// Type definitions for node-ipc 9.1 // Project: http://riaevangelist.github.io/node-ipc/ // Definitions by: Arvitaly , gjurgens // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// import { Socket } from "net"; declare namespace NodeIPC { class IPC { /** * Set these variables in the ipc.config scope to overwrite or set default values */ config: Config; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#log */ log(...args: any[]): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#connectto * Used for connecting as a client to local Unix Sockets and Windows Sockets. * This is the fastest way for processes on the same machine to communicate * because it bypasses the network card which TCP and UDP must both use. * @param id is the string id of the socket being connected to. * The socket with this id is added to the ipc.of object when created. * @param path is the path of the Unix Domain Socket File, if the System is Windows, * this will automatically be converted to an appropriate pipe with the same information as the Unix Domain Socket File. * If not set this will default to ipc.config.socketRoot+ipc.config.appspace+id * @param callback this is the function to execute when the socket has been created */ connectTo(id: string, path?: string, callback?: () => void): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#connectto * Used for connecting as a client to local Unix Sockets and Windows Sockets. * This is the fastest way for processes on the same machine to communicate * because it bypasses the network card which TCP and UDP must both use. * @param id is the string id of the socket being connected to. * The socket with this id is added to the ipc.of object when created. * @param callback this is the function to execute when the socket has been created */ connectTo(id: string, callback?: () => void): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#connecttonet * Used to connect as a client to a TCP or TLS socket via the network card. * This can be local or remote, if local, it is recommended that you use the Unix * and Windows Socket Implementaion of connectTo instead as it is much faster since it avoids the network card altogether. * For TLS and SSL Sockets see the node-ipc TLS and SSL docs. * They have a few additional requirements, and things to know about and so have their own doc. * @param id is the string id of the socket being connected to. For TCP & TLS sockets, * this id is added to the ipc.of object when the socket is created with a reference to the socket * @param host is the host on which the TCP or TLS socket resides. * This will default to ipc.config.networkHost if not specified * @param port the port on which the TCP or TLS socket resides * @param callback this is the function to execute when the socket has been created */ connectToNet(id: string, host?: string, port?: number, callback?: () => void): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#connecttonet * Used to connect as a client to a TCP or TLS socket via the network card. * This can be local or remote, if local, it is recommended that you use the Unix * and Windows Socket Implementaion of connectTo instead as it is much faster since it avoids the network card altogether. * For TLS and SSL Sockets see the node-ipc TLS and SSL docs. * They have a few additional requirements, and things to know about and so have their own doc. * @param id is the string id of the socket being connected to. For TCP & TLS sockets, * this id is added to the ipc.of object when the socket is created with a reference to the socket * @param callback this is the function to execute when the socket has been created */ connectToNet(id: string, callback?: () => void): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#connecttonet * Used to connect as a client to a TCP or TLS socket via the network card. * This can be local or remote, if local, it is recommended that you use the Unix * and Windows Socket Implementaion of connectTo instead as it is much faster since it avoids the network card altogether. * For TLS and SSL Sockets see the node-ipc TLS and SSL docs. * They have a few additional requirements, and things to know about and so have their own doc. * @param id is the string id of the socket being connected to. * For TCP & TLS sockets, this id is added to the ipc.of object when the socket is created with a reference to the socket * @param host is the host on which the TCP or TLS socket resides. This will default to ipc.config.networkHost if not specified * @param port the port on which the TCP or TLS socket resides * @param callback this is the function to execute when the socket has been created */ connectToNet(id: string, hostOrPort: number | string, callback?: () => void): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#disconnect * Used to disconnect a client from a Unix, Windows, TCP or TLS socket. * The socket and its refrence will be removed from memory and the ipc.of scope. * This can be local or remote. UDP clients do not maintain connections and so there are no Clients and this method has no value to them * @param id is the string id of the socket from which to disconnect */ disconnect(id: string): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#serve * Used to create local Unix Socket Server or Windows Socket Server to which Clients can bind. * The server can emit events to specific Client Sockets, or broadcast events to all known Client Sockets * @param path This is the path of the Unix Domain Socket File, if the System is Windows, * this will automatically be converted to an appropriate pipe with the same information as the Unix Domain Socket File. * If not set this will default to ipc.config.socketRoot+ipc.config.appspace+id * @param callback This is a function to be called after the Server has started. * This can also be done by binding an event to the start event like ipc.server.on('start',function(){}); */ serve(path: string, callback?: () => void): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#serve * Used to create local Unix Socket Server or Windows Socket Server to which Clients can bind. * The server can emit events to specific Client Sockets, or broadcast events to all known Client Sockets * @param callback This is a function to be called after the Server has started. * This can also be done by binding an event to the start event like ipc.server.on('start',function(){}); */ serve(callback?: () => void): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#serve * Used to create local Unix Socket Server or Windows Socket Server to which Clients can bind. * The server can emit events to specific Client Sockets, or broadcast events to all known Client Sockets */ serve(callback: null): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#servenet * @param host If not specified this defaults to the first address in os.networkInterfaces(). * For TCP, TLS & UDP servers this is most likely going to be or ::1 * @param port The port on which the TCP, UDP, or TLS Socket server will be bound, this defaults to 8000 if not specified * @param UDPType If set this will create the server as a UDP socket. 'udp4' or 'udp6' are valid values. * This defaults to not being set. When using udp6 make sure to specify a valid IPv6 host, like ::1 * @param callback Function to be called when the server is created */ serveNet(host?: string, port?: number, UDPType?: "udp4" | "udp6", callback?: () => void): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#servenet * @param UDPType If set this will create the server as a UDP socket. 'udp4' or 'udp6' are valid values. * This defaults to not being set. When using udp6 make sure to specify a valid IPv6 host, like ::1 * @param callback Function to be called when the server is created */ serveNet(UDPType: "udp4" | "udp6", callback?: () => void): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#servenet * @param callback Function to be called when the server is created * @param port The port on which the TCP, UDP, or TLS Socket server will be bound, this defaults to 8000 if not specified */ serveNet(callbackOrPort: EmptyCallback | number): void; /** * https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-ipc#servenet * @param host If not specified this defaults to the first address in os.networkInterfaces(). * For TCP, TLS & UDP servers this is most likely going to be or ::1 * @param port The port on which the TCP, UDP, or TLS Socket server will be bound, this defaults to 8000 if not specified * @param callback Function to be called when the server is created */ serveNet(host: string, port: number, callback?: () => void): void; /** * This is where socket connection refrences will be stored when connecting to them as a client via the ipc.connectTo * or iupc.connectToNet. They will be stored based on the ID used to create them, eg : ipc.of.mySocket */ of: any; /** * This is a refrence to the server created by ipc.serve or ipc.serveNet */ server: Server; } type EmptyCallback = () => void; interface Client { /** * triggered when a JSON message is received. The event name will be the type string from your message * and the param will be the data object from your message eg : { type:'myEvent',data:{a:1}} */ on(event: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): Client; /** * triggered when an error has occured */ on(event: "error", callback: (err: any) => void): Client; /** * connect - triggered when socket connected * disconnect - triggered by client when socket has disconnected from server * destroy - triggered when socket has been totally destroyed, no further auto retries will happen and all references are gone */ on(event: "connect" | "disconnect" | "destroy", callback: () => void): Client; /** * triggered by server when a client socket has disconnected */ on(event: "socket.disconnected", callback: (socket: Socket, destroyedSocketID: string) => void): Client; /** * triggered when ipc.config.rawBuffer is true and a message is received */ on(event: "data", callback: (buffer: Buffer) => void): Client; emit(event: string, value?: any): Client; /** * Unbind subscribed events */ off(event: string, handler: any): Client; } interface Server extends Client { /** * start serving need top call serve or serveNet first to set up the server */ start(): void; /** * close the server and stop serving */ stop(): void; emit(value: any): Client; emit(event: string, value: any): Client; emit(socket: Socket | SocketConfig, event: string, value?: any): Server; emit(socketConfig: Socket | SocketConfig, value?: any): Server; broadcast(event: string, value?: any): Client; } interface SocketConfig { address?: string; port?: number; } interface Config { /** * Default: 'app.' * Used for Unix Socket (Unix Domain Socket) namespacing. * If not set specifically, the Unix Domain Socket will combine the socketRoot, appspace, * and id to form the Unix Socket Path for creation or binding. * This is available incase you have many apps running on your system, you may have several sockets with the same id, * but if you change the appspace, you will still have app specic unique sockets */ appspace: string; /** * Default: '/tmp/' * The directory in which to create or bind to a Unix Socket */ socketRoot: string; /** * Default: os.hostname() * The id of this socket or service */ id: string; /** * Default: 'localhost' * The local or remote host on which TCP, TLS or UDP Sockets should connect * Should resolve to or ::1 see the table below related to this */ networkHost: string; /** * Default: 8000 * The default port on which TCP, TLS, or UDP sockets should connect */ networkPort: number; /** * Default: 'utf8' * the default encoding for data sent on sockets. Mostly used if rawBuffer is set to true. * Valid values are : ascii utf8 utf16le ucs2 base64 hex */ encoding: "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf16le" | "ucs2" | "base64" | "hex"; /** * Default: false * If true, data will be sent and received as a raw node Buffer NOT an Object as JSON. * This is great for Binary or hex IPC, and communicating with other processes in languages like C and C++ */ rawBuffer: boolean; /** * Default: false * Synchronous requests. Clients will not send new requests until the server answers */ sync: boolean; /** * Default: false * Turn on/off logging default is false which means logging is on */ silent: boolean; /** * Default: true * Turn on/off util.inspect colors for ipc.log */ logInColor: boolean; /** * Default: 5 * Set the depth for util.inspect during ipc.log */ logDepth: number; /** * Default: console.log * The function which receives the output from ipc.log; should take a single string argument */ logger(msg: string): void; /** * Default: 100 * This is the max number of connections allowed to a socket. It is currently only being set on Unix Sockets. * Other Socket types are using the system defaults */ maxConnections: number; /** * Default: 500 * This is the time in milliseconds a client will wait before trying to reconnect to a server if the connection is lost. * This does not effect UDP sockets since they do not have a client server relationship like Unix Sockets and TCP Sockets */ retry: number; /* */ /** * Default: false * if set, it represents the maximum number of retries after each disconnect before giving up * and completely killing a specific connection */ maxRetries: boolean | number; /** * Default: false * Defaults to false meaning clients will continue to retry to connect to servers indefinitely at the retry interval. * If set to any number the client will stop retrying when that number is exceeded after each disconnect. * If set to true in real time it will immediately stop trying to connect regardless of maxRetries. * If set to 0, the client will NOT try to reconnect */ stopRetrying: boolean; /** * Default: true * Defaults to true meaning that the module will take care of deleting the IPC socket prior to startup. * If you use node-ipc in a clustered environment where there will be multiple listeners on the same socket, * you must set this to false and then take care of deleting the socket in your own code. */ unlink: boolean; /** * Primarily used when specifying which interface a client should connect through. * see the socket.connect documentation in the node.js api https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_socket_connect_options_connectlistener */ interfaces: { /** * Default: false */ localAddress?: boolean; /** * Default: false */ localPort?: boolean; /** * Default: false */ family?: boolean; /** * Default: false */ hints?: boolean; /** * Default: false */ lookup?: boolean; }; tls: { rejectUnauthorized?: boolean; public?: string; private?: string; }; } } declare const RootIPC: NodeIPC.IPC & { IPC: new () => NodeIPC.IPC }; export = RootIPC;