// Type definitions for Passport 1.0 // Project: http://passportjs.org // Definitions by: Horiuchi_H // Eric Naeseth // Igor Belagorudsky // Tomek Łaziuk // Daniel Perez Alvarez // Kevin Stiehl // Oleg Vaskevich // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.3 import { IncomingMessage } from 'http'; declare global { namespace Express { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface interface AuthInfo {} // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface interface User {} interface Request { authInfo?: AuthInfo; user?: User; // These declarations are merged into express's Request type login(user: User, done: (err: any) => void): void; login(user: User, options: any, done: (err: any) => void): void; logIn(user: User, done: (err: any) => void): void; logIn(user: User, options: any, done: (err: any) => void): void; logout(): void; logOut(): void; isAuthenticated(): this is AuthenticatedRequest; isUnauthenticated(): this is UnauthenticatedRequest; } interface AuthenticatedRequest extends Request { user: User; } interface UnauthenticatedRequest extends Request { user?: undefined; } } } import express = require('express'); declare namespace passport { interface AuthenticateOptions { authInfo?: boolean; assignProperty?: string; failureFlash?: string | boolean; failureMessage?: boolean | string; failureRedirect?: string; failWithError?: boolean; session?: boolean; scope?: string | string[]; successFlash?: string | boolean; successMessage?: boolean | string; successRedirect?: string; successReturnToOrRedirect?: string; state?: string; pauseStream?: boolean; userProperty?: string; passReqToCallback?: boolean; prompt?: string; } interface Authenticator { use(strategy: Strategy): this; use(name: string, strategy: Strategy): this; unuse(name: string): this; framework(fw: Framework): Authenticator; initialize(options?: { userProperty: string; }): InitializeRet; session(options?: { pauseStream: boolean; }): AuthenticateRet; authenticate(strategy: string | string[] | Strategy, callback?: (...args: any[]) => any): AuthenticateRet; authenticate(strategy: string | string[] | Strategy, options: AuthenticateOptions, callback?: (...args: any[]) => any): AuthenticateRet; authorize(strategy: string | string[], callback?: (...args: any[]) => any): AuthorizeRet; authorize(strategy: string | string[], options: AuthorizeOptions, callback?: (...args: any[]) => any): AuthorizeRet; serializeUser(fn: (user: Express.User, done: (err: any, id?: TID) => void) => void): void; serializeUser(fn: (req: TR, user: Express.User, done: (err: any, id?: TID) => void) => void): void; deserializeUser(fn: (id: TID, done: (err: any, user?: Express.User) => void) => void): void; deserializeUser(fn: (req: TR, id: TID, done: (err: any, user?: Express.User) => void) => void): void; transformAuthInfo(fn: (info: any, done: (err: any, info: any) => void) => void): void; } interface PassportStatic extends Authenticator { Authenticator: { new(): Authenticator }; Passport: PassportStatic["Authenticator"]; Strategy: { new(): Strategy & StrategyCreatedStatic }; } interface Strategy { name?: string; authenticate(this: StrategyCreated, req: express.Request, options?: any): any; } interface StrategyCreatedStatic { /** * Authenticate `user`, with optional `info`. * * Strategies should call this function to successfully authenticate a * user. `user` should be an object supplied by the application after it * has been given an opportunity to verify credentials. `info` is an * optional argument containing additional user information. This is * useful for third-party authentication strategies to pass profile * details. */ success(user: Express.User, info?: object): void; /** * Fail authentication, with optional `challenge` and `status`, defaulting * to 401. * * Strategies should call this function to fail an authentication attempt. */ fail(challenge?: string | number, status?: number): void; /** * Redirect to `url` with optional `status`, defaulting to 302. * * Strategies should call this function to redirect the user (via their * user agent) to a third-party website for authentication. */ redirect(url: string, status?: number): void; /** * Pass without making a success or fail decision. * * Under most circumstances, Strategies should not need to call this * function. It exists primarily to allow previous authentication state * to be restored, for example from an HTTP session. */ pass(): void; /** * Internal error while performing authentication. * * Strategies should call this function when an internal error occurs * during the process of performing authentication; for example, if the * user directory is not available. */ error(err: any): void; } type StrategyCreated = { [P in keyof O]: O[P]; }; interface Profile { provider: string; id: string; displayName: string; username?: string; name?: { familyName: string; givenName: string; middleName?: string; }; emails?: Array<{ value: string; type?: string; }>; photos?: Array<{ value: string; }>; } interface Framework { initialize(passport: Authenticator, options?: any): (...args: any[]) => InitializeRet; authenticate(passport: Authenticator, name: string, options?: any, callback?: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => AuthenticateRet; authorize?(passport: Authenticator, name: string, options?: any, callback?: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => AuthorizeRet; } } declare const passport: passport.PassportStatic; export = passport;