import UI5Element from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/UI5Element.js"; import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/background.js"; import type { ITabbable } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/delegate/ItemNavigation.js"; import MediaGalleryItemLayout from "./types/MediaGalleryItemLayout.js"; /** * @class *


* The ui5-media-gallery-item web component represents the items displayed in the * ui5-media-gallery web component. *

* Note: ui5-media-gallery-item is not supported when used outside of ui5-media-gallery. *

* *

Keyboard Handling

* The ui5-media-gallery provides advanced keyboard handling. * When focused, the user can use the following keyboard * shortcuts in order to perform a navigation: *
* * *

ES6 Module Import

* import "@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/MediaGalleryItem.js"; (comes with ui5-media-gallery) * * @constructor * @author SAP SE * @alias sap.ui.webc.fiori.MediaGalleryItem * @extends sap.ui.webc.base.UI5Element * @tagname ui5-media-gallery-item * @public * @implements sap.ui.webc.fiori.IMediaGalleryItem * @since 1.1.0 */ declare class MediaGalleryItem extends UI5Element implements ITabbable { /** * Defines the selected state of the component. * * @type {boolean} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.MediaGalleryItem.prototype.selected * @defaultvalue false * @public */ selected: boolean; /** * Defines whether the component is in disabled state. * * @type {boolean} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.MediaGalleryItem.prototype.disabled * @defaultvalue false * @public */ disabled: boolean; /** * Determines the layout of the item container. *

* Available options are: * * * @type {sap.ui.webc.fiori.types.MediaGalleryItemLayout} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.MediaGalleryItem.prototype.layout * @defaultvalue "Square" * @public */ layout: `${MediaGalleryItemLayout}`; /** * @private */ _interactive: boolean; /** * @private */ _square: boolean; /** * @private */ _contentImageNotFound: boolean; /** * @private */ _thumbnailNotFound: boolean; /** * @private */ _thumbnailDesign: boolean; /** * @private */ focused: boolean; /** * @private */ _tabIndex: string; /** * @private */ contentHeight: string; /** * Defines the content of the component. * * @type {HTMLElement} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.MediaGalleryItem.prototype.default * @slot content * @public */ content: Array; /** * Defines the content of the thumbnail. * * @type {HTMLElement} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.MediaGalleryItem.prototype.thumbnail * @slot thumbnail * @public */ thumbnail: Array; _monitoredThumbnail: HTMLElement | null; _monitoredContent: HTMLElement | null; constructor(); onEnterDOM(): void; get _thumbnail(): HTMLElement | null; get _content(): HTMLElement | null; get _isThubmnailAvailable(): boolean | null; get _isContentAvailable(): boolean | null; get _useThumbnail(): boolean | null; get _useContent(): boolean | null; get effectiveTabIndex(): string | undefined; get _showBackgroundIcon(): boolean; get styles(): { wrapper: { height: string; }; }; get _role(): "button" | undefined; onBeforeRendering(): void; _monitorLoadingError(): void; _attachListeners(element: HTMLImageElement, callback: (image: HTMLImageElement) => void): true | undefined; _updateContentImageLoaded(image: HTMLImageElement): void; _updateThumbnailLoaded(image: HTMLImageElement): void; _onkeydown(e: KeyboardEvent): void; _onkeyup(e: KeyboardEvent): void; _onfocusout(): void; _onfocusin(): void; _fireItemClick(): void; } export default MediaGalleryItem;