import type I18nBundle from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/i18nBundle.js"; import ListItemBase from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/ListItemBase.js"; import Priority from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/types/Priority.js"; import type Popover from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Popover.js"; import type NotificationAction from "./NotificationAction.js"; import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/decline.js"; import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/message-success.js"; import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/message-error.js"; import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/message-warning.js"; import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/overflow.js"; type NotificationListItemBaseCloseEventDetail = { item: HTMLElement; }; /** * @class * * The base class of the NotificationListItem and NotificationListGroupItem. * * @abstract * @constructor * @author SAP SE * @alias sap.ui.webc.fiori.NotificationListItemBase * @extends sap.ui.webc.main.ListItemBase * @since 1.0.0-rc.8 * @public */ /** * Fired when the Close button is pressed. * * @event sap.ui.webc.fiori.NotificationListItemBase#close * @param {HTMLElement} item the closed item. * @public */ declare class NotificationListItemBase extends ListItemBase { /** * Defines the titleText of the item. * @type {string} * @defaultvalue "" * @public * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.NotificationListItemBase.prototype.titleText */ titleText: string; /** * Defines the priority of the item. * Available options are: * * @type {sap.ui.webc.main.types.Priority} * @defaultvalue "None" * @public * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.NotificationListItemBase.prototype.priority */ priority: `${Priority}`; /** * Defines if the close button would be displayed. * @type {boolean} * @defaultvalue false * @public * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.NotificationListItemBase.prototype.showClose */ showClose: boolean; /** * Defines if the notification is new or has been already read. *

* Note: if set to false the titleText has bold font, * if set to true - it has a normal font. * @type {boolean} * @defaultvalue false * @public * @name */ read: boolean; /** * Defines if a busy indicator would be displayed over the item. * @type {boolean} * @defaultvalue false * @public * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.NotificationListItemBase.prototype.busy * @since 1.0.0-rc.8 */ busy: boolean; /** * Defines the delay in milliseconds, after which the busy indicator will show up for this component. * * @type {sap.ui.webc.base.types.Integer} * @defaultValue 1000 * @public * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.NotificationListItemBase.prototype.busyDelay */ busyDelay: number; /** * Defines the actions, displayed in the top-right area. *

* Note: use the ui5-notification-action component. * * @type {sap.ui.webc.fiori.INotificationAction[]} * @slot * @public * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.NotificationListItemBase.prototype.actions */ actions: Array; static i18nFioriBundle: I18nBundle; get hasTitleText(): boolean; get hasPriority(): boolean; get priorityIcon(): string; get overflowButtonDOM(): HTMLElement; get showOverflow(): boolean; get overflowActions(): { icon: string; text: string; press: (e: MouseEvent) => void; refItemid: string; disabled: boolean | undefined; design: "Default" | "Positive" | "Negative" | "Transparent" | "Emphasized" | "Attention"; }[]; get standardActions(): { icon: string; text: string; press: (e: MouseEvent) => void; refItemid: string; disabled: boolean | undefined; design: "Default" | "Positive" | "Negative" | "Transparent" | "Emphasized" | "Attention"; }[]; get actionsInfo(): { icon: string; text: string; press: (e: MouseEvent) => void; refItemid: string; disabled: boolean | undefined; design: "Default" | "Positive" | "Negative" | "Transparent" | "Emphasized" | "Attention"; }[]; /** * Event handlers */ _onBtnCloseClick(): void; _onBtnOverflowClick(): void; _onCustomActionClick(e: MouseEvent): void; _onkeydown(e: KeyboardEvent): void; getActionByID(id: string): NotificationAction | undefined; openOverflow(): Promise; closeOverflow(): Promise; getOverflowPopover(): Promise; static onDefine(): Promise; } export default NotificationListItemBase; export type { NotificationListItemBaseCloseEventDetail, };