import UI5Element from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/UI5Element.js"; import type I18nBundle from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/i18nBundle.js"; import Dialog from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Dialog.js"; declare const BrowserMultiFormatReader: typeof import("@zxing/library/esm5/index.js").BrowserMultiFormatReader; type BarcodeScannerDialogScanSuccessEventDetail = { text: string; rawBytes: Uint8Array; }; type BarcodeScannerDialogScanErrorEventDetail = { message: string; }; /** * @class * *


* * The BarcodeScannerDialog component provides barcode scanning functionality for all devices that support the MediaDevices.getUserMedia() native API. * Opening the dialog launches the device camera and scans for known barcode formats. *
* A scanSuccess event fires whenever a barcode is identified * and a scanError event fires when the scan failed (for example, due to missing permisions). *
* Internally, the component uses the zxing-js/library third party OSS. * * For a list of supported barcode formats, see the zxing-js/library documentation. * * @constructor * @author SAP SE * @alias sap.ui.webc.fiori.BarcodeScannerDialog * @extends sap.ui.webc.base.UI5Element * @tagname ui5-barcode-scanner-dialog * @public * @since 1.0.0-rc.15 */ declare class BarcodeScannerDialog extends UI5Element { /** * Indicates whether a loading indicator should be displayed in the dialog. * * @type {boolean} * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.BarcodeScannerDialog.prototype.loading * @defaultvalue false * @private */ loading: boolean; _codeReader: InstanceType; dialog?: Dialog; static i18nBundle: I18nBundle; constructor(); static onDefine(): Promise; /** * Shows a dialog with the camera videostream. Starts a scan session. * @method * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.BarcodeScannerDialog#show * @returns {void} * @public */ show(): void; /** * Closes the dialog and the scan session. * @method * @name sap.ui.webc.fiori.BarcodeScannerDialog#close * @returns {void} * @public */ close(): void; /** * PRIVATE METHODS */ _hasGetUserMedia(): boolean; _getUserPermission(): Promise; _getDialog(): Promise; _getVideoElement(): Promise; _showDialog(): Promise; _closeDialog(): void; _startReader(): void; _resetReader(): Promise; _decodeFromCamera(): Promise; get _cancelButtonText(): string; get _busyIndicatorText(): string; } export default BarcodeScannerDialog; export type { BarcodeScannerDialogScanErrorEventDetail, BarcodeScannerDialogScanSuccessEventDetail, };