// Type definitions for ShellJS 0.8 // Project: http://shelljs.org, https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs // Definitions by: Niklas Mollenhauer // Vojtech Jasny // George Kalpakas // Paul Huynh // Alexander Futász // ExE Boss // Mirco Sanguineti // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// import child = require('child_process'); import glob = require('glob'); /** * Changes the current working directory dir for the duration of the script. * Changes to the home directory if no argument is supplied. * * @param dir Directory to change to. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ export function cd(dir?: string): ShellString; /** * Returns the current directory. * @return The current directory. */ export function pwd(): ShellString; export interface ListFunction { /** * Returns array of files in the given path, or in current directory if no path provided. * * @param options Available options: * - `-R`: recursive * - `-A`: all files (include files beginning with ., except for . and ..) * - `-L`: follow symlinks * - `-d`: list directories themselves, not their contents * - `-l`: list objects representing each file, each with fields containing * `ls -l` output fields. See fs.Stats for more info * @param paths Paths to search. * @return An array of files in the given path(s). */ (options: string, paths: string[]): ShellArray; (options: string, ...paths: string[]): ShellArray; /** * Returns array of files in the given path, or in current directory if no path provided. * * @param paths Paths to search. * @return An array of files in the given path(s). */ (paths: string[]): ShellArray; (...paths: string[]): ShellArray; } /** * Returns array of files in the given path, or in current directory if no path provided. * * @param options Available options: * - `-R`: recursive * - `-A`: all files (include files beginning with ., except for . and ..) * - `-L`: follow symlinks * - `-d`: list directories themselves, not their contents * - `-l`: list objects representing each file, each with fields containing * `ls -l` output fields. See fs.Stats for more info * @param paths Paths to search. * @return An array of files in the given path(s). */ export const ls: ListFunction; export interface FindFunction { /** * Returns array of all files (however deep) in the given paths. * * @param path The path(s) to search. * @return An array of all files (however deep) in the given path(s). */ (path: string[]): ShellArray; (...path: string[]): ShellArray; } /** * Returns array of all files (however deep) in the given paths. * * @param path The path(s) to search. * @return An array of all files (however deep) in the given path(s). */ export const find: FindFunction; export interface CopyFunction { /** * Copies files. The wildcard `*` is accepted. * * @param options Available options: * - `-f`: force (default behavior) * - `-n`: no-clobber * - `-u`: only copy if source is newer than dest * - `-r`, `-R`: recursive * - `-L`: follow symlinks * - `-P`: don't follow symlinks * @param source The source. * @param dest The destination. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (options: string, source: string | string[], dest: string): ShellString; /** * Copies files. The wildcard `*` is accepted. * * @param source The source. * @param dest The destination. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (source: string | string[], dest: string): ShellString; } /** * Copies files. The wildcard `*` is accepted. * * @param options Available options: * - `-f`: force (default behavior) * - `-n`: no-clobber * - `-u`: only copy if source is newer than dest * - `-r`, -R: recursive * - `-L`: follow symlinks * - `-P`: don't follow symlinks * @param source The source. * @param dest The destination. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ export const cp: CopyFunction; export interface RemoveFunction { /** * Removes files. The wildcard `*` is accepted. * * @param options Available options: * - `-f`: force * - `-r`, `-R`: recursive * @param files Files to remove. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (options: string, files: string[]): ShellString; (options: string, ...files: string[]): ShellString; /** * Removes files. The wildcard `*` is accepted. * * @param files Files to remove. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (files: string[]): ShellString; (...files: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Removes files. The wildcard `*` is accepted. * * @param options Available options: * - `-f` (force), * - `-r`, `-R` (recursive) * @param files Files to remove. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ export const rm: RemoveFunction; export interface MoveFunction { /** * Moves files. The wildcard `*` is accepted. * * @param options Available options: * - `-f`: force (default behavior) * - `-n`: no-clobber * @param source The source. * @param dest The destination. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (options: string, source: string | string[], dest: string): ShellString; /** * Moves files. The wildcard `*` is accepted. * * @param source The source. * @param dest The destination. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (source: string | string[], dest: string): ShellString; } /** * Moves files. The wildcard `*` is accepted. * * @param options Available options: * - `-f`: force (default behavior) * - `-n`: no-clobber * @param source The source. * @param dest The destination. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ export const mv: MoveFunction; export interface MkdirFunction { /** * Creates directories. * * @param options Available options: * - `-p`: full paths, will create intermediate dirs if necessary * @param dir The directories to create. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (options: string, dir: string[]): ShellString; (options: string, ...dir: string[]): ShellString; /** * Creates directories. * * @param dir Directories to create. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (dir: string[]): ShellString; (...dir: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Creates directories. * * @param options Available options: * - `-p`: full paths, will create intermediate dirs if necessary * @param dir The directories to create. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ export const mkdir: MkdirFunction; /** * Evaluates expression using the available primaries and returns corresponding value. * * @param option Valid options: * - `-b`: true if path is a block device; * - `-c`: true if path is a character device; * - `-d`: true if path is a directory; * - `-e`: true if path exists; * - `-f`: true if path is a regular file; * - `-L`: true if path is a symbolic link; * - `-p`: true if path is a pipe (FIFO); * - `-S`: true if path is a socket * @param path The path. * @return See option parameter. */ export function test(option: TestOptions, path: string): boolean; export type TestOptions = '-b' | '-c' | '-d' | '-e' | '-f' | '-L' | '-p' | '-S'; export interface CatFunction { /** * Returns a string containing the given file, or a concatenated string * containing the files if more than one file is given (a new line character * is introduced between each file). * * @param files Files to use. Wildcard `*` accepted. * @return A string containing the given file, or a concatenated string * containing the files if more than one file is given * (a new line character is introduced between each file). */ (files: string[]): ShellString; (...files: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Returns a string containing the given file, or a concatenated string * containing the files if more than one file is given (a new line character * is introduced between each file). * * @param files Files to use. Wildcard `*` accepted. * @return A string containing the given file, or a concatenated string * containing the files if more than one file is given * (a new line character is introduced between each file). */ export const cat: CatFunction; export interface SedFunction { /** * Reads an input string from file and performs a JavaScript `replace()` * on the input using the given search regex and replacement string or function. * * @param options Available options: * - `-i`: Replace contents of 'file' in-place. Note that no backups will be created! * @param searchRegex The regular expression to use for search. * @param replacement The replacement. * @param files The files to process. * @return The new string after replacement. */ (options: string, searchRegex: string | RegExp, replacement: string, files: string[]): ShellString; (options: string, searchRegex: string | RegExp, replacement: string, ...files: string[]): ShellString; /** * Reads an input string from file and performs a JavaScript `replace()` * on the input using the given search regex and replacement string or function. * * @param searchRegex The regular expression to use for search. * @param replacement The replacement. * @param files The files to process. * @return The new string after replacement. */ (searchRegex: string | RegExp, replacement: string, files: string[]): ShellString; (searchRegex: string | RegExp, replacement: string, ...files: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Reads an input string from file and performs a JavaScript `replace()` * on the input using the given search regex and replacement string or function. * * @param options Available options: * - `-i`: Replace contents of 'file' in-place. Note that no backups will be created! * @param searchRegex The regular expression to use for search. * @param replacement The replacement. * @param files The files to process. * @return The new string after replacement. */ export const sed: SedFunction; export interface GrepFunction { /** * Reads input string from given files and returns a string containing all lines * of the file that match the given `regex_filter`. Wildcard `*` accepted. * * @param options Available options: * - `-v`: Inverse the sense of the regex and print * the lines not matching the criteria. * - `-l`: Print only filenames of matching files * @param regex_filter The regular expression to use. * @param files The files to process. * @return Returns a string containing all lines of the file that match the given regex_filter. */ (options: string, regex_filter: string | RegExp, files: string[]): ShellString; (options: string, regex_filter: string | RegExp, ...files: string[]): ShellString; /** * Reads input string from given files and returns a string containing all lines * of the file that match the given `regex_filter`. Wildcard `*` accepted. * * @param regex_filter The regular expression to use. * @param files The files to process. * @return Returns a string containing all lines of the file that match the given `regex_filter`. */ (regex_filter: string | RegExp, files: string[]): ShellString; (regex_filter: string | RegExp, ...files: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Reads input string from given files and returns a string containing all lines * of the file that match the given `regex_filter`. Wildcard `*` accepted. * * @param options Available options: * - `-v`: Inverse the sense of the regex and print * the lines not matching the criteria. * - `-l`: Print only filenames of matching files * @param regex_filter The regular expression to use. * @param files The files to process. * @return Returns a string containing all lines of the file that match the given `regex_filter`. */ export const grep: GrepFunction; /** * Searches for command in the system's PATH. On Windows looks for .exe, .cmd, and .bat extensions. * * @param command The command to search for. * @return Returns string containing the absolute path to the command or `null` if it couldn't be found. */ export function which(command: string): ShellString | null; export interface EchoFunction { /** * Prints string to stdout, and returns string with additional utility methods like .to(). * * @param options Available options: * - `-e`: interpret backslash escapes (default) * - `-n`: remove trailing newline from output * @param text The text to print. * @return Returns the string that was passed as argument. */ (options: string, ...text: string[]): ShellString; /** * Prints string to stdout, and returns string with additional utility methods like .to(). * * @param text The text to print. * @return Returns the string that was passed as argument. */ (...text: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Prints string to stdout, and returns string with additional utility methods like .to(). * * @param options Available options: * - `-e`: interpret backslash escapes (default) * - `-n`: remove trailing newline from output * @param text The text to print. * @return Returns the string that was passed as argument. */ export const echo: EchoFunction; export interface PushDirFunction { /** * Saves the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then cd to dir. * With no arguments, `pushd` exchanges the top two directories. * * @param options Available options: * - `-n`: Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding directories * to the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated * - `-q`: Suppresses output to the console. * @param dir Brings the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs, * starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (options: string, dir: '+N'): ShellArray; /** * Saves the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then cd to dir. * With no arguments, `pushd` exchanges the top two directories. * * @param options Available options: * - `-n`: Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding directories * to the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated * - `-q`: Suppresses output to the console. * @param dir Brings the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs, * starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (options: string, dir: '-N'): ShellArray; /** * Saves the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then cd to dir. * With no arguments, `pushd` exchanges the top two directories. * * @param options Available options: * - `-n`: Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding directories * to the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated * - `-q`: Suppresses output to the console. * @param dir Makes the current working directory be the top of the stack, * and then executes the equivalent of `cd dir`. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (options: string, dir: string): ShellArray; /** * Saves the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then cd to dir. * With no arguments, `pushd` exchanges the top two directories. * * @param dir Brings the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs, * starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (dir: '+N'): ShellArray; /** * Saves the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then cd to dir. * With no arguments, `pushd` exchanges the top two directories. * * @param dir Brings the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs, * starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (dir: '-N'): ShellArray; /** * Saves the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then cd to dir. * With no arguments, `pushd` exchanges the top two directories. * * @param dir Makes the current working directory be the top of the stack, * and then executes the equivalent of cd dir. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (dir: string): ShellArray; /** * Saves the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then cd to dir. * With no arguments, `pushd` exchanges the top two directories. * * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (): ShellArray; } /** * Saves the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then cd to dir. * With no arguments, `pushd` exchanges the top two directories. * * @param options Available options: * - `-n`: Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding directories * to the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated * - `-q`: Suppresses output to the console. * @param dir Makes the current working directory be the top of the stack, * and then executes the equivalent of `cd dir`. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ export const pushd: PushDirFunction; export interface PopDirFunction { /** * When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack * and performs a `cd` to the new top directory. * * The elements are numbered from 0 starting at the first directory listed with dirs; * i.e., `popd` is equivalent to `popd +0`. Returns an array of paths in the stack. * * @param options Available options: * - `-n`: Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing directories * from the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated * - `-q`: Suppresses output to the console. * @param dir Removes the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs), starting with zero. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (options: string, dir: '+N'): ShellArray; /** * When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack * and performs a `cd` to the new top directory. * * The elements are numbered from 0 starting at the first directory listed with dirs; * i.e., `popd` is equivalent to `popd +0`. Returns an array of paths in the stack. * * @param options Available options: * - `-n`: Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing directories * from the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated * - `-q`: Suppresses output to the console. * @param dir Removes the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs), starting with zero. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (options: string, dir: '-N'): ShellArray; /** * When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack * and performs a `cd` to the new top directory. * * The elements are numbered from 0 starting at the first directory listed with dirs; * i.e., `popd` is equivalent to `popd +0`. Returns an array of paths in the stack. * * @param options Available options: * - `-n`: Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing directories * from the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated * - `-q`: Suppresses output to the console. * @param dir You can only use -N and +N. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (options: string, dir: string): ShellArray; /** * When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack * and performs a `cd` to the new top directory. * * The elements are numbered from 0 starting at the first directory listed with dirs; * i.e., popd is equivalent to popd +0. Returns an array of paths in the stack. * * @param dir Removes the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs), starting with zero. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (dir: '+N'): ShellArray; /** * When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack * and performs a `cd` to the new top directory. * * The elements are numbered from 0 starting at the first directory listed with dirs; * i.e., `popd` is equivalent to `popd +0`. Returns an array of paths in the stack. * * @param dir Removes the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs), starting with zero. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (dir: '-N'): ShellArray; /** * When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack * and performs a `cd` to the new top directory. * * The elements are numbered from 0 starting at the first directory listed with dirs; * i.e., `popd` is equivalent to `popd +0`. Returns an array of paths in the stack. * * @param dir You can only use -N and +N. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (dir: string): ShellArray; /** * When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack * and performs a `cd` to the new top directory. * * The elements are numbered from 0 starting at the first directory listed with dirs; * i.e., `popd` is equivalent to `popd +0`. Returns an array of paths in the stack. * * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ (): ShellArray; } /** * When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack * and performs a `cd` to the new top directory. * * The elements are numbered from 0 starting at the first directory listed with dirs; * i.e., `popd` is equivalent to `popd +0`. Returns an array of paths in the stack. * * @param options Available options: * - `-n`: Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing directories * from the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated * - `-q`: Suppresses output to the console. * @param dir You can only use -N and +N. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack. */ export const popd: PopDirFunction; export interface DirsFunction { /** * Clears the directory stack by deleting all of the elements. * * @param options Clears the directory stack by deleting all of the elements. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack, or a single path if +N or -N was specified. */ (options: '-c'): ShellArray; /** * Displays the list of currently remembered directories. * * @param options Displays the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list * printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack, or a single path if +N or -N was specified. */ (options: '+N'): ShellString; /** * Displays the list of currently remembered directories. * * @param options Displays the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list * printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack, or a single path if +N or -N was specified. */ (options: '-N'): ShellString; /** * Displays the list of currently remembered directories. * * @param options Available options: * - `-c`: Clears the directory stack by deleting all of the elements. * - `-N`: Displays the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list * printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero. * - `+N`: Displays the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list * printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack, or a single path if +N or -N was specified. */ (options: string): ShellArray | ShellString; } /** * Displays the list of currently remembered directories. * * @param options Available options: * - `-c`: Clears the directory stack by deleting all of the elements. * - `-N`: Displays the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list * printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero. * - `+N`: Displays the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list * printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero. * @return Returns an array of paths in the stack, or a single path if +N or -N was specified. */ export const dirs: DirsFunction; export interface LinkFunction { /** * Links source to dest. Use `-f` to force the link, should dest already exist. * * @param options Available options: * - `-s`: Create a symbolic link, defaults to a hardlink * - `-f`: Force creation * @param source The source. * @param dest The destination. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (options: string, source: string, dest: string): ShellString; /** * Links source to dest. Use `-f` to force the link, should dest already exist. * * @param source The source. * @param dest The destination. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (source: string, dest: string): ShellString; } /** * Links source to dest. Use `-f` to force the link, should dest already exist. * * @param options Available options: * - `-s`: Create a symbolic link, defaults to a hardlink * - `-f`: Force creation * @param source The source. * @param dest The destination. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ export const ln: LinkFunction; /** * Exits the current process with the given exit code. * * Equivalent to calling `process.exit(code)`. * * @param code The exit code. */ export function exit(code?: number): never; /** * Object containing environment variables (both getter and setter). Shortcut to `process.env`. */ export const env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv; export interface ExecFunction { /** * Executes the given command synchronously. * * @param command The command to execute. * @return Returns an object containing the return code and output as string. */ (command: string): ShellString; /** * Executes the given command synchronously. * * @param command The command to execute. * @param options Silence and synchronous options. * @return Returns an object containing the return code and output as string, * or if `{async: true}` was passed, a `ChildProcess`. */ (command: string, options: ExecOptions & { async?: false | undefined }): ShellString; /** * Executes the given command asynchronously. * * @param command The command to execute. * @param options Silence and synchronous options. * @return Returns an object containing the return code and output as string, * or if `{async: true}` was passed, a `ChildProcess`. */ (command: string, options: ExecOptions & { async: true }): child.ChildProcess; /** * Executes the given command. * * @param command The command to execute. * @param options Silence and synchronous options. * @return Returns an object containing the return code and output as string, * or if `{async: true}` was passed, a `ChildProcess`. */ (command: string, options: ExecOptions): ShellString | child.ChildProcess; /** * Executes the given command synchronously. * * @param command The command to execute. * @param options Silence and synchronous options. * @param callback Receives code and output asynchronously. */ (command: string, options: ExecOptions, callback: ExecCallback): child.ChildProcess; /** * Executes the given command synchronously. * * @param command The command to execute. * @param callback Receives code and output asynchronously. */ (command: string, callback: ExecCallback): child.ChildProcess; } /** * Executes the given command. * * @param command The command to execute. * @param options Silence and synchronous options. * @param [callback] Receives code and output asynchronously. * @return Returns an object containing the return code and output as string, * or if `{async: true}` or a `callback` was passed, a `ChildProcess`. */ export const exec: ExecFunction; export type ExecCallback = ( /** The process exit code. */ code: number, /** The process standard output. */ stdout: string, /** The process standard error output. */ stderr: string, ) => any; export interface ExecOptions extends child.ExecOptions { /** * Do not echo program output to the console. * * @default false */ silent?: boolean | undefined; /** * Exit when command return code is non-zero. * * @default false */ fatal?: boolean | undefined; /** * Asynchronous execution. * * If a callback is provided, it will be set to `true`, regardless of the passed value. * * @default false */ async?: boolean | undefined; /** * Character encoding to use. * * Affects the values returned by `stdout` and `stderr`, * and what is written to `stdout` and `stderr` when not in silent mode * * @default "utf8" */ encoding?: string | undefined; } export interface ExecOutputReturnValue { /** The process exit code. */ code: number; /** The process standard output. */ stdout: string; /** The process standard error output. */ stderr: string; } export interface ShellReturnValue extends ExecOutputReturnValue { /** * Analogous to the redirection operator `>` in Unix, but works with JavaScript strings * (such as those returned by `cat`, `grep`, etc). * * Like Unix redirections, `to()` will overwrite any existing file! * * @param file The file to use. */ to(file: string): void; /** * Analogous to the redirect-and-append operator `>>` in Unix, but works with JavaScript strings * (such as those returned by `cat`, `grep`, etc). * * @param file The file to append to. */ toEnd(file: string): void; /** * Returns a string containing the given pipeline, or a concatenated string * containing the pipelines if more than one input stream is given * (a new line character is introduced between each input). * * @return A string containing the given pipeline, or a concatenated string * containing the pipelines if more than one input stream is given * (a new line character is introduced between each input). */ cat: CatFunction; /** * Executes the given command. * * @param command The command to execute. * @param options Silence and synchronous options. * @param [callback] Receives code and output asynchronously. * @return Returns an object containing the return code and output as string, * or if `{async: true}` or a `callback` was passed, a `ChildProcess`. */ exec: ExecFunction; /** * Read the start of a pipeline input. */ head: HeadFunction; /** * Reads input string from given files and returns a string containing all lines * of the file that match the given `regex_filter`. Wildcard `*` accepted. * * @param options Available options: * - `-v`: Inverse the sense of the regex and print * the lines not matching the criteria. * - `-l`: Print only filenames of matching files * @param regex_filter The regular expression to use. * @return Returns a string containing all lines of the file that match the given `regex_filter`. */ grep: GrepFunction; /** * Reads an input string from pipeline and performs a JavaScript `replace()` * on the input using the given search regex and replacement string or function. * * @param options Available options: * - `-i`: Replace contents of 'file' in-place. Note that no backups will be created! * @param searchRegex The regular expression to use for search. * @param replacement The replacement. * @return The new string after replacement. */ sed: SedFunction; /** * Return the contents of the pipeline, sorted line-by-line. * * @param options Available options: * - `-r`: Reverse the results * - `-n`: Compare according to numerical value */ sort: SortFunction; /** * Read the end of a pipeline input. */ tail: TailFunction; /** * Filter adjacent matching lines from input. * * @param options Available options: * - `-i`: Ignore case while comparing * - `-c`: Prefix lines by the number of occurrences * - `-d`: Only print duplicate lines, one for each group of identical lines */ uniq: UniqFunction; } export type ShellString = string & ShellReturnValue; export type ShellArray = string[] & ShellReturnValue; export interface ShellStringConstructor { /** * Wraps a string (or array) value. This has all the string (or array) methods, * but also exposes extra methods: `.to()`, `.toEnd()`, and all the pipe-able * methods (ex. `.cat()`, `.grep()`, etc.). * * This can be easily converted into a string by calling `.toString()`. * * This type also exposes the corresponding command's stdout, stderr, and return status * code via the `.stdout` (string), `.stderr` (string), and `.code` (number) properties * respectively. * * Construct signature allows for: * * var foo = new ShellString('hello world'); * * as per example in shelljs docs: * https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs#shellstringstr * * @param value The string value to wrap. * @return A string-like object with special methods. */ new (value: string): ShellString; new (value: string[]): ShellArray; /** * Wraps a string (or array) value. This has all the string (or array) methods, * but also exposes extra methods: `.to()`, `.toEnd()`, and all the pipe-able * methods (ex. `.cat()`, `.grep()`, etc.). * * This can be easily converted into a string by calling `.toString()`. * * This type also exposes the corresponding command's stdout, stderr, and return status * code via the `.stdout` (string), `.stderr` (string), and `.code` (number) properties * respectively. * * @param value The string value to wrap. * @return A string-like object with special methods. */ (value: string): ShellString; (value: string[]): ShellArray; } export const ShellString: ShellStringConstructor; export interface ChmodFunction { /** * Alters the permissions of a file or directory by either specifying the absolute * permissions in octal form or expressing the changes in symbols. * * This command tries to mimic the POSIX behavior as much as possible. * * Notable exceptions: * - In symbolic modes, 'a-r' and '-r' are identical. No consideration is given to the umask. * - There is no "quiet" option since default behavior is to run silent. * * @param options Available options: * - `-v`: output a diagnostic for every file processed * - `-c`: like -v but report only when a change is made * - `-R`: change files and directories recursively * @param mode The access mode. Can be an octal string or a symbolic mode string. * @param file The file to use. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (options: string, mode: string | number, file: string): ShellString; /** * Alters the permissions of a file or directory by either specifying the absolute * permissions in octal form or expressing the changes in symbols. * * This command tries to mimic the POSIX behavior as much as possible. * * Notable exceptions: * - In symbolic modes, 'a-r' and '-r' are identical. No consideration is given to the umask. * - There is no "quiet" option since default behavior is to run silent. * * @param mode The access mode. Can be an octal string or a symbolic mode string. * @param file The file to use. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ (mode: string | number, file: string): ShellString; } /** * Alters the permissions of a file or directory by either specifying the absolute * permissions in octal form or expressing the changes in symbols. * * This command tries to mimic the POSIX behavior as much as possible. * * Notable exceptions: * - In symbolic modes, 'a-r' and '-r' are identical. No consideration is given to the umask. * - There is no "quiet" option since default behavior is to run silent. * * @param options Available options: * - `-v`: output a diagnostic for every file processed * - `-c`: like -v but report only when a change is made * - `-R`: change files and directories recursively * @param mode The access mode. Can be an octal string or a symbolic mode string. * @param file The file to use. * @return Object with shell exit code, stderr and stdout. */ export const chmod: ChmodFunction; // Non-Unix commands /** * Searches and returns string containing a writeable, platform-dependent temporary directory. * Follows Python's tempfile algorithm. * * @return The temp file path. */ export function tempdir(): ShellString; /** * Tests if error occurred in the last command. * * @return Returns null if no error occurred, otherwise returns string explaining the error */ export function error(): ShellString; export type TouchOptionsLiteral = '-a' | '-c' | '-m' | '-d' | '-r'; export interface TouchOptionsArray { '-d'?: string | undefined; '-r'?: string | undefined; } export interface TouchFunction { (options: TouchOptionsLiteral | TouchOptionsArray, files: string[]): ShellString; (options: TouchOptionsLiteral | TouchOptionsArray, ...files: string[]): ShellString; (files: string[]): ShellString; (...files: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Update the access and modification times of each FILE to the current time. * A FILE argument that does not exist is created empty, unless `-c` is supplied */ export const touch: TouchFunction; export interface HeadOptions { /** Show the first lines of the files. */ '-n': number; } export interface HeadFunction { (options: HeadOptions, files: string[]): ShellString; (options: HeadOptions, ...files: string[]): ShellString; (files: string[]): ShellString; (...files: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Read the start of a file. */ export const head: HeadFunction; export interface SortFunction { /** * Return the contents of the files, sorted line-by-line. * Sorting multiple files mixes their content (just as unix sort does). * * @param options Available options: * - `-r`: Reverse the results * - `-n`: Compare according to numerical value */ (options: string, files: string[]): ShellString; (options: string, ...files: string[]): ShellString; /** * Return the contents of the files, sorted line-by-line. * Sorting multiple files mixes their content (just as unix sort does). */ (files: string[]): ShellString; (...files: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Return the contents of the files, sorted line-by-line. * Sorting multiple files mixes their content (just as unix sort does). * * @param options Available options: * - `-r`: Reverse the results * - `-n`: Compare according to numerical value */ export const sort: SortFunction; export interface TailOptions { /** Show the last lines of files. */ '-n': number; } export interface TailFunction { (options: TailOptions, files: string[]): ShellString; (options: TailOptions, ...files: string[]): ShellString; (files: string[]): ShellString; (...files: string[]): ShellString; } /** * Read the end of a file. */ export const tail: TailFunction; export interface UniqFunction { /** * Filter adjacent matching lines from input. * * @param options Available options: * - `-i`: Ignore case while comparing * - `-c`: Prefix lines by the number of occurrences * - `-d`: Only print duplicate lines, one for each group of identical lines */ (options: string, input: string, output?: string): ShellString; /** * Filter adjacent matching lines from input. */ (input: string, output?: string): ShellString; } /** * Filter adjacent matching lines from input. * * @param options Available options: * - `-i`: Ignore case while comparing * - `-c`: Prefix lines by the number of occurrences * - `-d`: Only print duplicate lines, one for each group of identical lines */ export const uniq: UniqFunction; /** * Sets global configuration variables * @param options Available options: * - `+/-e`: exit upon error (`config.fatal`), * - `+/-v`: verbose: show all commands (`config.verbose`), * - `+/-f`: disable filename expansion (globbing) */ export function set(options: string): void; // Configuration export interface ShellConfig { /** * Suppresses all command output if true, except for echo() calls. Default is false. */ silent: boolean; /** * If true the script will die on errors. Default is false. */ fatal: boolean; /** * Will print each executed command to the screen. * * @default false */ verbose: boolean; /** * Passed to glob.sync() instead of the default options ({}). */ globOptions: glob.IOptions; /** * Absolute path of the Node binary. Default is null (inferred). */ execPath: string | null; /** * Reset shell.config to the defaults. */ reset(): void; } /** * The shelljs configuration. */ export const config: ShellConfig;