import type I18nBundle from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/i18nBundle.js"; import ValueState from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/types/ValueState.js"; import ListItem from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ListItem.js"; import UploadState from "./types/UploadState.js"; import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/refresh.js"; import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/stop.js"; import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/edit.js"; /** * @class * *


* A component to be used within the ui5-upload-collection. * *

ES6 Module Import

* * import "@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/UploadCollectionItem.js"; * * @constructor * @author SAP SE * @alias sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem * @extends sap.ui.webc.main.ListItem * @tagname ui5-upload-collection-item * @public * @implements sap.ui.webc.fiori.IUploadCollectionItem * @since 1.0.0-rc.7 */ declare class UploadCollectionItem extends ListItem { /** * Holds an instance of File associated with this item. * * @type {File} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.file * @defaultvalue null * @public */ file?: object; /** * The name of the file. * * @type {string} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.fileName * @defaultvalue "" * @public */ fileName: string; /** * If set to true the file name will be clickable and it will fire file-name-click event upon click. * * @type {boolean} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.fileNameClickable * @defaultvalue false * @public */ fileNameClickable: boolean; /** * Disables the delete button. * * @type {boolean} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.disableDeleteButton * @defaultvalue false * @public */ disableDeleteButton: boolean; /** * By default, the Delete button will always be shown, regardless of the ui5-upload-collection's property mode. * Setting this property to true will hide the delete button. * * @type {boolean} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.hideDeleteButton * @defaultvalue false */ hideDeleteButton: boolean; /** * Hides the retry button when uploadState property is Error. * * @type {boolean} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.hideRetryButton * @defaultvalue false * @public */ hideRetryButton: boolean; /** * Hides the terminate button when uploadState property is Uploading. * * @type {boolean} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.hideTerminateButton * @defaultvalue false * @public */ hideTerminateButton: boolean; /** * The upload progress in percentage. *

* Note: Expected values are in the interval [0, 100]. * * @type {sap.ui.webc.base.types.Integer} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.progress * @defaultvalue 0 * @public */ progress: number; /** * If set to Uploading or Error, a progress indicator showing the progress is displayed. * Also if set to Error, a refresh button is shown. When this icon is pressed retry event is fired. * If set to Uploading, a terminate button is shown. When this icon is pressed terminate event is fired. * * @type {sap.ui.webc.fiori.types.UploadState} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.uploadState * @defaultvalue "Ready" * @public */ uploadState: `${UploadState}`; /** * Indicates if editing. * * @type {boolean} * @defaultvalue false * @private */ _editing: boolean; /** * A thumbnail, which will be shown in the beginning of the ui5-upload-collection-item. *

* Note: Use ui5-icon or img for the intended design. * * @type {HTMLElement} * @slot * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.thumbnail * @public */ thumbnail: Array; /** * Hold the description of the ui5-upload-collection-item. Will be shown below the file name. * * @type {Node[]} * @slot * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.UploadCollectionItem.prototype.default * @public */ static i18nFioriBundle: I18nBundle; static onDefine(): Promise; onBeforeRendering(): void; /** * @override */ onDetailClick(): Promise; _initInputField(): Promise; _onDetailKeyup(e: KeyboardEvent): void; _onInputFocusin(e: FocusEvent): void; _onInputKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent): void; _onRename(): void; _onRenameKeyup(e: KeyboardEvent): void; _onRenameCancel(e: KeyboardEvent): Promise; _onRenameCancelKeyup(e: KeyboardEvent): void; _focus(): void; _onFileNameClick(): void; _onRetry(): void; _onRetryKeyup(e: KeyboardEvent): void; _onTerminate(): void; _onTerminateKeyup(e: KeyboardEvent): void; getFocusDomRef(): HTMLElement | undefined; /** * @override */ get classes(): { main: { "ui5-uci-root": boolean; "ui5-uci-root-editing": boolean; "ui5-uci-root-uploading": boolean; } | { "ui5-uci-root": boolean; "ui5-uci-root-editing": boolean; "ui5-uci-root-uploading": boolean; }; }; /** * @override */ get renderDeleteButton(): boolean; /** * @override */ get placeSelectionElementAfter(): boolean; /** * @override */ get placeSelectionElementBefore(): boolean; get _fileNameWithoutExtension(): string; get _fileExtension(): string; get _renameBtnText(): string; get _cancelRenameBtnText(): string; get _showProgressIndicator(): boolean; get _progressText(): string; get _showRetry(): boolean; get _showTerminate(): boolean; get _retryButtonTooltip(): string; get _terminateButtonTooltip(): string; get _editButtonTooltip(): string; get valueStateName(): ValueState; /** * override */ get typeDetail(): boolean; get showEditButton(): boolean; } export default UploadCollectionItem;