import { ADAPTER_CATEGORY, ADAPTER_EVENTS, ADAPTER_STATUS, BaseAdapterConfig, CHAIN_NAMESPACES, CustomChainConfig, getChainConfig, log, SafeEventEmitterProvider, WALLET_ADAPTER_TYPE, WALLET_ADAPTERS, } from "@web3auth/base"; import { Web3AuthCore, Web3AuthCoreOptions } from "@web3auth/core"; import LoginModal, { getAdapterSocialLogins, LOGIN_MODAL_EVENTS, OPENLOGIN_PROVIDERS } from "@web3auth/ui"; import { defaultEvmDappModalConfig, defaultEvmWalletModalConfig, defaultOtherModalConfig, defaultSolanaDappModalConfig, defaultSolanaWalletModalConfig, } from "./config"; import { getDefaultAdapterModule } from "./default"; import { AdaptersModalConfig, ModalConfig } from "./interface"; export interface UIConfig { /** * Logo for your app. */ appLogo?: string; /** * theme for the modal * * @defaultValue `light` */ theme?: "light" | "dark"; /** * order of how login methods are shown * * @defaultValue `["google", "facebook", "twitter", "reddit", "discord", "twitch", "apple", "line", "github", "kakao", "linkedin", "weibo", "wechat", "email_passwordless"]` */ loginMethodsOrder?: string[]; } export interface Web3AuthOptions extends Web3AuthCoreOptions { /** * web3auth instance provides different adapters for different type of usages. If you are dapp and want to * use external wallets like metamask, then you can use the `DAPP` authMode. * If you are a wallet and only want to use you own wallet implementations along with openlogin, * then you should use `WALLET` authMode. * * @defaultValue `DAPP` */ authMode?: "DAPP" | "WALLET"; /** * Config for configuring modal ui display properties */ uiConfig?: UIConfig; /** * Whether to show errors on Web3Auth modal. * * @defaultValue `true` */ displayErrorsOnModal?: boolean; } export class Web3Auth extends Web3AuthCore { public loginModal: LoginModal; readonly options: Web3AuthOptions; private modalConfig: AdaptersModalConfig = defaultEvmDappModalConfig; constructor(options: Web3AuthOptions) { super(options); this.options = { ...options }; const providedChainConfig = this.options.chainConfig; if (providedChainConfig.chainNamespace === CHAIN_NAMESPACES.SOLANA) { if (options.authMode === "WALLET") { // default config for solana wallet modal this.modalConfig = defaultSolanaWalletModalConfig; } else { // default config for solana dapp modal this.modalConfig = defaultSolanaDappModalConfig; } } else if (providedChainConfig.chainNamespace === CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155) { if (options.authMode === "WALLET") { // default config for evm wallet modal this.modalConfig = defaultEvmWalletModalConfig; } else { // default config for evm dapp modal this.modalConfig = defaultEvmDappModalConfig; } } else if (providedChainConfig.chainNamespace === CHAIN_NAMESPACES.OTHER) { this.modalConfig = defaultOtherModalConfig; } else { throw new Error(`Invalid chainNamespace provided: ${providedChainConfig.chainNamespace}`); } this.loginModal = new LoginModal({ theme: this.options.uiConfig?.theme, appLogo: this.options.uiConfig?.appLogo || "", version: "", adapterListener: this, displayErrorsOnModal: this.options.displayErrorsOnModal, }); this.subscribeToLoginModalEvents(); } public async initModal(params?: { modalConfig?: Record }): Promise { super.checkInitRequirements(); await this.loginModal.initModal(); const providedChainConfig = this.options.chainConfig; // merge default adapters with the custom configured adapters. const allAdapters = [ Set([...Object.keys(this.modalConfig.adapters || {}), ...Object.keys(this.walletAdapters)])]; const adapterConfigurationPromises = (adapterName) => { // start with the default config of adapter. let adapterConfig = this.modalConfig.adapters?.[adapterName] || { label: adapterName, showOnModal: true, showOnMobile: true, showOnDesktop: true, }; // override the default config of adapter if some config is being provided by the user. if (params?.modalConfig?.[adapterName]) { adapterConfig = { ...adapterConfig, ...params.modalConfig[adapterName] }; } (this.modalConfig.adapters as Record)[adapterName] = adapterConfig as ModalConfig; // check if adapter is configured/added by user and exist in walletAdapters map. const adapter = this.walletAdapters[adapterName]; log.debug("adapter config", adapterName, this.modalConfig.adapters?.[adapterName].showOnModal, adapter); // if adapter is not custom configured then check if it is available in default adapters. // and if adapter is not hidden by user if (!adapter && this.modalConfig.adapters?.[adapterName].showOnModal) { // if adapter is not configured and some default configuration is available, use it. const ad = await getDefaultAdapterModule({ name: adapterName, customChainConfig: this.options.chainConfig, clientId: this.options.clientId, }); this.walletAdapters[adapterName] = ad; return adapterName; } else if (adapter?.type === ADAPTER_CATEGORY.IN_APP || adapter?.type === ADAPTER_CATEGORY.EXTERNAL || adapterName === this.cachedAdapter) { if (!this.modalConfig.adapters?.[adapterName].showOnModal) return; // add client id to adapter, same web3auth client id can be used in adapter. // this id is being overridden if user is also passing client id in adapter's constructor. this.walletAdapters[adapterName].setAdapterSettings({ clientId: this.options.clientId, sessionTime: this.options.sessionTime }); // if adapter doesn't have any chainConfig then we will set the chainConfig based of passed chainNamespace // and chainNamespace. if (!adapter.chainConfigProxy) { const chainConfig = { ...getChainConfig(providedChainConfig.chainNamespace, this.coreOptions.chainConfig?.chainId), ...this.coreOptions.chainConfig, } as CustomChainConfig; this.walletAdapters[adapterName].setChainConfig(chainConfig); } return adapterName; } }); const adapterNames = await Promise.all(adapterConfigurationPromises); const hasInAppWallets = Object.values(this.walletAdapters).some((adapter) => { if (adapter.type !== ADAPTER_CATEGORY.IN_APP) return false; if (this.modalConfig.adapters[].showOnModal !== true) return false; if (!this.modalConfig.adapters[].loginMethods) return true; const mergedLoginMethods = getAdapterSocialLogins(, this.walletAdapters[], (this.modalConfig.adapters as Record)[]?.loginMethods ); if (Object.values(mergedLoginMethods).some((method) => method.showOnModal)) return true; return false; }); log.debug(hasInAppWallets, this.walletAdapters, "hasInAppWallets"); // Now, initialize the adapters. const initPromises = (adapterName) => { if (!adapterName) return; try { const adapter = this.walletAdapters[adapterName]; // only initialize a external adapter here if it is a cached adapter. if (this.cachedAdapter !== adapterName && adapter.type === ADAPTER_CATEGORY.EXTERNAL) { return; } // in-app wallets or cached wallet (being connected or already connected) are initialized first. // if adapter is configured thn only initialize in app or cached adapter. // external wallets are initialized on INIT_EXTERNAL_WALLET event. this.subscribeToAdapterEvents(adapter); if (adapter.status === ADAPTER_STATUS.NOT_READY) await adapter.init({ autoConnect: this.cachedAdapter === adapterName }); // note: not adding cachedWallet to modal if it is external wallet. // adding it later if no in-app wallets are available. if (adapter.type === ADAPTER_CATEGORY.IN_APP) { this.initializeInAppWallet(adapterName); } } catch (error) { log.error(error, "error while initializing adapter"); } }); this.status = ADAPTER_STATUS.READY; await Promise.all(initPromises); const hasExternalWallets = allAdapters.some((adapterName) => { return this.walletAdapters[adapterName]?.type === ADAPTER_CATEGORY.EXTERNAL && this.modalConfig.adapters?.[adapterName].showOnModal; }); if (hasExternalWallets) { this.loginModal.initExternalWalletContainer(); } // variable to check if we have any in app wallets // currently all default in app and external wallets can be hidden or shown based on config. if (!hasInAppWallets && hasExternalWallets) { // if no in app wallet is available then initialize external wallets in modal await this.initExternalWalletAdapters(false, { showExternalWalletsOnly: true }); } } public async connect(): Promise { // if (!this.loginModal.initialized) throw new Error("Login modal is not initialized"); // if already connected return provider if (this.provider) return this.provider;; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.once(ADAPTER_EVENTS.CONNECTED, () => { return resolve(this.provider); }); this.once(ADAPTER_EVENTS.ERRORED, (err: unknown) => { return reject(err); }); }); } private async initExternalWalletAdapters(externalWalletsInitialized: boolean, options?: { showExternalWalletsOnly: boolean }): Promise { if (externalWalletsInitialized) return; const adaptersConfig: Record = {}; const adaptersData: Record = {}; const adapterPromises = Object.keys(this.walletAdapters).map(async (adapterName) => { try { const adapter = this.walletAdapters[adapterName]; if (adapter?.type === ADAPTER_CATEGORY.EXTERNAL) { log.debug("init external wallet", this.cachedAdapter, adapterName); this.subscribeToAdapterEvents(adapter); // we are not initializing cached adapter here as it is already being initialized in initModal before. if (this.cachedAdapter === adapterName) { return; } if (adapter.status === ADAPTER_STATUS.NOT_READY) return await Promise.race([ adapter.init({ autoConnect: this.cachedAdapter === adapterName }).then(() => { adaptersConfig[adapterName] = (this.modalConfig.adapters as Record)[adapterName]; adaptersData[adapterName] = adapter.adapterData || {}; return adapterName; }), new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { return resolve(null); }, 5000); }), ]); } } catch (error) { log.error(error, "error while initializing adapter"); } }); const adapterInitResults = await Promise.all(adapterPromises); const finalAdaptersConfig: Record = {}; adapterInitResults.forEach((result: string | undefined) => { if (result) { finalAdaptersConfig[result] = adaptersConfig[result]; } }); this.loginModal.addWalletLogins(finalAdaptersConfig, { showExternalWalletsOnly: !!options?.showExternalWalletsOnly }); } private initializeInAppWallet(adapterName: string): void {"adapterInitResults", adapterName); if (this.walletAdapters[adapterName].type === ADAPTER_CATEGORY.IN_APP) { this.loginModal.addSocialLogins( adapterName, getAdapterSocialLogins( adapterName, this.walletAdapters[adapterName], (this.modalConfig.adapters as Record)[adapterName]?.loginMethods ), this.options.uiConfig?.loginMethodsOrder || OPENLOGIN_PROVIDERS ); } } private subscribeToLoginModalEvents(): void { this.loginModal.on(LOGIN_MODAL_EVENTS.LOGIN, async (params: { adapter: WALLET_ADAPTER_TYPE; loginParams: unknown }) => { try { await this.connectTo(params.adapter, params.loginParams); } catch (error) { log.error(`Error while connecting to adapter: ${params.adapter}`, error); } }); this.loginModal.on(LOGIN_MODAL_EVENTS.INIT_EXTERNAL_WALLETS, async (params: { externalWalletsInitialized: boolean }) => { await this.initExternalWalletAdapters(params.externalWalletsInitialized); }); this.loginModal.on(LOGIN_MODAL_EVENTS.DISCONNECT, async () => { try { await this.logout(); } catch (error) { log.error(`Error while disconnecting`, error); } }); this.loginModal.on(LOGIN_MODAL_EVENTS.MODAL_VISIBILITY, async (visibility: boolean) => { log.debug("is login modal visible", visibility); this.emit(LOGIN_MODAL_EVENTS.MODAL_VISIBILITY, visibility); const walletConnectStatus = this.walletAdapters[WALLET_ADAPTERS.WALLET_CONNECT_V1]?.status; if (visibility && walletConnectStatus === ADAPTER_STATUS.READY) { // refreshing session for wallet connect whenever modal is opened. try { this.walletAdapters[WALLET_ADAPTERS.WALLET_CONNECT_V1].connect(); } catch (error) { log.error(`Error while disconnecting to wallet connect in core`, error); } } }); } }