatorList }; /** * This attribute contains all the tags used to refine the query. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `tagFilters` attribute. */ tagRefinements: string[]; /** * This attribute contains all the filters that need to be * applied on the hierarchical facets. Each facet must be properly * defined in the `hierarchicalFacets` attribute. * * The key is the name of the facet, and the `FacetList` contains all * filters selected for the associated facet name. The FacetList values * are structured as a string that contain the values for each level * separated by the configured separator. * * When querying algolia, the values stored in this attribute will * be translated into the `facetFilters` attribute. */ hierarchicalFacetsRefinements: { [facet: string]: SearchParameters.FacetList; }; /* end implementation of PlainSearchParameters */ /** * Implementation of regular search parameters, copied from algoliasearch.QueryParameters * Ideally there'd be a way to automatically implement this interface, but that * isn't possible. */ /** * Query string used to perform the search * default: '' * */ query?: string; /** * Filter the query with numeric, facet or/and tag filters * default: "" * */ filters?: string; /** * A string that contains the list of attributes you want to retrieve in order to minimize the size of the JSON answer. * default: * * */ attributesToRetrieve?: string[]; /** * List of attributes you want to use for textual search * default: attributeToIndex * */ restrictSearchableAttributes?: string[]; /** * You can use facets to retrieve only a part of your attributes declared in attributesForFaceting attributes * default: [] * */ facets?: string[]; /** * Force faceting to be applied after de-duplication (via the Distinct setting). * When using the distinct setting in combination with faceting, facet counts may be higher than expected. * This is because the engine, by default, computes faceting before applying de-duplication (distinct). * When facetingAfterDistinct is set to true, the engine calculates faceting after the de-duplication has been applied. * default "" * */ facetingAfterDistinct?: boolean; /** * Limit the number of facet values returned for each facet. * default: 100 * */ maxValuesPerFacet?: number; /** * Default list of attributes to highlight. If set to null, all indexed attributes are highlighted. * default: null * */ attributesToHighlight?: string[]; /** * Default list of attributes to snippet alongside the number of words to return * default: null * */ attributesToSnippet?: string[]; /** * Specify the string that is inserted before the highlighted parts in the query result * default: * */ highlightPreTag?: string; /** * Specify the string that is inserted after the highlighted parts in the query result * default: * */ highlightPostTag?: string; /** * String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated. * default: … * */ snippetEllipsisText?: string; /** * If set to true, restrict arrays in highlights and snippets to items that matched the query at least partially else return all array items in highlights and snippets * default: false * */ restrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays?: boolean; /** * Pagination parameter used to select the number of hits per page * default: 20 * */ hitsPerPage?: number; /** * Pagination parameter used to select the page to retrieve. * default: 0 * */ page?: number; /** * Offset of the first hit to return * default: null * */ offset?: number; /** * Number of hits to return. * default: null * */ length?: number; /** * The minimum number of characters needed to accept one typo. * default: 4 * */ minWordSizefor1Typo?: number; /** * The minimum number of characters needed to accept two typo. * fault: 8 * */ minWordSizefor2Typos?: number; /** * This option allows you to control the number of typos allowed in the result set: * default: true * 'true' The typo tolerance is enabled and all matching hits are retrieved * 'false' The typo tolerance is disabled. All results with typos will be hidden. * 'min' Only keep results with the minimum number of typos * 'strict' Hits matching with 2 typos are not retrieved if there are some matching without typos. * */ typoTolerance?: boolean; /** * If set to false, disables typo tolerance on numeric tokens (numbers). * default: * */ allowTyposOnNumericTokens?: boolean; /** * If set to true, plural won't be considered as a typo * default: false * */ ignorePlurals?: boolean; /** * List of attributes on which you want to disable typo tolerance * default: [] * */ disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes?: string[]; /** * Search for entries around a given location * default: "" * */ aroundLatLng?: string; /** * Search for entries around a given latitude/longitude automatically computed from user IP address. * default: "" * */ aroundLatLngViaIP?: boolean; /** * Control the radius associated with a geo search. Defined in meters. * default: null * You can specify aroundRadius=all if you want to compute the geo distance without filtering in a geo area * */ aroundRadius?: number | 'all'; /** * Control the precision of a geo search * default: null * */ aroundPrecision?: number; /** * Define the minimum radius used for a geo search when aroundRadius is not set. * default: null * */ minimumAroundRadius?: number; /** * Search entries inside a given area defined by the two extreme points of a rectangle * default: null * */ insideBoundingBox?: [number, number, number, number][]; /** * Selects how the query words are interpreted * default: 'prefixLast' * 'prefixAll' All query words are interpreted as prefixes. This option is not recommended. * 'prefixLast' Only the last word is interpreted as a prefix (default behavior). * 'prefixNone' No query word is interpreted as a prefix. This option is not recommended. * */ queryType?: 'prefixAll' | 'prefixLast' | 'prefixNone'; /** * Search entries inside a given area defined by a set of points * default: '' * */ insidePolygon?: number[][]; /** * This option is used to select a strategy in order to avoid having an empty result page * default: 'none' * 'lastWords' When a query does not return any results, the last word will be added as optional * 'firstWords' When a query does not return any results, the first word will be added as optional * 'allOptional' When a query does not return any results, a second trial will be made with all words as optional * 'none' No specific processing is done when a query does not return any results * */ removeWordsIfNoResults?: | 'none' | 'lastWords' | 'firstWords' | 'allOptional'; /** * Enables the advanced query syntax * default: false * */ advancedSyntax?: boolean; /** * A string that contains the comma separated list of words that should be considered as optional when found in the query * default: [] * */ optionalWords?: string[]; /** * Determines how to calculate the total score for filtering * default: false * */ sumOrFiltersScores?: boolean; /** * Remove stop words from the query before executing it * default: false * true|false: enable or disable stop words for all 41 supported languages; or * a list of language ISO codes (as a comma-separated string) for which stop words should be enable * */ removeStopWords?: boolean | string[]; /** * List of attributes on which you want to disable the computation of exact criteria * default: [] * */ disableExactOnAttributes?: string[]; /** * This parameter control how the exact ranking criterion is computed when the query contains one word * default: attribute * 'none': no exact on single word query * 'word': exact set to 1 if the query word is found in the record * 'attribute': exact set to 1 if there is an attribute containing a string equals to the query * */ exactOnSingleWordQuery?: 'attribute' | 'none' | 'word'; /** * Specify the list of approximation that should be considered as an exact match in the ranking formula * default: ['ignorePlurals', 'singleWordSynonym'] * 'ignorePlurals': alternative words added by the ignorePlurals feature * 'singleWordSynonym': single-word synonym (For example "NY" = "NYC") * 'multiWordsSynonym': multiple-words synonym * */ alternativesAsExact?: Array< 'ignorePlurals' | 'singleWordSynonym' | 'multiWordsSynonym' >; /** * If set to 1, enables the distinct feature, disabled by default, if the attributeForDistinct index setting is set. * */ distinct?: number | boolean; /** * If set to true, the result hits will contain ranking information in the _rankingInfo attribute. * default: false * */ getRankingInfo?: boolean; /** * @deprecated Use `numericAttributesForFiltering` instead * All numerical attributes are automatically indexed as numerical filters * default: '' * */ numericAttributesToIndex?: string[]; /** * All numerical attributes are automatically indexed as numerical filters * default: '' * */ numericAttributesForFiltering?: string[]; /** * @deprecated please use filters instead * A string that contains the comma separated list of numeric filters you want to apply. * */ numericFilters?: string[]; /** * @deprecated * * Filter the query by a set of tags. * Default: [] * */ tagFilters?: string[]; /** * Filter the query by a set of facets. * Default: [] * */ facetFilters?: string[] | string[][]; /** * Create filters for ranking purposes, where records that match the filter are ranked highest * default: [] * */ optionalFilters?: Array; /** * If set to false, this query will not be taken into account in the analytics feature. * default true * */ analytics?: boolean; /** * If set to true, enables the Click Analytics feature * default false * */ clickAnalytics?: boolean; /** * If set, tag your query with the specified identifiers * default: [] * */ analyticsTags?: string[]; /** * If set to false, the search will not use the synonyms defined for the targeted index. * default: true * */ synonyms?: boolean; /** * If set to false, words matched via synonym expansion will not be replaced by the matched synonym in the highlighted result. * default: true * */ replaceSynonymsInHighlight?: boolean; /** * Configure the precision of the proximity ranking criterion * default: 1 * */ minProximity?: number; nbShards?: number; userData?: string | object; /** * */ sortFacetValuesBy?: 'count' | 'alpha'; /** * The relevancy threshold to apply to search in a virtual index [0-100]. A bigger * value means fewer but more relevant results, a smaller value means more but * less relevant results. */ relevancyStrictness?: number; /* end implementation of algoliasearch.QueryParameters */ ruleContexts?: string[]; } namespace SearchParameters { type FacetList = string[]; type HierarchicalFacet = { name: string; attributes: string[]; separator?: string; rootPath?: string | null; showParentLevel?: boolean; }; type OperatorList = { [k in Operator]?: Array; }; type Operator = '=' | '>' | '>=' | '<' | '<=' | '!='; } export interface SearchResultsOptions { /** * Marker which can be added to search results to identify them as created without a search response. * This is for internal use, e.g., avoiding caching in infinite hits, or delaying the display of these results. */ __isArtificial?: boolean | undefined; } type ISearchResponse = Omit, 'facets' | 'params'> & SearchResultsOptions; export class SearchResults implements ISearchResponse { /** * query used to generate the results */ query: string; /** * A markup text indicating which parts of the original query have been removed in order to retrieve a non-empty result set. * * Returned when `removeWordsIfNoResults` is set to `lastWords` or `firstWords`. */ queryAfterRemoval?: string; /** * The query as parsed by the engine given all the rules. * * Returned only if `getRankingInfo` is set to `true`. */ parsedQuery?: string; /** * all the records that match the search parameters. Each record is * augmented with a new attribute `_highlightResult` * which is an object keyed by attribute and with the following properties: * - `value` : the value of the facet highlighted (html) * - `matchLevel`: full, partial or none depending on how the query terms match */ hits: (T & { readonly objectID: string; readonly _highlightResult?: HighlightResult; readonly _snippetResult?: SnippetResult; readonly _rankingInfo?: RankingInfo; readonly _distinctSeqID?: number; })[]; /** * index where the results come from */ index: string; /** * number of hits per page requested */ hitsPerPage: number; /** * total number of hits of this query on the index */ nbHits: number; /** * subset of hits selected when relevancyStrictness is applied */ nbSortedHits?: number; /** * the relevancy threshold applied to search in a virtual index */ appliedRelevancyStrictness?: number; /** * total number of pages with respect to the number of hits per page and the total number of hits */ nbPages: number; /** * current page */ page: number; /** * sum of the processing time of all the queries */ processingTimeMS: number; /** * The position if the position was guessed by IP. * @example "48.8637,2.3615", */ aroundLatLng: string; /** * The radius computed by Algolia. * @example "126792922", */ automaticRadius: string; /** * String identifying the server used to serve this request. * @example "", */ serverUsed: string; /** * Boolean that indicates if the computation of the counts did time out. * @deprecated */ timeoutCounts: boolean; /** * Boolean that indicates if the computation of the hits did time out. * @deprecated */ timeoutHits: boolean; /** * True if the counts of the facets is exhaustive */ exhaustiveFacetsCount: boolean; /** * True if the number of hits is exhaustive */ exhaustiveNbHits: boolean; /** * Contains the userData if they are set by a [query rule]( */ userData: any[]; /** * Content defining how the search interface should be rendered. * This is set via the settings for a default value and can be overridden via rules */ renderingContent?: { /** * defining how facets should be ordered */ facetOrdering?: { /** * the ordering of facets (widgets) */ facets?: { /** * Ordered facet lists */ order?: string[]; }; /** * the ordering of facet values, within an individual list */ values?: { [facet: string]: { /** * Ordered facet values */ order?: string[]; /** * How to display the remaining items. * - facet count (descending) * - alphabetical (ascending) * - hidden (show only pinned values) */ sortRemainingBy?: 'count' | 'alpha' | 'hidden'; }; }; }; }; /** * queryID is the unique identifier of the query used to generate the current search results. * This value is only available if the `clickAnalytics` search parameter is set to `true`. */ queryID?: string; /** * Used to return warnings about the query. */ message?: string; /** * If a search encounters an index that is being A/B tested, `abTestID` reports the ongoing A/B test ID. * * Returned only if `getRankingInfo` is set to `true`. */ abTestID?: number; /** * In case of AB test, reports the variant ID used. The variant ID is the position in the array of variants (starting at 1). * * Returned only if `getRankingInfo` is set to `true`. */ abTestVariantID?: number; /** * disjunctive facets results */ disjunctiveFacets: SearchResults.Facet[]; /** * disjunctive facets results */ hierarchicalFacets: SearchResults.HierarchicalFacet[]; /** * other facets results */ facets: SearchResults.Facet[]; _rawResults: SearchResponse[]; _state: SearchParameters; /** * Marker which can be added to search results to identify them as created without a search response. * This is for internal use, e.g., avoiding caching in infinite hits, or delaying the display of these results. */ __isArtificial?: boolean; constructor( state: SearchParameters, results: SearchResponse[], options?: SearchResultsOptions ); /** * Get a facet object with its name * @deprecated * @param name name of the faceted attribute * @return the facet object */ getFacetByName(name: string): SearchResults.Facet; /** * Get a the list of values for a given facet attribute. Those values are sorted * refinement first, descending count (bigger value on top), and name ascending * (alphabetical order). The sort formula can overridden using either string based * predicates or a function. * * This method will return all the values returned by the Algolia engine plus all * the values already refined. This means that it can happen that the * `maxValuesPerFacet` [configuration]( * might not be respected if you have facet values that are already refined. * @param attribute attribute name * @param opts configuration options. * @param opts.sortBy * When using strings, it consists of * the name of the [FacetValue](#SearchResults.FacetValue) or the * [HierarchicalFacet](#SearchResults.HierarchicalFacet) attributes with the * order (`asc` or `desc`). For example to order the value by count, the * argument would be `['count:asc']`. * * If only the attribute name is specified, the ordering defaults to the one * specified in the default value for this attribute. * * When not specified, the order is * ascending. This parameter can also be a function which takes two facet * values and should return a number, 0 if equal, 1 if the first argument is * bigger or -1 otherwise. * * The default value for this attribute `['isRefined:desc', 'count:desc', 'name:asc']` * @return depending on the type of facet of * the attribute requested (hierarchical, disjunctive or conjunctive) * @example * helper.on('results', function(content){ * //get values ordered only by name ascending using the string predicate * content.getFacetValues('city', {sortBy: ['name:asc']}); * //get values ordered only by count ascending using a function * content.getFacetValues('city', { * // this is equivalent to ['count:asc'] * sortBy: function(a, b) { * if (a.count === b.count) return 0; * if (a.count > b.count) return 1; * if (b.count > a.count) return -1; * } * }); * }); */ getFacetValues( attribute: string, opts: { sortBy?: any; facetOrdering?: boolean; } ): SearchResults.FacetValue[] | SearchResults.HierarchicalFacet | undefined; /** * Returns the facet stats if attribute is defined and the facet contains some. * Otherwise returns undefined. * @param attribute name of the faceted attribute * @return The stats of the facet */ getFacetStats(attribute: string): any; /** * Returns all refinements for all filters + tags. It also provides * additional information: count and exhaustiveness for each filter. * * See the [refinement type](#Refinement) for an exhaustive view of the available * data. * * @return all the refinements */ getRefinements(): SearchResults.Refinement[]; } namespace SearchResults { interface Facet { name: string; data: object; stats?: { min: number; max: number; sum: number; avg: number; }; } interface HierarchicalFacet { name: string; path: string; escapedValue: string; count: number; isRefined: boolean; data: HierarchicalFacet[]; } interface FacetValue { name: string; escapedValue: string; count: number; isRefined: boolean; isExcluded: boolean; } interface Refinement { type: 'numeric' | 'facet' | 'exclude' | 'disjunctive' | 'hierarchical'; attributeName: string; name: string; numericValue: number; operator: string; count: number; exhaustive: boolean; } } } export = algoliasearchHelper;